
American study: 37 ° C is no longer the standard body temperature of the human body? Is it better to have a lower body temperature or a higher temperature?

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors

Is your body temperature still normal? The whole of humanity may be becoming "cool".

More than 100 years ago, human body temperature was measured, and german doctor Carl Reinhold Auguste Wendrich selected about 2500 people to take their temperature, and the world's first standard body temperature was calculated - 37 °C (98.6 °F). At present, both China and the United States still use this standard, but in recent years, there have been studies that have found that human body temperature seems to be declining.

American study: 37 ° C is no longer the standard body temperature of the human body? Is it better to have a lower body temperature or a higher temperature?

First, Stanford University research: 37 ° C or no longer normal human body temperature

Stanford University in the United States has conducted a study on whether the human body temperature drops, and the study was published in the journal eLife. The researchers surveyed the medical records of retired soldiers from the American Civil War and looked at and recorded human body temperatures about a century ago. The resulting data is compared to the records of the National Health Survey on behalf of the Stanford Clinical Data Platform in the early 1970s.

After comparing the individual body temperature data of about 500,000 people, it was found that the body temperature of men in the early 21st century decreased by an average of 0.59 ° C compared with the body temperature of men born 200 years ago, and since the 19th century, the average body temperature of women has dropped by about 0.32 ° C.

Why is human body temperature getting lower?

In this regard, researchers believe that it may be related to inflammation caused by disease, and inflammation is closely related to body temperature. In recent years, medical conditions have gradually improved, and the risk of chronic infection has decreased significantly, which experts believe may be the cause of the decline in human body temperature.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, more and more people are paying attention to body temperature, for humans, is it better to have a high body temperature or a low temperature?

American study: 37 ° C is no longer the standard body temperature of the human body? Is it better to have a lower body temperature or a higher temperature?

Second, is the body temperature better than low, or is it better to be high?

1, the body temperature is too low, the body is "overdrawn"

When the body temperature drops to 35 to 32 ° C, it is mild hypothermia. The body is in a low temperature state, and it will use trembling, muscle contraction and other ways to burn the fat stored in the body, creatine phosphate and other components to supplement calories. In addition, the blood in the skin will gradually transfer to the inside of the body for normal operation.

Being in a low temperature state for a long time will lead to the exhaustion of energy in the body, muscle activity will be affected, and the normal activity of the brain will be limited, causing symptoms such as confusion and language loss. When the body temperature drops to 32 to 30 ° C, the shivering will stop, and the person may faint as a result; once the body temperature drops below 30 ° C, it may pose a life-threatening risk.

2, the body temperature is too high, the cells are "burned to death" alive

Hyperthermia can lead to dizziness, nausea symptoms, when sweat and other excessive loss of body fluids, it will cause thirst, headache and other symptoms. In the high temperature state, the blood vessels in the body will continue to expand, and a large amount of blood will be brought into the skin, resulting in insufficient blood in the body, causing hypotension to appear, and over time, the patient will faint.

Once the body temperature reaches more than 40 ° C, some protein molecules in the body will produce irreversible deformation, death, and serious threat to health.

That is to say, too high and too low body temperature is not a good thing! For us humans, body temperature is not constant! Even everyone, every time period, is different.

Lei Chen, chief physician of the Department of Endocrinology of the General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University, pointed out that under normal circumstances, the temperature of people's armpits should be 36 ~ 37 ° C. The body temperature of different people also varies slightly, in general, women's body temperature is higher than that of men, and children's body temperature is higher than that of the elderly. In addition, people's body temperature in a day is not the same, the morning body temperature will be higher than the afternoon, the temperature difference is generally not more than 0.8 ° C.

American study: 37 ° C is no longer the standard body temperature of the human body? Is it better to have a lower body temperature or a higher temperature?

Third, the normal range, the body temperature is high, perhaps the immunity is stronger

The level of body temperature reflects the body's metabolic capacity, of course, provided that the body temperature remains within the normal range. Hypothermia indicates that the body's basal metabolic rate is also low, and the blood flow in the body will slow down as a result, and the work efficiency of white blood cells will also slow down. When the body is invaded by viruses and bacteria, white blood cells cannot respond quickly and in time to eliminate aliens, which may lead to physical diseases.

Professor Wang Xiaochuan, deputy director of the Department of Pathophysiology and doctoral supervisor of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, said that hyperthermia within the normal range indicates that the stronger the immunity. High body temperature will increase the number of immune cells activated in the body, and when foreign viruses and bacteria invade, the immune system can quickly respond to destroy them and maintain good health.

In other words, the higher the body temperature within the normal range, the higher the immunity, how to maintain a healthy body temperature? Teach you two methods.

4. How to maintain a healthy body temperature?

1. Reduce sedentary and insist on exercise

Many modern people are in a state of sedentary and lack of exercise for a long time, which will lead to a significant decrease in muscle use and activity for a long time. Muscles can produce more than 40% body temperature and are important febrile tissues in the body. In addition, with less muscle mass, the body's metabolic rate will also slow down, which will further lead to a decrease in body temperature.

To improve this situation, it is recommended to maintain adequate exercise on a daily basis. Exercise at least 5 times a week, each exercise time is not less than 30 minutes.

American study: 37 ° C is no longer the standard body temperature of the human body? Is it better to have a lower body temperature or a higher temperature?

2. Healthy diet to protect gastrointestinal health

The gut is an important immune organ in our body, and about 70% of the immunity comes from the gut. Modern people's long-term irregular eating habits, excessive calorie intake, insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables and other poor eating habits, will lead to intestinal dysfunction, which in turn leads to a decrease in body heat production.

It is recommended to maintain a regular meal a day, eat more foods rich in dietary fiber, and foods containing probiotics can also be appropriately eaten.

Body temperature can play a role in the health of the body, and you can pay more attention to your body temperature every day. It is not recommended to blindly "improve" immunity through fever, cold, etc., and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the right way.


[1] "For every 1°C decrease in body temperature, immunity drops by more than 30%? Avoid these major triggers, help you strengthen your immunity, and refuse to be "cool". Shangguan News.2021.12.5

[2] "Experts say: the higher the body temperature within the normal range, the stronger the immunity". Guangming Network.2020.2.13

[3] "Is low body temperature a signified by low immunity". Guangming Network.2020.5.18

[4] Why is it bad to have too much or too low body temperature? 》. Big Tech Magazine.2021.3.12

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