
6 ways to improve your baby's immunity without spending money, collect quickly

As soon as the child is sick, the parents will think that the child's immunity is poor and various supplements are made.

In fact, under normal circumstances, children under 6 years old will catch a cold on average 6-8 times a year, and only the following conditions will indicate that children may have low immunity:

1. The baby will be sick regardless of the season, and there is obvious growth and development delay.

However, if you are sick in winter and spring, it is not necessarily a weak immunity, especially if you have just started kindergarten, you may be sick 1 to 2 times a month in these two seasons.

6 ways to improve your baby's immunity without spending money, collect quickly

2. As long as the baby is sick, he will not get better on his own, and he always needs to take the hospital for infusion or hospitalization.

3. Every time your baby gets sick, you will be infected with other diseases. For example, there will be more than 2 sinus infections in a year, or more than 6 respiratory tract infections. As long as the above diseases occur, parents need to pay more attention.

Therefore, if there are no three situations, parents should not casually feel that their baby's immunity is low, and do not casually give the baby to eat colostrum, protein powder or whatever, but affect the baby's health.

6 ways to improve your baby's immunity without spending money, collect quickly

However, parents can also improve their baby's immunity through these methods.

1. Everyday

Do not use disinfectants frequently. Some parents believe that only a clean environment can make children less sick, so they often use disinfectants to disinfect the space where the baby is located and the daily necessities that come into contact with the baby. But in fact, only by exposing the baby to the microorganisms in the environment can it be conducive to the development of the body's immune system.

At least 1 hour of outdoor activity. Giving the baby more contact with nature and letting the baby get more sun can also promote the development of the immune system. The ultraviolet rays in the sun can kill some bacteria and viruses, and the sun can also make the skin's vitamin D active, which can effectively promote the absorption of calcium.

Get enough sleep. As the saying goes, "a healthy body comes from sleep". Sleeping well is also crucial for boosting immunity. Good sleep is an important factor in protecting human immunity, only by letting the baby have sufficient sleep and a happy mood can we strengthen the baby's physical immunity.

6 ways to improve your baby's immunity without spending money, collect quickly

2. Diet

If you want to enhance the body's immune system, you need to consume a variety of nutrients, especially fats and other substances that can make up immune cells, to avoid too single nutrients, such as babies who have just started to eat complementary foods, daily food must have carbohydrates (rice, noodles), protein (livestock meat, aquatic products, eggs), vitamins (vegetables, fruits) and dairy products, to ensure that the richness of nutrition is conducive to the improvement of immunity.

If conditions permit, it is recommended to breastfeed the baby at least until the age of 1; breast milk is rich in immune substances, which can protect the baby from the invasion of the external virus; the prebiotics in breast milk can also promote the establishment of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, good digestion and absorption, and are not easy to cause allergies.

3. Vaccine protection

Vaccination is the most direct and effective way to improve your child's immunity. Vaccines can make the body produce corresponding antibodies, can allow the baby to avoid the invasion of diseases, parents should be vaccinated on time to the baby, which can not only play a preventive role, but also establish a positive defense system in advance.

In general, the baby from birth, the right way for parents, in order to let the baby's immune system get better development; parents can not hold the idea of letting the baby develop freely, which will make the baby's immune system vulnerable to the attack of the virus, only the correct way to improve the baby's immunity, in order to make the baby grow healthily.

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