
In order to ensure the health of their children, parents should grasp the three key periods of their baby's immunity

To enhance the baby's immunity, the mother may wish to grasp three key periods.

Birth, weaning, and kindergarten are the three most fragile periods of baby immunity, if the mother can find a way to enhance the baby's immunity at this time, it will bring great benefits to the baby's life!

In order to ensure the health of their children, parents should grasp the three key periods of their baby's immunity

Stage 1: Just born

The antibodies in the newborn baby mainly come from the mother, and the baby's own antibodies cannot resist all bacteria and viruses, so it is necessary to properly protect the baby and enhance immunity.

Mothers can help improve their immunity by breastfeeding exclusively, getting their baby vaccinated at the right time, and ensuring that they have enough sleep.

In order to ensure the health of their children, parents should grasp the three key periods of their baby's immunity

The second stage: the weaning period

Drinking breast milk is an important way for babies to obtain antibodies, but during the weaning period, breast milk is interrupted, the baby no longer gets a large number of antibodies from breast milk, and the body is not adapted to weaning, and immunity will decline.

During this period, the mother should choose complementary foods rich in protein and heat energy for the baby, strengthen the intake of vitamins and minerals, and let the baby move more to strengthen immunity.

In order to ensure the health of their children, parents should grasp the three key periods of their baby's immunity

Stage 3: Admission to the Kindergarten

After the baby enters the kindergarten, due to changes in the rules of work and rest, diet, life and other rules, or a long time away from the mother in a low mood, coupled with the kindergarten people's poor air circulation and other factors, it is also prone to immunity decline.

At this time, the mother can first adjust the baby's work and rest time and eating habits at home, and can enhance the immunity of the baby by telling stories, games, painting books, etc., and encouraging the baby to play with other babies.

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