
Low immunity in your baby? It must be that the nutrition is not replenished!

Babies are easily infected with the flu, small nose and small cough are constant, and immunity is so low!! Do you want to eat drugs that are circulating on the Internet that specialize in improving immunity? NO! NO! NO! If you are very wrong in this way, in fact, through a reasonable diet, you can improve the baby's immunity very well

"4 indicators to judge the baby's low immunity"

1. Infections caused by bacteria or viruses such as colds, upper respiratory tract infections, pneumonia, otitis media, diarrhea, skin infections, etc., the treatment effect is not good after getting sick, and the disease does not heal for a long time.

2. It is easy to get infected after normal vaccination.

3. It is necessary to take drugs that may affect immune function regularly or for a long time, especially antibiotic drugs.

4. Babies with meningitis, tumors, leukemia and other malignant diseases.

If your baby meets one or more of these conditions, it means that your baby may be in an immunocompromised population.

Low immunity in your baby? It must be that the nutrition is not replenished!

"7 Nutrients to Boost Immunity"


It can assist in the transportation of nutrients and the excretion of various metabolic wastes and toxins. Water plays an extremely important role in preventing diseases, especially viral diseases.


Protein is the protagonist in maintaining immune function, and people with severe deficiencies are unable to produce white blood cells and antibodies, which eventually causes a decline in immune function.

It is recommended that babies eat more: soy foods, eggs, lean meat, fish, milk, mushrooms, etc.

Vitamin A and B-carotene

Vitamin A is an important part of the body's first line of defense against viral invasion.

It is recommended that babies eat more: carrots, broccoli, cabbage, sweet potatoes, eggs, lean meat, milk, etc.

Low immunity in your baby? It must be that the nutrition is not replenished!

B vitamins

Deficiency in any of the B vitamins can reduce the vitality of the cells.

It is recommended that babies eat more: fish, milk, eggs, animal liver, potatoes, avocados, sunflower seeds, whole grain foods, etc.

vitamin C

Vitamin C has the effect of protecting cells, enhancing the activity of white blood cells and antibodies, and stimulating the body to make interferons to destroy viruses and fight viral infections.

It is recommended that babies eat more: hawthorn, citrus, kiwifruit, tomatoes, green peppers, broccoli, rape, onions, potatoes, etc.

vitamin E

Vitamin E protects the integrity of the protective cell membrane and increases the number of antibodies.

It is recommended that your baby eat more: corn oil, almonds, cabbage, milk, eggs, avocados, etc.

Minerals zinc, selenium

Zinc and selenium can effectively prevent respiratory infections, and selenium deficiency often leads to low immunity. Zinc is one of the main minerals that enhance the body's immunity, and of course, it is also an effective mineral element to prevent various types of colds.

It is recommended that babies eat more: marine fish, eat marine fish, oysters eat marine fish, oysters, oysters, Chinese cabbage, lentils, radish, pumpkin, peanuts, whole grain foods, etc.

Tips: Never take immunity-boosting drugs at will

Famous pharmacology experts in the mainland proposed that children's immunity cannot be improved by drugs, and the application of immunomodulators has greatly reduced the prevention and treatment efficiency of babies' upper respiratory tract infections.

It is understood that in order to improve the baby's immunity, some parents will long-term modulation of the immune system drugs as health care products to the baby to take, this degree of abuse greatly affects the prevention and treatment of the baby's upper respiratory tract infections.

Medicine advocates recommending the baby's immunity through self-exercise and a reasonable diet, and it is not recommended that parents use immunomodulators to take it for the baby.

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