
Enhanced new track layout! These industries in Shanghai will have big moves this year

Enhanced new track layout! These industries in Shanghai will have big moves this year

Jiefang Daily, Shangguan News reporters Wang Xianle, Gu Jie, Zhou Chengyi, Zhu Min, Meng Qunshu

The Sixth Session of the 15th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress opened this morning at the World Expo Center. Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng made a "Government Work Report".

Gong Zheng said that this year, we will make every effort to promote the "Shanghai Plan" of the three major industries of integrated circuits, biomedicine and artificial intelligence, accelerate the cultivation and expansion of new momentum for development, and strengthen the layout of new tracks and terminals.

He said that Shanghai will focus on enhancing the independent innovation ability of the integrated circuit industry, implementing a strong chain solid chain plan for domestic equipment, parts, materials, design software and other complementary chains; improving the coordination level of the biomedical industry chain, and promoting the research and development and industrialization of innovative drugs and high-end medical devices.

Shanghai will also promote the in-depth empowerment of artificial intelligence to the real economy and implement a new generation of artificial intelligence algorithm innovation actions.

At the same time, the report pointed out that Shanghai will aim at the high-end and core links of the industrial chain, launch a number of industrial base reconstruction projects, promote the innovative development of intelligent vehicles and the demonstration application of fuel cell vehicles, expand the market-oriented application of advanced materials such as carbon fiber and its composite materials, lay out major projects of high-end equipment such as electronic information and civil aviation, space information, and marine engineering, and accelerate the construction of life and health, fashion consumer goods and other characteristic industrial agglomeration areas.

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