
Firefox Relay's privacy email relay domain name was pulled into the "blacklist" and caused strong dissatisfaction among netizens


Mozilla launched an email privacy relay service called "Firefox Relay" in November 2021, but recently, a one-time email service "blacklist" maintainer decided to add Firefox Relay to it, which caused strong dissatisfaction among users. Firefox Relay is designed to help users protect their privacy and limit the amount of targeted spam.

Firefox Relay's privacy email relay domain name was pulled into the "blacklist" and caused strong dissatisfaction among netizens

(From Mozilla)

As a service that hides users' real email addresses, Firefox Relay offers both free and value-added versions.

The principle is to provide a temporary transit email address to 'relay' the mail to the real receiving address.

Users who sign up for Firefox Relay are assigned an @* email alias.

Firefox Relay's privacy email relay domain name was pulled into the "blacklist" and caused strong dissatisfaction among netizens

Firefox Relay uses domain name

For example, a one-time email service frees users from worrying about signing in to a free Wi-Fi portal that must be mandatorily registered for an email address.

Free Wi-Fi access services, on the other hand, send marketing emails to users so they don't sit idly by and watch their (effective advertising) interests suffer.

At the same time, some third parties are responsible for compiling and maintaining domain blacklists of such email services for reference by online service providers from time to time (such as declining account registration).

Firefox Relay's privacy email relay domain name was pulled into the "blacklist" and caused strong dissatisfaction among netizens

New commit screenshot (from: GitHub)

As Bleeping Computer saw today, service providers such as 10minutemail, GuerrillaMail, and Mailinator have been blacklisted in the "disposable-email-domains" list in the GitHub repository.

We don't know how many service providers have referenced this list, but * has not yet been seen in the list.

However, as early as November 2021, the Firefox Relay team had submitted a takedown request to the "burner-email-providers" list maintainers.

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