
The Hindu temple surprised the appearance of six mysterious ancient doors, containing trillions of treasures, why did you choose to stop excavating?

author:Explore journal accounts

I believe that everyone has also heard such a rumor: there are three gates in the world that cannot be opened, one of which is the door of the cellar of the Padmanabhawami Temple in India.

In a country like India, this temple gate must also have a strong religious color, and this issue of ziya children's fun exploration diary will take everyone to understand this mysterious door of India.

Speaking of India, one of the most important religions is Hinduism, which is also known as the state religion of India, and about 83% of the population of India believes in Hinduism.

The Hindu temple surprised the appearance of six mysterious ancient doors, containing trillions of treasures, why did you choose to stop excavating?

And India also has a mysterious gate , the gate of the Padmana Baswami Temple. This temple is the richest treasure temple in India.

For hundreds of years, it has been said in India that the king of Travancore, who ruled the region in the 16th century, buried all his treasures in this mysterious underground chamber.

It is also said that the treasure buried below cannot be excavated, otherwise it will be punished by the gods and abandoned by religion.

But there are always people who believe that there is treasure underneath, and this person is a Juris Doctor: Sundalala River.

The Hindu temple surprised the appearance of six mysterious ancient doors, containing trillions of treasures, why did you choose to stop excavating?

His father, a devout Hindu who was blind in both eyes, insisted on going to the temple every day at 2:30 a.m. to pray for eight hours at a time.

Sundararajan, who had served as an intelligence bureau official, was naturally idle after retirement, and he accompanied his father to pray every day, and the temples in India were all owned by the Indian royal family and were trusted by the royal family.

Over time, Sundaraja discovered that their failure to manage the temple well would lead to many problems, especially safety issues, which would lead to safety hazards and potentially put people who came here to pray in danger.

In fact, the main reason is that Sundala rajan is convinced that there is no accident about the treasure buried under this temple.

The Hindu temple surprised the appearance of six mysterious ancient doors, containing trillions of treasures, why did you choose to stop excavating?

Therefore, Sundararajiang complained to the High Court, demanding that the management of the temple must be revoked, and the high court personnel found that this was a good thing, so they complied with his complaint and withdrew the management of the temple.

The first thing to do when the temple was recovered was to organize the personnel to excavate the treasure of the temple. In fact, most of the local temples in India have treasures.

Temples with long-term historical and religious overtones like the Padmanabaswami Temple are buried with countless rare treasures, after all, no matter when and where they are, when it comes to temples, everyone's association is definitely a buried treasure.

The locations and forms of buried treasures in different regions are different, such as ancient tombs in China, lost ruins under the sea, temples in India, etc. The religious culture of India has determined that their treasures must be buried under the temple and enshrined.

The Hindu temple surprised the appearance of six mysterious ancient doors, containing trillions of treasures, why did you choose to stop excavating?

But India is an unstable country, with centuries of war and turmoil, and many of the treasures in the temples have been looted by invaders and grave robbers.

When excavated, it was found that there were six underground chambers under the temple that were well preserved and had no signs of destruction.

The six underground chambers were named after A-F, and it was found that the A vault had not been opened for 139 years, and the next five chambers were even more historical.

Before opening the Chamber of Secrets, the government was also prepared to deliver a large amount of oxygen to the Chamber of Secrets, and ambulances were also prepared outside to deal with the unexpected.

The Hindu temple surprised the appearance of six mysterious ancient doors, containing trillions of treasures, why did you choose to stop excavating?

Many of the tomb chambers have very powerful self-protection mechanisms, such as hidden weapons, traps and poison gas, which will be out of the reach of subsequent visitors.

After everything was done, the cutting of the gate began, and after more than two hours, the heavy, rusty gate was opened, and everyone gathered curiously in front of the gate, ready to witness a historic moment, they wanted to witness the grand treasure of the former ruler.

However, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, and when the door was opened, the vast chamber of secrets was empty except for some large stones piled there.

But people's expectations overcame disappointment, and they dug up big rocks, as the saying goes: Good food is not afraid of late. Digging up these large stones, a secret passage appeared in front of everyone, and through the secret passage, people finally saw what they expected most - treasure.

The Hindu temple surprised the appearance of six mysterious ancient doors, containing trillions of treasures, why did you choose to stop excavating?

Inside, there is a glittering golden light, a mountain of treasures, and countless gold. Subsequently, in addition to the chamber named B, the four chambers of C, D, E and F were excavated, and treasures of different sizes were excavated.

The Supreme Court immediately appointed a team of seven to accompany the staff to conduct a treasure inventory.

According to incomplete statistics, the treasure contains: a three-and-a-half-foot-tall pure gold statue of Vishnu, studded with hundreds of diamonds, rubies and other gemstones

An 18-foot-long gold chain, a 500-kilogram gold bale, a 36-kilogram pure gold veil with 1,200 "sarapari" gold coins, hundreds of thousands of Gold Coins of the Roman Empire, and countless 18th-century Napoleonic coins

The Hindu temple surprised the appearance of six mysterious ancient doors, containing trillions of treasures, why did you choose to stop excavating?

A large number of ceremonial garments adorn the gods, embellished with precious stones and pure gold ornaments

Gold "coconuts" set with rubies and emeralds, pure gold thrones set with hundreds of diamonds and various gemstones, hundreds of pure gold chairs, thousands of bottles and jars of pure gold

There were also more than a hundred sacks filled with necklaces, crowns, diamonds, red sapphires, emeralds, other gemstones, and other precious metals

Then, after the expert group identified, the most inconspicuous box of gold coins in these treasures can be traced back to 200 BC, and the value of a gold coin is more than 380,000 US dollars.

The Hindu temple surprised the appearance of six mysterious ancient doors, containing trillions of treasures, why did you choose to stop excavating?

At the same time, some experts believe that the academic value and wealth artistic value of treasures that have not been actually identified are unlimited.

Even the world's best auctions can't accurately value some of these rare treasures, which can be said to be priceless. According to conservative estimates, these treasures are worth a trillion US dollars, and the other values are more than ten times more than this.

However, this is only the treasure in the small chamber, and the value of the treasure in the largest unopened chamber B is even more unimaginable, and the B chamber will be excavated after A according to the plan.

However, after people opened the first two gates of the B Secret Room, there were two strange snake totems on the third gate, and although it was difficult for people to restrain the joy of discovering the treasure, they were still daunted and stopped when they saw such a gate.

The Hindu temple surprised the appearance of six mysterious ancient doors, containing trillions of treasures, why did you choose to stop excavating?

Believers believe that opening this door is equivalent to opening the "Pandora's Box", which will definitely bring unimaginable disasters, and those who open the Chamber of Secrets will be destroyed.

Some people say that outside the last gate of the B Secret Room, the sound of the gushing waves inside is heard, and if it is opened hastily, it will anger the gods, and the sea will pour down and flood the city.

There are also rumors that some people try to open the door, but from inside the door crawl out of the uncountable eye snake to attack the intruder, in Hinduism, sacred places are guarded by cobras to protect them from invasion.

However, it was thought that the door could be opened by a ritual performed by Hindu believers and opened through a mantra called "garuda mantra", but no one at that time would have performed such a ritual.

The Hindu temple surprised the appearance of six mysterious ancient doors, containing trillions of treasures, why did you choose to stop excavating?

The appeal of the treasure has made people think of many ways, and some people have decided to use a gas cutter, which is directly denied by the believers, who think that forcibly opening is blasphemous. A large number of believers came to sit in front of the B secret room to protest. In the end, obedience to public opinion did not continue to open the B secret room.

The treasures of the Chamber of Secrets are known only to the descendants of the Travancore royal family, but they have nothing to say. The discovery of the treasure made people worry about the safety of the temple, and the government sent a large number of police forces to protect it, and non-Hindus were not allowed to enter.

Eventually the Travancore royal family continued to rule the temple, while the treasure was contributed to the gods. However, it is not difficult to find that even treasures of this scale, out of religious belief, they can only lie underground.

The Hindu temple surprised the appearance of six mysterious ancient doors, containing trillions of treasures, why did you choose to stop excavating?

Wealth assets like this should be protected and properly used, and although there are many unscrupulous people who have a crooked mind about these treasures, the protection of the government and the efforts of the people have not been in vain, and the chamber of secrets has been preserved intact and has not been destroyed so far.

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