
The bacterial virus is menacing, in order to enhance the baby's immunity, these steps can not be forgotten

The newborn baby is like a blank piece of paper, but the instinct to explore has long been deeply implanted in the DNA, three lifts, four turns, six, sits, seven, rolls, eight climbs, nine stands, and walks, and as new skills are unlocked, the boundaries of the baby's small world are constantly being opened. As a witness and guide for the growth of children, witnessing every step of the baby's growth and feeling the surprise moment of every growth is one of the happiest and sweetest experiences for parents.

In the winter, some babies always have several times to get sick, last month's cough just stopped, these days began to run nose, into the winter since the small illness and small pain has not stopped. Many mothers will think: Why do children get sick all the time? Is the child's immunity too weak? What can eat quickly boost your child's immunity?

Why does your baby have poor resistance?

First, nutritional imbalance

If the baby is malnourished, it is difficult to have a strong resistance. If your baby lacks important nutrients needed for growth, such as protein, fat, zinc and iron, and vitamins, his resistance is often weak.

Second, spoil the baby

If parents are too doting on their babies, it is difficult to give them the opportunity to strengthen their own resistance. It is difficult for babies to contact the external environment, do not have the ability to perceive cold air, and it is naturally difficult to resist the temperature switching of the season.

Third, the baby is zinc deficient

Zinc is the key to affecting the baby's resistance, this is because of the role of zinc on the baby's T cells, the baby's resistance is easily affected by the T/B lymphocytes, which zinc can promote cell reproduction, strengthen the cell wall, and promote cell differentiation.

The bacterial virus is menacing, in order to enhance the baby's immunity, these steps can not be forgotten

Don't joke about your baby's health: don't do these things!

First, the first thing to say is to make the baby too clean.

Yes, the baby should be clean and tidy, have good living habits, but it does not mean that it is too clean. This is equivalent to cutting off the baby's natural immunity opportunities, easy to make their antibacterial and antiviral ability worse, and over time it will make the baby's immunity decline.

Second, the food is too fine, and the shadow of a little coarse grain cannot be seen.

Yes, the baby who just ate complementary food, it is true that do not eat coarse grains first, but at a certain age, it is necessary to diversify the food, so as to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and ensure nutritional balance.

Third, give the baby to eat health care products to enhance immunity.

Health care products are basically equal to IQ tax, the so-called enhancement of immunity is more of a gimmick of the business, eating more will destroy the body's immunity, spend this money is not as good as buying more fresh vegetables and fruits.

The bacterial virus is menacing, in order to enhance the baby's immunity, these steps can not be forgotten

How to take care of children with poor resistance?

First, appropriate touch

Contracting the birth canal and squeezing the fetus during natural childbirth is a beneficial form of physical contact that is conducive to the development of the baby's nervous system.

After the baby is born, the mother's physical contact will make the baby have a great sense of security, which can promote the baby's physical development, which is especially beneficial for premature babies with low birth weight. Touch can improve the baby's blood circulation, improve the baby's resistance to the environment, and can improve the digestion and absorption of food, reduce crying, improve sleep.

Second, supplement iron

Iron is a very important trace element in the human body. Iron is found in the body's hemoglobin, myoglobin, and liver and is a component of many enzymes and immune system compounds. Iron can enhance the phagocytic function of neutral white blood cells and phagocytes, improving the body's resistance. The European Food Safety Authority recommends that infant formula contains iron dollars above 0.3 mg/100 kcal. However, excessive iron absorption may lead to a decrease in the number of bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria, an increase in the number of intestinal pathogens, and thus an increase in the risk of diarrhea and respiratory infections in infants. Therefore, when supplementing iron, it is often necessary to cooperate with the use of prebiotics and probiotics.

Third, supplement zinc element

Zinc is the second largest trace element in the human body and is closely related to the immunity of infants and young children. Zinc has no specific form of storage and needs to be constantly ingested from the outside world. Zinc supplementation enhances the immune function of the thymus, spleen and lymph, alleviating morbidity and mortality in children aged 6 months to 12 years. Zinc can enhance the cellular immune response, improve the resistance of the mucosal barrier system, reduce the diarrhea of children with rotavirus enteritis, and effectively improve the body's resistance.

The bacterial virus is menacing, in order to enhance the baby's immunity, these steps can not be forgotten

Some babies are still relatively small, for some of their own uncomfortable symptoms, will not be expressed to parents in time, so parents should carefully observe, some abnormal changes in the baby, do a good job of prevention in advance, and protect the health and safety of the baby. Every parent is a personal doctor tailored to your baby. Learning something new every day and observing your baby's changes is more useful than any medication or health care.

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