
China's full name is "People's Republic of China", so what is Japan? You may not believe it

We all know that in today's world, when countries are called by each other, they are usually referred to in abbreviations, while the full names of countries are rarely mentioned, and even some people do not know the full names of many countries. Just like the full name of China is "The People's Republic of China", the full name of the United States is "United States of America". And what is the full name of Japan, which has been inextricably linked to our country from ancient times to the present? You can't believe it.

China's full name is "People's Republic of China", so what is Japan? You may not believe it

According to the "Chronicle of History", in the 4th to 7th centuries AD, Japan was still a small slave country, as a neighbor of the Han Dynasty, deeply influenced by the Chinese national culture, and also sent missions to learn advanced culture many times, and asked Emperor Guangwu of Han to be titled and submit to the Han Dynasty. Liu Xiu saw that the envoys were all obscene in appearance, and more importantly, they were very short, so he gave them the name of "倭", which means ugly and low in ancient Chinese, and the name of the country was "倭国".

China's full name is "People's Republic of China", so what is Japan? You may not believe it

Due to the cultural differences at that time, the Japanese did not know that the name of the country was pejorative, but were very grateful to the emperor of the Han Dynasty for giving it a name. Later, Japan's ties with China became closer and closer, and they knew the meaning of 倭, so they particularly disliked this title and wanted to apply to the emperor for a different name, but the emperor at the time refused. With the change of dynasties in Our country, the emperor finally wanted to help Japan change its name, that is, during the Wu Zetian period of the Tang Dynasty, the name "Wuguo" was changed, and it was also at that time that the word "Japan" began to appear.

China's full name is "People's Republic of China", so what is Japan? You may not believe it

Therefore, during the tang dynasty, he directly changed his name to "Japan", which means that his country is close to the sun. However, as a vassal state of the Tang Dynasty, the name "Japan" did not receive the title of emperor of the suzerainty after all, and was not recognized. It was not until the Wu Zetian period that the word "Japan" was officially given to Japan as the name of the country, and it has been used to this day, which is also the origin of the two characters of Japan today. After the Meiji Restoration, Japan's national strength gradually increased, and it began to call itself a "great Japan country", and even called itself the "Empire of Japan".

China's full name is "People's Republic of China", so what is Japan? You may not believe it

Later, he fought everywhere, plundered land resources, and eventually became one of the Axis powers of World War II. Two years after Japan's unconditional surrender, the Constitution was amended to rename the "Empire of Japan" to "Japan" or "Japan" for short, and now you know it.

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