
iPhone13 won the first place in China's sales, why do you support domestic production with your mouth, but use your actions to buy Apple?

iPhone13 won the first place in China's sales, why do you support domestic production with your mouth, but use your actions to buy Apple?

Text/Dong Review/Zi Yang Correction/Zhi Qiu

Apple's flagship new machine, the iPhone 13 series released in the fall of 2021, can be described as the product with the highest traffic and popularity among Apple's iPhone products in recent years.

Before the release of the iPhone13, the industry's discussions about the iPhone13 have emerged in an endless stream, and consumers are also very curious about whether the iPhone13 can achieve "thirteen spices";

After the release of the iPhone13, with the law of true fragrance, a group of fruit fans felt a series of surprises, but also with excellent performance and considerable sales, continued to dominate the major lists, so that consumers can see the true strength of the iPhone13.

iPhone13 won the first place in China's sales, why do you support domestic production with your mouth, but use your actions to buy Apple?

The iPhone13 won the first place in the Chinese mobile phone market

On January 14, Counterpoint Research released the latest "China Smartphone Weekly Tracking Report" showing that in the Chinese market, Apple has maintained the first place in smartphone sales and revenue for 6 consecutive weeks. Especially after the release of the iPhone 13, Apple is far ahead of the Chinese smartphone sales market.

As early as October 2021, the data released by CINNO Research has shown that with the advantages of the release of the iPhone 13 series, in October 2021, Apple won 6.5 million units in the Chinese market, accounting for 22% of the market share, and won the sales champion in the Chinese smartphone market.

iPhone13 won the first place in China's sales, why do you support domestic production with your mouth, but use your actions to buy Apple?

You know, the last time Apple sat on the top spot in China's smartphone sales was in December 2015.

In fact, the best-selling iPhone 13 series has become an indisputable fact. At the beginning of the release of the iPhone13, there was a grand situation of "one machine is difficult to find" on a number of e-commerce platforms in China; in 2021, the double eleven and double twelve, Apple's iPhone 13 is ranked first in the Jingdong sales list.

iPhone13 won the first place in China's sales, why do you support domestic production with your mouth, but use your actions to buy Apple?

Why do Chinese people verbally support domestic production, but use actions to buy apples?

Apple's iPhone 13 dominates the Chinese smartphone market, and many domestic consumers begin to have such questions: when Huawei's chip supply is blocked because of the unequal treatment of the United States, the Chinese people are not only angry, but also shout out the slogan of supporting domestic production.

However, from the current situation, support for domestic production has undoubtedly become a slogan, but in fact, apple's iPhone sales performance has been singing all the way. Therefore, why do Chinese people talk about supporting domestic production, but use actions to buy apples?

The author believes that the best-selling Apple iPhone series in the Chinese smartphone market is based on the strong chip analysis ability and excellent ecology of Apple's iPhone products, which is an incomparable advantage for domestic mobile phones.

Taking the iPhone13 as an example, after the release of the iPhone13, it can continue to dominate the sales list, in addition to the improvement of the hardware configuration and its own system ecology and performance advantages, the price is also more close to the people, naturally for a kind of consumers, it has a very high attractiveness.

iPhone13 won the first place in China's sales, why do you support domestic production with your mouth, but use your actions to buy Apple?

How should domestic production counterattack?

Of course, domestic consumers are not blindly "mouth hi patriotic", in the shouting out of the "support for domestic" slogan, indeed to a certain extent, the eyes on the domestic smart flagship mobile phone.

However, although domestic smartphone manufacturers such as Xiaomi, OPPO, vivo and Glory continue to sprint to the high end and successively launch a number of high-end flagship products, the fact is that the domestic flagship machine has achieved the ultimate in imaging system, high refresh rate, fast charging and even large-capacity batteries, but there is still a large gap compared with Apple's iPhone in terms of product influence and brand premium.

In addition, Apple's unique competitive advantage in the processor performance and system of iPhone products is not something that domestic smartphone manufacturers can surpass for a while and a half.

iPhone13 won the first place in China's sales, why do you support domestic production with your mouth, but use your actions to buy Apple?

Write at the end

Therefore, for the domestic mobile phone manufacturers who continue to shout out the slogan of "benchmarking Apple", they want to compete with Apple on the same stage, and they must have a comprehensive layout in product design, mobile phone performance, ecological construction and marketing.

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