
"Jungle Naked Heart": See the brilliance of humanity from a dog that has wandered into the wild

author:A city in the sky in the wilderness

In this world, there are many animals that are deeply loved by humans, not only because they are cute or likable, but most importantly, they often show a "human" side - strong understanding, gratitude, loyalty and so on. Having them by our company can make our lives happier, warmer and more fulfilling.

This is probably why more and more people like to keep pets.

If pet owners were asked to talk about the heartwarming and touching things their pets have done, I believe there will be many stories to share, and one director chose to make a movie based on his dog Bangui.

"Jungle Naked Heart": See the brilliance of humanity from a dog that has wandered into the wild

Today I will talk about this film.

In the mid-70s, in the United States, on a stormy night, a dog named Banji disappeared.

When its owner was successfully rescued, he revealed the news of Banji's disappearance to everyone, and tearfully told the media who came to interview him that he was very anxious at this time, and also said that he would follow the rescue plane to search for Banji early tomorrow morning.

Banji was a well-known star dog in the United States at that time, and after making many movies, it was very spiritual and cute, so it has always been deeply loved by everyone.

Its disappearance quickly attracted people's attention, and everyone's mood was the same as that of its owner - full of anxiety, after all, a small dog fell into the sea, and the sea at this time was high and dark, and the chances of survival were not optimistic.

However, everyone was as worried and hopeful as The Owner of Bangui, expecting good news after dawn.

At this point, the cute little Bangui is not dead, it was washed away by the waves to a small island.

When it was washed up on the beach, it immediately threw off its body full of water, walked toward the higher part of the island, and then found a place to rest in the grass.

The next day, as the sun shone on it, it opened its eyes and suddenly heard two gunshots. It immediately got up and looked around alertly, and soon it noticed a cougar not far away. Just as it was about to say hello, the cougar was shot to the ground by a hunter who was not far away.

Bangui immediately stepped forward and tried to drag the mountain lion to safety, but he couldn't do it at all.

At this time the hunter came, saw it, and gave it a loud cry, frightening it into fleeing.

The cougar's encounter made Bangui aware of the dangers of his environment, so it didn't stay long before getting up and continuing to walk.

It walks along a wetland full of vines, looking for food and a way home.

"Jungle Naked Heart": See the brilliance of humanity from a dog that has wandered into the wild

At the same time, its owner also took a rescue plane to the island where it was located.

Not long after, the rescue plane flew over Bangui's place, and Banji immediately flew to chase and shout at the plane, but unfortunately its small figure was covered by tall branches, and the distance was a little far, and the sound could not reach its owner at all, so it had to watch the rescue plane fly away.

It was sad and lost when it suddenly heard the sound of small animals not far away, and it walked toward the place. In a small boulder pile, it saw four small cougars, who were screaming with hunger.

"Jungle Naked Heart": See the brilliance of humanity from a dog that has wandered into the wild

Bangui understood—it was the child of the mountain lion that had just been hunted by the hunters.

They didn't know that their mother had been killed by the hunter's gun, and when they saw that it was Bangui coming, their eyes were filled with fear, but perhaps they also realized that their mother was gone, so they all looked at Bangui with tears in their eyes.

Banji suddenly softened his heart and immediately turned to find food for them. But when it took a few steps to look back, it saw that a small mountain lion had climbed out of the cave and was planning to go outside.

"Jungle Naked Heart": See the brilliance of humanity from a dog that has wandered into the wild

Banji immediately turned and ran back to grab it back into the nest and gave them a few loud roars, warning them not to run outside because it was dangerous outside.

Then, he saw some wild fruits not far away, so he picked some wild fruits for them.

However, they were not interested in wild fruits, and when they were hungry, they all staggered out of the nest.

Bangui had no choice but to go after a hare.

It had hunted down the hare, but when it saw the hare looking at it with sadness and helplessness, it softened its heart, could not bite it, and had to turn away.

But the four little cougars couldn't eat without eating, so Bangui continued to look for food.

As he walked, he smelled the aroma of roast chicken, followed the scent to the hunter's house, and while the hunter was in the house, he picked up a chicken hanging from the rope and ran.

When the hunters heard the noise and came out to see, they only saw Banji's fleeing figure, but they couldn't catch up.

"Jungle Naked Heart": See the brilliance of humanity from a dog that has wandered into the wild

In this way, the four hungry little cougars held the chicken and feasted, but Banji, who was also hungry and powerless, chose to eat wild fruits on the side to fill his hunger.

This scene is more like the scene of the mother leaving all the delicious food to the child, and only looking for something to make a living.

That night, an eagle foraging everywhere stopped above the little cougar's nest, and Bangui was so nervous that he barked desperately at it, warning it not to go near the little cougar.

The eagle observed for a moment, probably feeling that the timing was wrong, and left.

Banji had been guarding the nest of cougars all night, and when it was dawn, hungry and tired, it wanted to rest, and saw a small cougar crawling outside the nest.

It realized that they were hungry again.

Banji then went to grab a pile of stones to raise the nest of the little mountain lions so that they could not climb out, and then went to the hunter's house again to find food.

This time, it saw a chicken hanging from the door of the hunter's house.

Just as it was climbing up the high pyre to reach the chicken, the hunter came out, and the latter grabbed it and tied it to the root of a large tree with a rope.

"Jungle Naked Heart": See the brilliance of humanity from a dog that has wandered into the wild

Bangui had to repeatedly look for a way to break free. It found the rope too thick for it to break free. The knot of the rope is a dead knot, and it cannot be opened at all. It watched helplessly as the sky darkened little by little, thinking of the four mountain lions who were still hungry, and its heart was extremely anxious.

It tried again and again, and finally got inspiration from the fire in front of the house, so it walked around the fire, thinking that the fire would burn its rope. Helplessly, something was around the fire, and the rope could not reach the fire, so it had to lie down next to the fire and continue to think of a way.

At this time, a big bad wolf came from the jungle and tried to steal the chicken that the hunter was hanging in the doorway, but just when he wanted to come closer and steal the chicken, Banji barked at it and pounced on it at the same time.

It tripped over what was surrounding the fire and alarmed the hunters in the house. The hunter immediately raised his gun and came out to check it out, and found that the big bad wolf had run away, and Bangui's rope was wrapped around a pile of sticks and chairs.

To untie the rope that Bangui had wrapped around the pile of things, Henji had to untie Bangui first, so the hunter set aside the untied Bangui and continued to untie the part that was wrapped around the chair.

Banji took away the hanging chicken with lightning speed.

This time the hunter did not chase him out, but smiled with admiration.

As Banji ran back with his chicken and was about to reach the little cougar's nest, he saw a lioness not far away.

This is the same kind of four small ones, if you can give the four small ones to it, Banji can safely hurry.

So Banji immediately put down the chicken and walked toward the lioness, and constantly signaled the lioness to follow her.

Helplessly, the lioness did not understand What Banji meant, but thought that Bangui wanted to be friends with it, so the lioness impatiently drove Banji away. The lioness then left in the other direction.

Banji saw that he could not lead the lioness to the little cougar, so he had to take the little mountain lion to find the lioness.

In this way, Banji hurried back to the nest of the little mountain lion, carried them across the river one by one, and then led them in the direction where the lioness had left.

"Jungle Naked Heart": See the brilliance of humanity from a dog that has wandered into the wild

Just then, the rescue plane in which Bangui's master was flying in its direction again, this time, there were not too many trees in its place, and it flew very low, so that as long as Bangui barked at the plane, they would be able to hear it.

But at this time, Banji hesitated, because he needed to help the four little mountain lions find the lioness, and only by handing them over to the lioness and letting them get the care of the same kind could it leave with confidence.

So, Bangui still silently lowered himself, silently, watched the rescue plane fly away, and then continued to take the four little cougars to find the lioness.

"Jungle Naked Heart": See the brilliance of humanity from a dog that has wandered into the wild

As he walked, when Bangui looked back at the little cougars, he saw that there were only three left, which made it worse, and immediately turned back to the same road to find them.

But it was also very uneasy to abandon these three, so after several psychological struggles, he still took these three small ones back to find the one.

Not long after, Bangui saw the mischievous little mountain lion, who was trying to catch a frog.

Banji finally put his mind at ease and immediately took the four small ones and turned in the direction of the lioness.

What it didn't expect was that the big bad wolf that had fought with it was now watching them on the hillside not far away.

"Jungle Naked Heart": See the brilliance of humanity from a dog that has wandered into the wild

As Bangui led the four small ones over a cliff, rescue planes flew over it again. It looked at the little lions in front of it, knew that its task was not yet complete, and had to give up the opportunity to let them find themselves again.

At nightfall, the forest was eerily quiet, and Banji did not dare to sleep for a moment, watching his surroundings warily.

First the eagle flew in and stopped at a branch not far away to inspect. Bangui immediately issued a warning towards its place.

Not long after, the eagle flew away, and a fox came over, and Bangui barked desperately at it, and it had to run away in ashes.

When the day finally came, Banji continued to hurry with the four small ones, and suddenly, seeing a huge brown bear under a large tree, Banji immediately let the four small ones hide in the bushes.

Helplessly, the most naughty one walked straight out and went to the back of the brown bear and shouted at the brown bear. The brown bear was furious and immediately pounced on it. Banji hurriedly protected the little mountain lion behind him, and then led the brown bear to chase it. When it had led the brown bear far away, it would go back to the four cubs.

This time, when he encountered the four small tigers, Banji lured it away, all the way to the brown bear, so that the two of them could fight.

And it continued to take the four small ones on the road.

At a riverside, Bangui saw the lioness again, resting on her side under the roots of a tree on the other side of the river, and Bangui immediately chased after it with four small ones.

At this time, the rescue plane flew in its direction again, and its owner got off the plane, looking for it nearby and calling its name.

Banji thought that he had not yet sent the four little ones to the lioness, so he chose to hide in the woods again to prevent his master from finding him.

"Jungle Naked Heart": See the brilliance of humanity from a dog that has wandered into the wild

Not long after, Bangui's owner flew away in a plane because he couldn't find Bangui. Bangui looked at the direction the plane was going in a daze. It didn't know if the plane would ever come back again. If the plane never returns, it will have little chance of seeing its owner again.

Just as it was in a daze, an eagle flew from the sky, flew toward one of the four small ones, picked it up and left.

Banji hurried to catch up, but the eagle had already flown away and could not catch up.

When the eagle returned to catch the little cougar again, Bangui made a lot of trouble with it, and finally the eagle lost and flew away.

Now, there are only three small mountain lions left.

Banji didn't let himself be hurt for too long, and immediately led the three small ones to the road.

On the way, they encountered a large yellow leopard, Banji hurriedly ran to lead it away, but unexpectedly ran and slipped on the edge of the cliff, seeing that it was about to fall off the cliff, it desperately grabbed the stone to prevent its body from slipping, and then climbed up little by little, and finally climbed up.

When it looked back, it couldn't help but be so shocked that it didn't dare to take a bite - obedient, this place is too dangerous!

"Jungle Naked Heart": See the brilliance of humanity from a dog that has wandered into the wild

It remembered this dangerous place in its heart and warned itself not to take the three little ones in this direction.

When it went back to pick up the three little ones, it found that the big bad wolf was preparing to attack the three little ones, and it immediately went forward to deliberately provoke the big bad wolf, and then led the big bad wolf to run after it. Finally, it lures the big bad wolf to the cliff where it almost fell.

Because the big bad wolf ran so fast, he couldn't stop himself when he reached the edge of the cliff, so he fell off the cliff.

At this point, the three smallest enemies were gone.

Banji walked and walked to the edge of a cliff, and at this moment he found the lioness on the other side of the cliff.

In order to join the lioness as soon as possible, Banji blocked one of the two roads with a branch, and then, one by one, it climbed the three small ones up the high cliff.

"Jungle Naked Heart": See the brilliance of humanity from a dog that has wandered into the wild

After doing this, Bangui was exhausted and lay weakly on the grass, trying to catch his breath.

At this moment, the lioness appeared, and Banji immediately stood up and looked at it, as if to say, "There are three little children here who need your care." ”

The lioness looked at Bangui, then at the three little cougars, hesitated and turned away, and Bangui immediately took a few steps forward, his eyes full of pleading.

The lioness finally turned around again, approached the three little ones, sniffed them, and lay down to breastfeed them.

"Jungle Naked Heart": See the brilliance of humanity from a dog that has wandered into the wild

Banji knew that his mission was complete and slowly left.

A few steps out, it looked back at them, confirmed again that the three were safe now, and continued to walk reluctantly.

I am very touched every time I watch this scene.

"Jungle Naked Heart": See the brilliance of humanity from a dog that has wandered into the wild

Banji was so tired that it didn't go far before it stopped again and curled up on the ground to rest.

At this time, the rescue plane once again flew in its direction...

"Jungle Naked Heart": See the brilliance of humanity from a dog that has wandered into the wild

That's the end of the story, and we know that this time Bangui won't miss the chance to meet its owner.

It's a very heartwarming, touching and beautiful film, and Bangui's eyes often reveal human-like feelings that make people impressed. In order to help those mountain lions find their kind, it did not hesitate to fight with animals that were much larger and more powerful than itself several times, and showed its extraordinary courage and responsibility, as well as the great love across species.

When it deliberately misses the opportunity to be discovered by its owner again and again, and shows the brilliance of human nature, its realm can even be said to be not inferior to human beings.

And its soft and cute appearance makes its image so amiable and credible, easily cute everyone's heart.

The dog' original name was Benji, and he was the dog of director Joe Camp and had acted in several films featuring him.

It can be seen how much the director loves it.

As depicted in this film, Bangui is also a star dog in real life, widely loved by the public.

"Jungle Naked Heart": See the brilliance of humanity from a dog that has wandered into the wild

It is conceivable how difficult it is to make films with animals as the protagonists, especially in the wild, where the environment is so complex and harsh, so I admire the director's shooting methods and narrative methods.

The film was funded by Disney and, although it seems a little rough now, was definitely excellent at the time. Immediately after being introduced to China, it received wide acclaim, scoring 9.1 on Douban, more than most films.

"Jungle Naked Heart": See the brilliance of humanity from a dog that has wandered into the wild

By the way, the opening song of the film is good to hear, "Too Many Yesterdays" sung by Guy Hovis, and everyone can listen to it if you are interested.

[This article is original by the author, plagiarism is strictly prohibited, reprinting needs to note the author's name and the source of the article, violators will be investigated]

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