
The Bund of Xuzhou continues the urban context and emits the fragrance of urban books

Modern Express News (reporter Zhang Xiaopei) Xuzhou is a place where the cultures of the north and the south blend and gather. In this land, he has interpreted the epic war of the Wind and Clouds and the Jingo Iron Horse; and also witnessed the heroic journey of heroes and vicissitudes.

The long river of history has left the city with too many rich and dignified immortal chapters that will last for future generations. Xuzhou is not only a modern city with historical memory, regional characteristics, era characteristics and personality charm, but also a cultural city with deep cultural roots, continuous cultural veins and prosperous cultural transportation.

In the report of the 13th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Xuzhou, it is proposed that in the next five years, Xuzhou will "strengthen the protection of the urban cultural context, build a cultural axis that runs through the north and south of the main urban area, and highlight the characteristic cultural style."

Where is the context of the city? There are many answers to this question: in ancient buildings, in ancient books, in stories that have been passed down through the ages, or in a river that runs through the city...

A former Yellow River, the origin of a city's cultural context

Standing by the old Yellow River that runs through the city, people can't help but think of the story of Su Shi, a great writer, who fought floods and provided disaster relief in Xuzhou a thousand years ago.

In 1077 AD, the Northern Song Dynasty was in the 10th year of Xining. At this time, although the Yellow River was still 117 years away from capturing Sisi and then diverting its course to flow through Xuzhou, this great river had already shown its might, and it broke through the mouth of Liaoyuan (present-day Puyang, Henan) 300 kilometers away, and the flood flooded Haohao Tangtang, affecting Xuzhou, and the city was in heavy rain for several days, and the water level was high, and it was in danger.

Witnessing the roaring flood and the tragic situation of the collapse of the hut, Su Shi personally led the entire city's military and civilians to fight day and night, rushing to rescue the people, and built a southeast flood control embankment with a length of 948 zhang, a height of 10 zhang, and a width of 2 zhang, and at the same time raised the city wall, thickened the foundation of the wall, and the lives and properties of the people of the city were preserved.

When the flood receded and the Yellow Tower was completed, Su Shi wrote a poem "Nine Days of the Yellow House" to celebrate: "Last year, Chongyang could not be said, and the southern city was half a thousand at night. The water thundered under the city, and the mud filled the city with rain and slippery. No one asked about the yellow flower and white wine, and the sun returned to wash the boots and socks. ”

Because of this experience, Su Shi and his younger brother Su Rui left dozens of classic works that have been passed down for hundreds of generations in Xuzhou. The Yellow River has thus become the origin of Xuzhou's cultural context.

Where the river curve is located, the cultural gathering place of a city

Rivers, as a kind of landform, studying its formation process is of great significance to local water conservancy, transportation, industrial and agricultural production and town construction.

In the southeast of the main city of Xuzhou, the Yellow River turns from south to north and turns a big bend. The place where the river curves is the location of the Bund of Country Garden Yunlu, which is also the origin of the "Xuzhou Bund", which is adjacent to the bend of the big river.

Li Chunlei, a famous archaeologist and cultural scholar in Xuzhou, said that most of the places where Fanhequ is located have a broad field of vision and a collection of cultures. The Bund, from ancient times to the present, has been a place of cultural and commercial convergence and exchange.

"As a famous historical and cultural city, Xuzhou has a long history and profound cultural heritage. According to the government's positioning, the Positioning of the Bund of Xuzhou is the Central Vitality Zone. Li Chunlei said that the Country Garden Yunlu Bund and other sections located in the Daguozhuang area will surely be the most active and valuable area in the main urban area of Xuzhou and even the Huaihai Economic Zone. The future will be full of vitality and vitality.

In the process of urban renewal, the urban context is a "gold mine" that can be deeply excavated. The Bund of Country Garden Inherits the Cultural Background of the Yellow River's Hometown Road.

In the impression of many people, books, history, culture and real estate, marketing, it is difficult to link together. But country garden Yunlu Bund, located in the bend of the Yellow River, has done it: floor-to-ceiling wooden bookshelves, colorful children's painting backgrounds, high-end and textured soft decorations, and staggered books... All this, on the basis of simplicity, is kneaded into just the right amount of refinement and high-end, and has become the most unique existence in the sales office.

This unique cultural existence is the Phoenix Reading Club "Reading Star Space for All" jointly created by Country Garden's Northern Jiangsu region and Modern Express. Since October last year, a number of high-quality reading sharing sessions have been held in this space. In the infiltration of books and the stirring of views, xuzhou's culture, history, future and dreams are displayed to the people of the city in multiple dimensions.

The Bund of Xuzhou continues the urban context and emits the fragrance of urban books

△ The scene of the opening ceremony of the Phoenix Reading Club "Reading Star Space for All"

"A city full of books is a city full of spiritual temperament, creative vitality and cultural charm." Meng Changjiang, general manager of country garden's Northern Jiangsu yunju Bund project, said. Cultural scholars, well-known writers, professors, etc. inherit Xuzhou culture here, carry forward the Xuzhou cultural context, and light up the inner world of Xuzhou people. Many citizens who participated in the activities were full of harvest, "We will hold more similar activities in the future to send books and culture to more citizens." ”

The Bund of Xuzhou continues the urban context and emits the fragrance of urban books

Build a better together, and "grow" with the city

The Yellow River, which has flowed in Xuzhou for more than 700 years, has brought endless suffering to the people of Xuzhou, and has also brought rugged urban style and fertile land to Xuzhou today.

For thousands of years, Xuzhou people have never stopped pursuing a better life.

Nowadays, with the further acceleration of the renewal of the city, people's pursuit and understanding of a better life are also upgrading.

Modern art is compatible with tradition, and fashion is avant-garde and eclectic. The ingenious pattern, the home decoration design of well-known brands, the generous living scale, and the ingenuity of the details all make the general public feel excited.

The Bund of Country Garden Meets People's Imagination of a Beautiful Living Environment.

But, it doesn't stop there. As a well-known domestic brand housing enterprise, Country Garden hopes to make more people's lives full of imagination.

The Bund of Xuzhou continues the urban context and emits the fragrance of urban books

△ Country Garden public welfare activities

Over the years, Country Garden's northern Jiangsu region has been committed to "one-on-one help", and in the past five years, it has helped more than 180 students with excellent character and academic performance and family difficulties, provided them with bursaries, and continuously encouraged students to work hard and forge ahead on the road to study through activities such as student assistance, reunion dinner, and doctoral seminars.

The Bund of Xuzhou continues the urban context and emits the fragrance of urban books

As a benchmark area for high-quality development, Country Garden's Northern Jiangsu region has deeply cultivated the Huaihai Economic Circle, accumulatively donated more than 32 million yuan in Xuzhou, Suqian and Lianyungang, actively fulfilled its social responsibilities, and vigorously disseminated and promoted positive energy. The donation covers education public welfare, school-enterprise co-construction, military support and condolences, helping the college entrance examination, respecting the elderly and helping the elderly, and fighting the "epidemic" with one heart.

The Bund of Xuzhou continues the urban context and emits the fragrance of urban books

In Xuzhou, more and more people have established their own homes in Country Garden and realized their life ideals because of Country Garden. There is the so-called "good as water", Country Garden's northern Jiangsu region interprets the enterprise spirit of "good for people and good for society" with heart and affection.

As a witness and builder of the development of Xuzhou, Country Garden's northern Jiangsu region has been resonating with the same frequency of urban development and "growing" together.

(Photo courtesy of the interviewee Editor Zhou Dongmei)

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