
Keanna was blown up by the "one-night stand in marriage" ØZI and hit back head-on: there was no agent before

author:ETtoday Starlight Cloud

Reporter Cai Yifang/Comprehensive Report

Xie Chord's ex-wife Keanna recently blew herself up in an ambiguous flirtatious conversation with singer ØZI, pointing out that they "once had a relationship", and on the 19th, a person claiming to be a former agent revealed that she had a "one-night marital stand" relationship with ØZI, Keanna hit back and said: "There was no agent at that time." Denial of the breaking news content.

Keanna was blown up by the "one-night stand in marriage" ØZI and hit back head-on: there was no agent before

Keanna blew herself up and "once had a relationship" with ØZI. (Photo/ Photo by Keanna, ØZI IG)

Keanna was revealed to be a one-night stand with ØZI on the 19th, but Keanna responded to "ETTV New Media ETtoday" that she did not have an agent before and did not know who the so-called "former agent" was, and also stressed that she knew ØZI before the divorce, but there was no intimate relationship at that time, and the time of communication was when she was single in October 2020, denying the revelation of marital infidelity.

Keanna shouted to ØZI's agent on the morning of the 19th, hoping that the other party could put aside his personal hostility toward her, communicate well and stop the bleeding, and said: "We have tried to contact, but the response is still ignored, the agent has time to "lie" with the reporter, I think ØZI may be banned." He also helplessly said: "I really beg you to put things to rest together, don't let the silence lead to netizens continue to speculate, attack and brain supplement the plot, trouble, thank you."

Keanna was blown up by the "one-night stand in marriage" ØZI and hit back head-on: there was no agent before

Xie Hexian has expressed his views on the incident between his ex-wife and ØZI. (Photo/Photo from Facebook/Xie Chord)

In response to Keanna's remarks, ØZI's agent told ETtoday Entertainment Star Cloud that she has not received any contact so far, "There have been many calls in recent days, I have missed calls, but I don't know which one her phone is, and I have not received any messages." Even more helplessly, he said, "I didn't know what to respond to from beginning to end." As for Keanna's speculation that ØZI was given a "gag order," ØZI's agent said: "The company doesn't have a so-called gag order, and it doesn't know how to shut a person's mouth." In addition, ØZI's sex film with his ex-girlfriend leaked out yesterday (18th), and the agent said: "It should call the police, but these 2 days of work are busy, there is no gap, and it is still being arranged."

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