
Can thyroid patients really not eat kelp, spicy, hairy things?

author:Clove regimen

Thyroid patients include hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, nodules, thyroiditis and other groups, which things can not be eaten, it is really not a sentence or two can be summarized.

We invited Zhang Xiaoxuan, attending physician of the Department of Endocrinology, Hangzhou Weijia Hospital, to see if the various thyroid dietary taboos spread on the Internet are justified.

Web transmission one

Do not eat iodine-containing foods

Conclusion: Partially correct

From kelp seaweed to small pepper boiling water, all contain iodine. Don't eat any iodine, hard!

Therefore, the "iodine diet" should be changed to "low iodine diet", which means not eating foods with high iodine content, such as iodized salt, kelp, seaweed, and seafood.

In fact, most thyroid patients (including nodule patients) do not need low iodine, but except for the following two categories:


Thyrotoxicosis caused by Hashimoto, methyleneitis, etc., and hyperthyroidism syndrome common in pregnant women, etc., are not "true · hyperthyroidism".

Graves disease, nodular goiter, thyroid adenoma, etc. are the causes of "true · hyperthyroidism". A low-iodine diet can deprive the thyroid gland of hyperthyroidism of the raw materials for production, so it is recommended that hyperthyroidism be as low as possible in iodine.

Radioactive iodine scan or treatment

This is commonly used for thyroid cancer, "true · Examination and treatment of patients with hyperthyroidism. A low-iodine diet allows the deteriorating thyroid cells to adequately aspirate radioactive iodine, ensuring the accuracy of the examination and the effectiveness of the treatment.

Web transmission two

Do not eat spicy and irritating foods

Conclusion: Error

The Internet spreads that not only thyroid patients, all patients can not eat spicy and irritating food, can you believe?

Whether you can eat spicy or not is only related to personal taste and tolerance. If you are uncomfortable eating spicy, whether there is thyroid disease or not, you should eat less.

Web transmission three

Hair can enlarge thyroid nodules

Conclusion: Outrageously wrong

There are many similar folk rumors, however, the definition of hair in different regions has not yet been unified.

Many foods called hair, such as chicken, duck and fish meat, are not only delicious, but also an ideal source of high-quality protein, and it is a pity not to eat it.

In addition to the above dietary contraindications, different thyroid diseases: hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer, etc. have their own suitable diets.

Hashimoto's thyroiditis, how to eat it?

Thyroid knot energy saving can not eat white radish, cauliflower, cabbage?

Do patients need to eat uniodized salt after total thyroid cancer resection?


These problems are all of concern to thyroid patients.

Search on the Internet yourself, worried about being unreliable, eating the wrong thing is more troublesome; to hang up a number to ask the doctor, it is too much trouble. It is recommended that you try The Lilac Doctor's rapid consultation, the top three doctors are online in real time, do not wait less, and answer your thyroid problems at any time.

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Can thyroid patients really not eat kelp, spicy, hairy things?

If you are a friend who has experienced it, we have also prepared a special free consultation for you, starting from 1 yuan. If you have any problems with your thyroid, you can ask your doctor online!

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Can thyroid patients really not eat kelp, spicy, hairy things?

There is 1 in every 5 people

There are thyroid nodules

With the popularization of physical examination and the improvement of medical examination technology, thyroid nodules have become more and more common. The incidence of thyroid nodules in adults on the mainland is about 20.43%, and almost 1 in 5 people.

So what exactly is a thyroid nodule? Can it be eliminated?

Can thyroid nodules become thyroid cancer?

How to treat and prevent various thyroid diseases?

In response to these thyroid problems, we have compiled a "Thyroid Care Manual" covering various common thyroid diseases such as thyroid nodules, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, thyroid cancer and so on.

For example, if you have a thyroid nodule (especially TIRADS level 4 and above), don't rush to operate!

Every time I see someone who has not yet figured out the benign malignancy, it is painful to have a total thyroid resection. In fact, some benign thyroid nodules do not need surgery at all, what should be done? The answers to the questions are put into the Thyroid Care Manual.

January 19 - January 23

Scan the code to download the Lilac Doctor app

The "Thyroid Care Manual" is free for a limited time

Can thyroid patients really not eat kelp, spicy, hairy things?

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Can thyroid patients really not eat kelp, spicy, hairy things?
Can thyroid patients really not eat kelp, spicy, hairy things?

While most thyroid nodules are not a big problem and only need to be reviewed regularly, there are always people who feel like a time bomb that can explode at any time and want it to disappear completely, even if the nodule has been punctured to make it clear that the nodule is benign.

If you want to completely get rid of thyroid nodules, there are actually ways. Not medication, massage, or hot compresses, but ablation or surgery. But it's not that you say you're going to do it, and the doctor will do it for you. Certain conditions must be met to eliminate nodules.

In fact, this condition of eliminating thyroid nodules is also written into this "Thyroid Care Manual".

Can thyroid patients really not eat kelp, spicy, hairy things?

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Can thyroid patients really not eat kelp, spicy, hairy things?

Scientific review of Zhang Zheng

Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Endocrinology

Curated by Jesse

Executive Producer Meng Meng

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