
What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

author:The south wind prays for the crane to come

Today I share with you as an ordinary person, I see Mongolia, I hope you will see it on the map, this knowledge of my personal feelings, do not like to spray

Including a person, a region, a nation, a country, in my opinion, existence is its rationality, that is, it has its advantages and disadvantages and even various characteristics. There is no right or wrong in nature about the different views of people, nations and nations, and between countries, but mainly the differences in ways of thinking created by geography and history.

Therefore, the so-called lazy, poor, unmotivated, etc., are relatively diligent and hard-working of ourselves. Of course, as a Chinese, I still agree with these views.

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

First of all, lazy, the concept of time.

Related to culture, nomadic life has become habitual. Every morning I slept until I woke up naturally, and when I got up, I drove a large herd of cattle, sheep and horses and put them on the grassland. The cattle, sheep and horses were full and drank by the water, the sun was about to set, the hosts drove the animals back to the yurts, the women milked the goats during the day to do a good job of hygiene, and at night they also laid out boiled lamb, dried milk, milk tea, and pastry. The day passed like this.

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

A lifetime or even many lifetimes have been like this, the bones and the atmosphere as a whole are like this, can you expect to change it? Nowadays, many of the facilities industry in Ulaanbaatar, such as large and small restaurants, are opened Chinese by Koreans, Japanese, and Russians, and few Mongolians do it. There are many Mongolians selling things in the market, but they often go home early, and sometimes even the entire shopping mall market is not open.

There is a wholesale commodity place called Honbugrad in Ulaanbaatar, which sells Chinese goods, many of which are Mongolians, but chat and find that many people know English, can Chinese, and have studied in Europe and China. So it seems that the Mongols who are not lazy are still influenced by various cultures.

I once chatted with a Mongolian friend and discussed the concept of time. She told me that in the eyes of the Mongols and Mongols, there is no concept of 'several points'. Because when grazing, people are only aware of sunrise, morning, afternoon and dusk.

So when my friend and I went to the school auditorium in Mongolia at six o'clock in the evening to attend the performance party, we found that less than half of the talents came, and we waited for dozens of minutes to start. This happened many times, and we learned later that we arrived long after.

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think


Not everyone is poor, government officials, banks, finances, all parties, the family is very rich. The class divide is very serious, many herders have no money, and the families of party members in the villages are generally very rich.

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

Borrow money

I hate that.


I don't understand. I don't understand this history, but the Mongols who know it, while immersed in the dream of Genghis Khan's heroic era, can't extricate themselves, can't recognize reality, accept China's help, and hate and reject China. There are friends in Ulaanbaatar, and their students often throw stones at them, sometimes swearing.

I was so angry that I thought: You are so good, don't you still have to learn Chinese?!

I was in the village at the time, and the people were relatively simple and very kind to me and another volunteer, so I didn't feel very deeply about Paihua. On the contrary, everyone is very good to us, so it is also a pro and con.

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

Spread Chinese culture and Chinese, but also by your anger?

Small sample, we women who are professional in Chinese as a foreign language will never easily concede defeat!

It's over. Let's talk about the other side of the contradiction.

One. They work the protection of traditional culture.

Sandwiched between two superpowers, Mongolia has little presence on its own, and is even strongly impacted and assimilated by the former Soviet Union and the West in terms of culture and mode of thinking. For example, I attach great importance to various Western festivals, and the food is full of potato salad. But what I admire is that it has worked very hard to preserve its original culture in the face of increasing globalization and modernization, including its own people (a population of just three million).

One of the things that impressed me more was the Naadam Conference every summer

Every winter, a horse race camel race is held on the steppe

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think
What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

In January and February, dressed in traditional costumes such as Mongolian robes, walk around the Relatives' White Moon Festival

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

In both winter and summer, a group of strong men will carry out horse training activities on the grassland

[Pictured is a wolf fight]

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think
What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

Every month, students from different schools visit and perform ethnic programs

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

During major festivals, people dressed in traditional costumes gather to sing and dance

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

Relatively, let's work hard to protect traditional culture, and everyone has the responsibility.

The most important thing, don't let us outside to the crooked nuts of various faces Peking Opera brush characters, erhu chun lian Chinese knot, the result of returning to China found that everyone did not understand what to say, a confused face.

How about that!! Can't forget Ben!!

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

Two. The sense of ceremony is strong.

The Mongols attach great importance to various festivals, the White Moon Festival, the birth day of this leader, the birthday of the great man, Father's Day, Mother's Day, Children's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas. It's often when I come to school and look at the empty classroom and react, oh, it's holidays again.

It's good to have a holiday, but please let me know!

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

Every festival, Mongolians always clean and decorate their homes, place all kinds of food on the table, cheese, dried milk, sour cucumber sausage slices on the table, milk tea, boiled lamb, fried bread fruits, buns, lamb noodles, candy, strawberry yellow peach canned, yogurt, jam... Waiting for guests to come to the door, chat together, watch TV, take pictures, and so on.

Sometimes there are show performances, and the children and the people who perform are dressed in costumes, with various ornaments tied to their heads, polished with sparkling eye shadow and small sequins on their faces, and small dancing shoes on their feet, waiting for the performance. Once, I wore a Chinese cheongsam on stage and sang the song "Rain Butterfly" from "Huan Zhu Ge Ge".

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

Love to the heart broken, don't blame anyone, just because the encounter is too beautiful... That one......

I once thought that this song was difficult to hear and difficult to sing, and I refused to sing this song, but the English teacher told me that it doesn't matter, no matter what you sing, as long as you are a foreigner, everyone will feel very interesting...

Oh well, for the lack of thinking halls.

Then I still remember that when I went on stage, I forgot the words and repeated a lyric thousands of times, but I couldn't hear it from the audience, and I still responded with warm applause.

I only hope that if there is a video of the Mongolian friends do not play the video to international students or Chinese friends they know, then I will show the stuffing!!

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

I like the Mongolian preference and habit of valuing rituals, and to be honest, without rituals, life would become ordinary and lazy. Some important days will appear ordinary and less precious.

Third, pay attention to appearance

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

My favorite thing is the Mongolians, who are poor and lazy, but they really pay attention to appearance.

The man's appearance is high, the woman's beauty is long legs, the body is basically straight and tall are hangers, and then a European and American makeup and Korean dressing style matching, walking on the street is really no one! Even in the village, I can feel their pursuit and love of beauty.

As a female student, my days before college were almost white, and after coming to Mongolia to feel it, I conducted a deep heartfelt review of myself, and how many opportunities and times I missed to make myself beautiful!

Don't always say that this society looks outward and superficial. To be honest, who has the time and energy to strike at everyone's heart through the outside of each person? Is it not the body that you see at first glance?

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

You don't need to wear an evening dress all the time, at least you have to keep your clothes neatly and clean. You don't need to wear a straight suit every day, armani covered, at least it has to look comfortable to the eye, not greasy like coming out of a mossy house for a month.

Now I am very puzzled that many men and women do not pay attention to appearance etiquette, although I have also been one of them, or advocate that everyone, especially girls, pay more attention to the appearance of the dress, highlight their own body appearance skills to learn more, for their own walking work is very helpful. A goddess-level friend once told me that as long as you are beautiful, you can solve many problems. Not all right, but most of them.

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

Yes, I've been spending money ever since. It turns out that beauty is really piled up by money, sweat and time. Stuck in a huge pit and unable to extricate yourself.

Four. He is very warm to people and things, informal and straightforward

The door of the yurt is never closed, and anyone who comes can open it directly. I asked the local English teacher, why? She told me: Because it shows the hospitality of the Mongols.

I have not been in contact with the Mongols in the city, and the situation may not be the same. However, in the village, everyone is very simple, and whenever we go to someone else's house, everyone always brings out the best food to entertain us. The child is not afraid of life, and takes the initiative to come over and ask the east and west in front. It's not easy to take a photo with Crooked Nuts, so we smiled and took out our mobile phones to take pictures.

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

Probably related to the fact that I am a northeasterner, I prefer the character of a northerner, with a slender, big grin and hearty laughter in the roughness. Of course, each has its own benefits.

Five. Strongly agree with downstairs, Mongolian music fried chicken sounds good!

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

In the past, I listened to many Mongolian songs from Inner Mongolia, such as Dolma, Ulantuya, the kind of wild geese on the grassland, and the most famous is the song of the Hanggai Band.

When listening to Mongolian songs, there will be a very long and empty feeling, as if the whole person is standing on the grassland, unable to see the edge at a glance, and the heart is open.

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think
What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think
What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think
What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

But these are all Domestic Mongolian songs, which are biased towards slow songs.

Many Mongolian songs are a blend of modern fashion styles

In addition, there is no sewerage here, so you have to go to the well to fetch water, use a small cart to push it back and pour it into a large bucket for reuse. This is something I hate deeply. And there is no indoor toilet, sometimes in the middle of the night to go to the toilet with the stars, at first it was very unaccustomed, deeply disgusted, but then I began to look at the dense starry sky and the Milky Way (can see very obvious, very beautiful!). Recite the poem. Most of what comes to mind are the "Preface to the Tengwang Pavilion" and Su Shi's words, and I don't know why. Maybe it's because looking up at the stars, my heart is full of pride and ambition.

I also remembered a quote from Kant: There are two things in the world that can deeply shake people's hearts, one is the lofty moral code in our hearts, and the other is the brilliant starry sky above our heads. It's really good.

What a Chinese girl feels like living in Mongolia for a year: Mongolia is not as backward as you think

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