
I've been looking for you for so long, and you sold it!" The post-00s boy was abandoned twice

author:Dawei lawyer

I've been looking for you for so long, and you sold it!" The post-00s boy was abandoned twice

Two months ago, Liu Xuezhou, a boy after 00, inadvertently saw the touching picture of Sun Zhuo finding his biological parents on the Internet, which for a time aroused his desire for his own parents, and he thought that the parents in the world were like Sun Haiyang and his wife, and they did not hesitate to pay everything in order to find their children.

I've been looking for you for so long, and you sold it!" The post-00s boy was abandoned twice

Liu Xuezhou was moved, since the death of his adoptive parents at the age of 4, Liu Xuezhou has been living a life under the fence, his only expectation for life is to find his own biological parents, have his own home, can proudly tell his friends that he also has biological parents! There are also moms and dads.

I've been looking for you for so long, and you sold it!" The post-00s boy was abandoned twice

Everything went surprisingly smoothly, from Liu Xuezhou released the news of the search to find his biological parents, it took only a month, but fate is always so tricky, wait until Liu Xuezhou found his own biological parents, only to know the helplessness of reality and the cruelty of the truth, it turned out that it was precisely because of his own biological parents that he became an adopted son, resulting in a life under the fence, because he was sold by his own parents.

I've been looking for you for so long, and you sold it!" The post-00s boy was abandoned twice

In order to repay the dowry money of his grandmother and grandfather, his parents sold themselves fiercely after Liu Xuezhou was born: "I have been looking for you for so long, it turned out that I was sold by your own hands, is the dowry more important than me?" And now the parents have long been divorced and started their own families, facing the return of Liu Xuezhou and both sides are pregnant with ghost fetuses, thinking about how to push back this hot potato, and his own mother has also blackened Liu Xuezhou, and even scolded him as a white-eyed wolf.

I've been looking for you for so long, and you sold it!" The post-00s boy was abandoned twice

Lawyer Dawei believes that the bride price is a folk custom that should indeed be respected and understood, but for the sake of folk customs to break the law, that is the behavior of the ignorant, child abduction is a crime, even if selling his own biological children still constitutes a crime, need to bear criminal responsibility, and now the underage Liu Xuezhou found his parents but was abandoned twice, and his biological parents are suspected of constituting the crime of abandonment. In this regard, Lawyer Dawei believes that Liu Xuezhou can fully file a lawsuit with the law to protect his personal rights.

I've been looking for you for so long, and you sold it!" The post-00s boy was abandoned twice

However, filing a lawsuit against his own biological parents is too cruel for an underage boy with a painful upbringing, how will things develop next? Let's hope fate gives him some luck.

I am a lawyer and I am very beneficial to you.

Editor of this issue: Professor Du

Image source: Network (illustrative only)

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