
The "plaques" in the blood vessels can shrink or even disappear! The Journal of the American College of Cardiology summarizes the new policy

author:Life Times
The "plaques" in the blood vessels can shrink or even disappear! The Journal of the American College of Cardiology summarizes the new policy

Arterial plaques are like illegal buildings in blood vessels, causing narrowing of blood vessels, affecting blood supply, and if they fall off and become thrombosis, they can also lead to serious cardiovascular events such as myocardial infarction or cerebral infarction.

The appearance of mild plaque is a natural aging phenomenon, just like the water pipe will deposit scale after a long time, and the carotid artery plaque detection rate of middle-aged and elderly people in mainland China in ultrasonography exceeds 50%.

Can arteries shrink after they have plaque?

The answer is: Yes.

The "plaques" in the blood vessels can shrink or even disappear! The Journal of the American College of Cardiology summarizes the new policy

The Life Times, combined with a review in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, teaches you the science of reversing atherosclerosis, making plaques smaller or even disappearing.

Experts interviewed

Liu Fang, Deputy Director of the Second Ward of the Department of Cardiology, Aviation General Hospital of China Medical University

Guo Yifang, Director of Geriatrics Discipline of Hebei Provincial People's Hospital

Zhang Yan, deputy chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University

Plaque, which has the opportunity to become smaller and resolve

Eighty percent of stroke patients over the age of 45 have carotid plaque.

The "plaques" in the blood vessels can shrink or even disappear! The Journal of the American College of Cardiology summarizes the new policy

The site of the common carotid artery bifurcation has slow and turbulent blood flow, which is the most likely to form atherosclerotic plaques, and if atherosclerosis is detected in the carotid artery, the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular atherosclerosis may be more serious.

Active intervention when arterial stenosis does not exceed 50%, and plaque may be reversed or even subsided.

Cholesterol is the main "raw material" for the formation of arterial plaques, and if the cholesterol decrease is large enough and the level is low enough, the plaque that has been formed may shrink or even disappear.

A foreign study found that if LDL cholesterol is reduced by 53%, 78% of patients' plaques have been reversed.

Hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia are all important factors in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, and controlling the three highs within a reasonable range under the guidance of doctors is also conducive to controlling plaque development.

4 ways to shrink plaque in blood vessels

Recently, a review in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology summarized novel treatment strategies that may reverse atherosclerotic plaque.

The "plaques" in the blood vessels can shrink or even disappear! The Journal of the American College of Cardiology summarizes the new policy

Control total heat

Three more and three less

Excessive caloric intake and excessive intake of high-fat foods have a significant impact on cardiovascular risk.

  • Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, it is recommended to eat enough 1 kg of vegetables and half a kg of fruit every day, ingest 8 to 10 kinds of vegetables per week, garlic, broccoli, spinach, carrots, peas are preferred.
  • Eat more whole grains, whole grains, oats, beans are rich in soluble dietary fiber, can reduce the amount of cholesterol absorbed by the blood. If the teeth are not good or there is a stomach problem, you can take 10 to 20 grams of ultra-fine wheat bran powder, inulin and so on every day.
  • Eat more deep-sea fish, sardines, salmon, tuna and other deep-sea fish and their fish oil is rich in EPA and DHA, is an important source of omega-3 fatty acids, eat two or three times a week is appropriate, it is best to steam.
  • Eat less high-fat foods such as fatty meat, animal offal, eat less salt and sugar, strictly control total calories, and avoid overweight and obesity.


150 minutes per week

Exercise is an effective intervention in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular events, and one post-mortem analysis showed that plaque regression was more pronounced in patients with larger exercise.

Choose the sport that suits you, regularly, in moderation, and step by step. Generally, moderate-intensity aerobic exercise is appropriate, about 30 to 50 minutes each time, 3 to 5 times a week.

Quit smoking

Keep away from second-hand smoke

Smoking is a risk factor for ischemic events, subclinical arteriosclerosis, and coronary artery calcification, and the atherosclerosis index decreases with longer cessation.

In life, we should try not to smoke and stay away from second-hand smoke.


Lower the "three highs"

If after lifestyle intervention, low-density cholesterol, blood glucose, etc. are still not up to standard, or those who have atherosclerotic disease, must follow the doctor's instructions for drug treatment.

Every day one changes the blood vessels younger

Atherosclerosis should be prevented from childhood, and it is recommended to stick to a small change every day, persevere, and turn good habits into a lifestyle.

The "plaques" in the blood vessels can shrink or even disappear! The Journal of the American College of Cardiology summarizes the new policy

early morning

Measure body weight

Weigh yourself every morning and record it, if you find that the fluctuations are too large or excessive, be sure to pay attention to it, and develop an exercise and diet plan as soon as possible to take action.


Eat enough food categories 4

A nutritious breakfast generally includes 4 types of food: cereals, mainly carbohydrate-rich foods, such as porridge, bread, etc., which can provide energy for the body; animal poultry and egg foods, mainly to supply protein, are the main source of essential amino acids; fresh fruits and vegetables, mainly to supply inorganic salts and vitamins; milk and soy products, mainly to provide calcium, and rich in a variety of nutrients.


Walk or ride

Compared with non-active commuters (driving or riding), people who walk have a 10% lower risk of ischemic heart disease, a 19% lower risk for cyclists, and an 8% lower risk of ischemic stroke.

When commuting is short and the air is good, it is best to walk or cycle to work.

During work

1 hour exercise for 5 minutes

Set a few alarms at work and get up every hour to do stretching or squatting exercises.


Eat more dark foods

In three meals a day, lunch should provide the human body with the most energy and nutrients, which is important for replenishing physical and mental strength. A full-point lunch should contain a variety of colors, different colors of grains, red poultry and fish, white eggs and milk, dark green or orange vegetables.


Walk slowly for half an hour

After lunch, you can go for a walk in a place with the sun, which not only helps digest food, but also promotes calcium absorption and prevents osteoporosis.

afternoon tea

Eat apples or yogurt

Coming to a cup of yogurt and eating an apple around 4 p.m. not only helps to boost the spirits, but also prevents low blood sugar.


Leave a chance to walk

After work, go to a park near your home, or get off the bus two stops early and walk home, and make sure to walk 4 times a day for 10 minutes each time, which will help stabilize your blood pressure.


Eat early

The European Heart Society released a study showing that the later you eat dinner, the higher the chance of stroke; eating early, ensuring that the meal time and bedtime interval of more than 60 to 70 minutes, the chance of stroke can be reduced by 66%. Dinner should be light. ▲

Editor: Jie Zhang

Copyright notice: This article is the original of Life Times, and unauthorized reproduction is refused.

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