
From "impossible" to "possible" is a process that a person must go through to grow and succeed

author:Books are not read in vain

If 100 years ago, someone said you could go to the moon, you would have said "impossible"; if 50 years ago, someone said you could buy things at home, you would have said "impossible"; if 10 years ago, someone said you would become a multimillionaire, would you still say "impossible"?

Throughout human history, it is constantly challenging the "impossible" to accomplish, turning them into "possibilities", and turning dreams into reality. Human and social challenges may be too far away from us, but from the perspective of personal development, achieving from "impossible" to "possible" is a process that a person's growth and success must go through.

The challenge is impossible, and it takes not only courage and momentum, but also a corresponding price. Steven Kotler, the author of "Crossing the Impossible", conducts research and analysis from the perspective of neuroscience, and combines his own experience, as well as the experience of experts from all walks of life, to come up with a set of formulas to help individuals achieve leapfrog growth, that is, "crossing the impossible = motivation× learning ability× creativity× flow".

From "impossible" to "possible" is a process that a person must go through to grow and succeed

Help us find the driving force for continuous action, stimulate curiosity, strengthen motivation; find those limitations that others can't see, get out of unrealistic fantasies, and improve thinking; understand creativity, enhance creativity through 7 strategies, break through the boundaries of ability; correctly understand flow, find your own flow trigger system, improve concentration and efficiency, and let yourself switch to the peak state at any time.

So, in the book, what you will get is not a certain concept, nor a certain clue to growth, but a road to success, which is not complicated, but requires you to really act. In addition, I hope that before you practice this set of leapfrog formulas, you will understand two words: driving and reading.

First, the drive

There are many theories about the drive, which can be divided into material, immaterial, or internal and external, and in this book, the focus is on the internal drive, and the most important thing is to fully superimpose the inner drive.

Before you turn a drive into a "drive," understand the five most powerful intrinsic drives, including curiosity, passion, purpose, autonomy, and control. They do not act independently of each other, but are amplified by superimposing.

From "impossible" to "possible" is a process that a person must go through to grow and succeed

From the book, we can learn: "Curiosity and passion bring interest and enjoyment, and a sense of purpose reinforces core beliefs and values." "And to get sustained motivation, it's not enough to rely on curiosity, passion and mission, you need to use autonomy and control, five aspects at the same time."

Autonomy is the act of doing something according to one's own will. This is the same as we often say that "strong twisted melon is not sweet", only if you are really willing to make changes, you can be more efficient and better completed. Fortunately, in this book, we do not just provide an abstract concept, but embody the autonomy we need to integrate into time: it is recommended to spend 4 to 5 hours a week to complete the goal.

From "impossible" to "possible" is a process that a person must go through to grow and succeed

As for how to use these autonomous times to get the best results? You need to take advantage of the sense of control. A sense of control can be said to be a feeling, it can also be said to be a state, no matter how to describe it, it is a glorious moment for us to maximize our talents.

The author suggests that if you want to really take advantage of your sense of control and adjust the drive to the maximum, you can try doing this:

(a) as far as possible to find things that are consistent with curiosity, passion and mission as a goal;

(2) Spend 4 to 5 hours a week on the goals you want to accomplish;

(c) pay attention to daily progress and then repeat it continuously;

(4) Constantly improve the number of episodes of flow and enjoy it;

(5) Raise standards in stages and strive to maintain them at a higher level;

Second, read

We all know that reading books can do a lot of good, but no one can come up with substantial evidence to support this view. In "Crossing the Impossible", the author lists three reading situations, so that we can understand the "benefits of reading" at a glance:

Reading FMCG essays takes 3 to 5 minutes to obtain the author's work results for 3 days;

It takes 10 to 20 minutes to read a long article in depth, and the author's work results can be obtained for 4 months;

It takes 3 to 5 hours to read a published book, and you can get the results of the author's 15 years of work.

From "impossible" to "possible" is a process that a person must go through to grow and succeed

It can be seen that reading is the one thing with the highest return on reading, and it is also the most effective way to obtain knowledge. For reading, the author also taught us a way to read books that can quickly get started in a new area. Specifically, it includes two parts: book selection and note-taking.

(1) Book selection

First, we're going to pick 5 books in the field. Regarding the number of books, "5" is only a general reference, not fixed, that is to say, you have to read at least 5 books to be able to touch the doorway of a field, and the choice of these 5 books is also exquisite.

☆ The first book, the book of interest

Need to find the best-selling and popular book in the field. It doesn't matter if it's fictional or not, it's not meant to learn, but to familiarize you with the field;

☆ The second book, the book of excitement

Still picked from bestsellers in the field, but the requirements are more professional than the previous one, preferably to a certain extent, to be able to stimulate your enthusiasm;

☆ The third book, the Book of Frames

Find a book with a macro perspective that gives you a comprehensive understanding of the field and is a semi-technical book;

☆ The fourth book, the book of professionals

Reading a clear, somewhat esoteric book will give you an idea of what experts in the field are thinking;

☆ The fifth book, the book of development

The last book, mainly selects those that focus on the development of the field and cutting-edge information, this kind of book may not be difficult to read, but it will be difficult to understand;

When we finish reading these five books, we will have a basic understanding of the field. But even if you read it all, it does not mean that you are an expert in this field, but that you have stepped into the field, and the long road behind you still needs to learn more knowledge to pave.

(2) Notes

In this book, the reading notes mentioned by the author are different from the regular notes, not to record the harvest after reading the book, but to enter a new field.

It is mainly divided into three parts: historical narrative, terminology, and interesting points. Making this note is mainly for the follow-up learning of professional knowledge and establishing a cognitive foundation, so when taking notes, do not be greedy, but only pay attention to these three points.

From "impossible" to "possible" is a process that a person must go through to grow and succeed

In addition to the content mentioned earlier, in "Crossing the Impossible", there are also many contents covered, including establishing good habits, training core strengths/emotional intelligence, improving creativity, etc., but in fact, these are all based on "growth thinking" as the starting point. That is, before doing anything, before understanding the method... The first thing to do is to determine that this is "possible" and not impossible.

Writer Anne Dillard said: "How we spend each day, of course, will also spend this life." "Because, only when our hearts are full of motivation, can we successfully challenge the peak and cross the impossible."

From "impossible" to "possible" is a process that a person must go through to grow and succeed


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