
The "Exhibition of Major Scientific and Technological Achievements in the History of Chinese Science and Technology (Ming and Qing Dynasties)" was grandly opened

The "Exhibition of Major Scientific and Technological Achievements in the History of Chinese Science and Technology (Ming and Qing Dynasties)" was grandly opened

The history of science and technology in China is an extremely important part of the history of science and technology in the world, following the 2019 exhibition "From Primitive Society to the Eastern Han Dynasty" exhibition and the 2020 exhibition "From the Three Kingdoms and Two Jin Dynasties to the Song and Liao Jinyuan" exhibition, the "Exhibition of Major Scientific and Technological Achievements in the History of Chinese Science and Technology (Ming and Qing Dynasties)" was grandly opened on January 20, 2022 in the adjacent exhibition area of the lobby of Dongguan Science and Technology Museum.

The "Exhibition of Major Scientific and Technological Achievements in the History of Chinese Science and Technology (Ming and Qing Dynasties)" was grandly opened

This exhibition mainly displays the scientific and technological achievements from the Ming and Qing dynasties to the late Opium War to the founding of the People's Republic of China, and sets up three theme exhibition areas according to the timeline: the middle and early Ming Dynasties - with the help of Yu Wei, such as the fire and the sun; the ming and Qing dynasties - breaking the tradition, learning from the West and the East; and the late Period of the Opium War - scientific salvation of the country and towards modernity.

The "Exhibition of Major Scientific and Technological Achievements in the History of Chinese Science and Technology (Ming and Qing Dynasties)" was grandly opened

In the early Ming Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, various traditional academic fields flourished, and the exhibition mainly showed the brilliant achievements in mathematics, medicine, architecture, shipbuilding, porcelain making and other fields, as well as various summative works of the centuries. During this period, Cheng Dawei invented the world's first tape measure and wrote the most basic reading book of folk calculations in later generations, "Algorithm Compendium"; Pan Jitao creatively adopted the method of "beaming water and attacking sand" to completely solve the problem of flooding in the Yellow River; the establishment of the theory of wen disease and the invention of human pox vaccination completed the barrier to plague, smallpox and other infectious diseases first; and there were classic masterpieces such as "Tiangong Kaiwu", "Compendium of Materia Medica", and "Xu Xia's Travels".

The "Exhibition of Major Scientific and Technological Achievements in the History of Chinese Science and Technology (Ming and Qing Dynasties)" was grandly opened

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were frequent cultural exchanges between China and the West, and the exhibition mainly showed the background and related events of the emergence of Western learning and eastern learning, as well as the reform of the calendar, mathematics and military systems in this context. It tells the story of Matteo Ricci, the first master of Western learning and Eastern learning; the Kangxi Emperor's promotion of the combination of traditional Chinese science and Western science; the main achievements of Xu Guangqi, a pioneer of modern science, and his famous works such as "Chongzhen Almanac", "Geometric Original" translation, "Complete Book of Agricultural Administration", and "Selection and Practice of Hundred Characters".

The "Exhibition of Major Scientific and Technological Achievements in the History of Chinese Science and Technology (Ming and Qing Dynasties)" was grandly opened

In the later period of the Opium War, with the goal of "mastering the art of mastery and skill to strengthen oneself", the exhibition mainly showed the self-improvement and prosperity of the foreign affairs movement and the difficulty of industrial salvation of the country. During this period, the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau and the Hanyeping Coal and Iron Factory and Mining Company started production; the "Yellow Crane" and "Tianji" were successfully launched and the Beijing-Zhang Railway was completed and opened to traffic. During this period, there were li shanlan, Zheng Fuguang, Zou Boqi, Feng Ru and other scientific and technological workers, who were ordered to light candles in the dark at the time of national crisis and illuminate the path of modern and modern Chinese science.

The "Exhibition of Major Scientific and Technological Achievements in the History of Chinese Science and Technology (Ming and Qing Dynasties)" was grandly opened

This exhibition aims to comprehensively, intuitively and deeply introduce China's scientific and technological achievements in the Ming and Qing dynasties, so that people can see that even in the darkest period of modern nationality, in the context of the decadent feudal system, the prevalence of literary prisons, and the closed country, there are still people who seek up and down for the sake of national prosperity and strength, national rejuvenation, and scientific and technological progress. May the public encourage patriotic enthusiasm in visiting and learning from the CPC, share their love for science and technology, and contribute our own strength to the early realization of great national rejuvenation!

The "Exhibition of Major Scientific and Technological Achievements in the History of Chinese Science and Technology (Ming and Qing Dynasties)" was grandly opened

Exhibition time

January 20 - July 30, 2022

(Update as needed)

Opening hours

Every Tuesday to Sunday 9:30-17:30

(Closed on Mondays, excluding holidays)

Exhibition venue

Dongguan Science and Technology Museum Lobby Adjacent Exhibition Area

Exhibition fees



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