
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Fixed-point treatment has us, please rest assured by the party

author:Xianyang County

When the crisis is the head shows loyalty, the key moment is to see the responsibility. At present, it is a critical period for the prevention and control of the epidemic, and the Party Committee of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine issued a proposal for the first time, actively giving play to the role of the party branch as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members.

At the call of the party committee of the hospital, all branches and all party members quickly took action, raced against time and the epidemic, raced against the clock to promote the implementation of various prevention and control measures, and used the actual actions of communist party members to add glory to the party flag and add color to the party emblem!

Temporary Party Branch of Designated Hospital

On December 31, 2021, on the day of the departure of the medical team, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Xixian New District Central Hospital) established a temporary party branch of the medical team in accordance with the requirements of the "Notice on Sending Anti-epidemic Medical Teams to Support The Designated Hospitals of the New Crown", with Comrade Li Tianhao as the branch secretary, Comrade Zhang Li as the organizing committee member, Comrade Ding Tianhong as the propaganda committee member, and Comrade Wu Shaofeng as the discipline inspection committee member.

On January 7, the 8th day that 68 medical staff supported the designated hospital Chang'an District Hospital, 25 party members held an online organizational life meeting under the organization of Comrade Li Tianhao, the leader of the medical team and the secretary of the provisional party branch.

The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Fixed-point treatment has us, please rest assured by the party

First of all, Li Tianhao led all party members to relive the oath of joining the party. In the face of the bright red party flag, Li Tianhao, secretary of the branch, as the leader of the oath, on behalf of all front-line anti-epidemic party members, raised his right hand together and solemnly took the oath again. "I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China ... We are always ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people and never betray the party. The sonorous and magnificent oath strongly shocked every party member in the frontline of the fight against the epidemic, word by word, sacred and heroic, reflecting the infinite loyalty of party members and comrades to the Communist Party of China.

The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Fixed-point treatment has us, please rest assured by the party

Comrades Zhang Wei, Zheng Fuli, Zhang Yang, Gao Ying, Ma Yanyan, and other comrades who attended the meeting online said that by revisiting the oath of joining the party, they once again experienced the sense of responsibility and mission of being a communist party member, and in the work of the frontline of the fight against the epidemic, they must practice the oath of joining the party with high morale, enterprising mentality and the spirit of striving for excellence, and must play an example by example, take the lead in setting an example, and win the victory in this expedition against the epidemic with a down-to-earth work attitude and firm belief, and strive for a triumphant return.

The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Fixed-point treatment has us, please rest assured by the party

Comrade Zhang Li said

In the special period, holding such an organizational life meeting is of great significance for unifying thinking, unifying understanding, and letting party members on the frontline of the fight against the epidemic play an exemplary and leading role. As a party member and cadre working in the frontline of the fight against the epidemic, we must do a good job in all work in the special period and actively carry forward the spirit of responsibility. We must keep our mission firmly in mind, earnestly enhance the awareness of the "four," fulfill our duties for the party and the people, and better shoulder the solemn responsibility and sacred mission entrusted by the times.

The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Fixed-point treatment has us, please rest assured by the party

Comrade Ding Tianhong said

As party members in the new era, although we grassroots workers do not need to make vigorous feats, let alone bloody sacrifices, we are currently on the front line of the fight against the epidemic, we must base ourselves on our own posts, treat our work seriously, treat patients patients patiently, do a good job in the medical treatment of each new crown pneumonia patient, and make extraordinary achievements in ordinary posts.

The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Fixed-point treatment has us, please rest assured by the party

Comrade Wu Shaofeng said

In this special period, by revisiting the oath to review the solemn commitment when we joined the party, we always remind ourselves of the sacred mission and responsibility we shouldered on this expedition to Chang'an District Hospital, constantly strengthen the awareness of infection control and strive for victory in the fight against the epidemic; as a veteran party member, we must lead by example, lead by example, and strive to do our own work well, while leading and helping the comrades around us to make continuous progress.

The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Fixed-point treatment has us, please rest assured by the party

Comrade Li Tianhao said

Li Tianhao combined his own experience in aiding Hubei and the current work situation, and every party member exchanged and communicated, he said that since taking over the ward, every time he stayed in the ward, he was like walking on thin ice and cautious, but everyone's loyalty to the organization and dedication to the cause , "do not believe that there are tasks that cannot be completed, do not believe that there are difficulties that cannot be overcome, do not believe that there are enemies that cannot be defeated", and have confidence in the victory of this anti-epidemic task!

Finally, Li Tianhao stressed that the cause of our party needs to be passed on from generation to generation, and the next generation that needs to endure hardships and dedication needs to inherit our cause and spirit, the current epidemic situation is basically under control, "the darkness before dawn", the more we see hope, the more we need to treat it seriously and carefully, the more we need to treat it seriously, at this time, there are many opportunities, there are many challenges, and the work tasks in the ward are still very heavy. Everyone must strengthen their confidence. At the same time, in the next work, I hope that we will find new comrades around us who dare to take responsibility, work in a down-to-earth manner, adhere to the first good, and strive for excellence, and strive to cultivate them well and actively integrate them into the organization.

Fixed-point treatment has us, please rest assured!

Ensure the successful completion of all work tasks!

At present, the medical team of the designated hospital of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has successfully completed the medical treatment task, and successfully handed over the ward at 1:00 a.m. on January 15, 2022, and at present, all team members have entered the 14-day isolation stage.

Source: The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Edit: LYH

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