
DaHan 丨 Look at Xin Zhidong teacher Xiao Kai calligraphy, really eye-catching!




Solar terms



The Great Cold is the last of the twenty-four solar terms. The great cold comes at the end of the year, winter goes to spring, and once the great cold passes, a new cycle begins. In some parts of China, there are many important folk customs between the Cold And the Spring Festival, such as removing the old cloth and making the new ones, making wax flavors, and offering stoves and tail tooth sacrifices.

Tomorrow's "Big Cold", Xu Xianwang invited artist Xin Zhidong to write for the "Great Cold" festival: "The old snow has not yet disappeared, and the new snow has a household." "Very eye-catching!

DaHan 丨 Look at Xin Zhidong teacher Xiao Kai calligraphy, really eye-catching!
DaHan 丨 Look at Xin Zhidong teacher Xiao Kai calligraphy, really eye-catching!


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