
The town has been repeatedly struck by lightning, but experts say that there are tombs underground and "inexplicable" artifacts have been found

Chinese inheritance for 5,000 years, the successive generations of "strange learning and strange arts" emerge in an endless stream, especially the "Qimen Dunjia, Nine Palaces Bagua" technique; of course, Qimen, Nine Palaces cover the appearance, military available, "dragon point cave" is also involved.

The town has been repeatedly struck by lightning, but experts say that there are tombs underground and "inexplicable" artifacts have been found

Friends who have studied traditional culture may know that there is another magic art in the "Dragon Hunting Point Cave", called "Wangqi"; according to legend, there are high people who can identify the emperor's residence through "Wangqi", and of course, they can also find the location of ancient tombs (rare treasures).

The Book of Jin says that there was a man named "Zhang Hua" in the Eastern Jin Dynasty who looked at the sky at night and saw that there was "purple qi" between the two stars of dou and bull; so he invited "Lei Huan", who was also a capable person, and the two of them found two swords in Fengcheng with the guidance of "purple qi", and it turned out to be the famous "cadre general and Mo Evil".

The town has been repeatedly struck by lightning, but experts say that there are tombs underground and "inexplicable" artifacts have been found

Of course, this story can only be seen as a "legend". Judging by today's science, the so-called "natural vision" is just a natural phenomenon generated in a certain environment, which is not true; that being said, the legendary "natural vision" is actually useful to today's archaeologists, and similar things have happened in Yunnan.

The town has been repeatedly struck by lightning, but experts say that there are tombs underground and "inexplicable" artifacts have been found

There is a Fuxian Lake in Yunnan, and there is an inconspicuous town to the west, called "Lijiashan". At first glance, There are too many villages and towns similar to "Lijiashan", which is not unusual; the strange thing is that "Lijiashan" usually has no vision, and it suffers when it rains.

It is strange to say that it is the same piece of heaven, it rains in other places, but "Lijiashan" thunders when it rains; thunder seems to be nothing, the key is that this place is easy to attract lightning, and there are countless trees and houses that have been struck by lightning for decades.

The town has been repeatedly struck by lightning, but experts say that there are tombs underground and "inexplicable" artifacts have been found

Over time, all kinds of rumors and rumors appeared from time to time, such as "Li Jiashan" produced evil people, which attracted "thunder and thunder from heaven"; gradually, "Li Jia Shan" had a population outflow, and the local leaders were naturally anxious and quickly reported to their superiors.

There are many "experts" from all walks of life, but "thunder and rain" is a natural phenomenon, and the only explanation is that the metal content in the soil in this area is relatively high; although the "experts" have made an explanation, it is basically the same as not saying, how to solve the problem of "Lijiashan" being frequently struck by lightning? We can't move the town as a whole.

The town has been repeatedly struck by lightning, but experts say that there are tombs underground and "inexplicable" artifacts have been found

Coincidentally, this news was known to an old archaeologist, and then he personally went to "Lijiashan" to conduct a field investigation; realistically speaking, this "old expert" was good at archaeology, but he still could not explain "thunder and rain".

The explanation given by the "old expert" is similar to that of other experts, who also said: There is metal in the soil; strangely, this expert is not worried, but happy, he judged that there must be an ancient tomb in the ground near Fuxian Lake or "Lijia Mountain", and finally locked the scope within a radius of 2.5 kilometers of the town.

The town has been repeatedly struck by lightning, but experts say that there are tombs underground and "inexplicable" artifacts have been found

After all, "the art industry has a specialty", archaeologists said that there are ancient tombs are also reasonable, and then also applied for archaeological excavations, and officially stationed in "Lijiashan" in 1972; it sounds like a joke, no one expected that in 1972, the first excavation of "Lijiashan", the archaeological team found 27 ancient tombs, and also unearthed a large number of precious cultural relics, especially more than 1,000 bronzes from the Warring States Period.

The town has been repeatedly struck by lightning, but experts say that there are tombs underground and "inexplicable" artifacts have been found

Among them, there is also a treasure "NiuHu Copper Case", and friends who have studied national treasures and cultural relics may not be unfamiliar. In a nutshell, the "Bull and Tiger Bronze Case" is a bronze ceremonial vessel cast in the ancient Dian Warring States Period; its shape is skillfully combined by two cows and one tiger, with a strong bull as the main body, the four feet of the cow as the case foot, and the back of the cow with a reverse bow as the oval plate surface.

The town has been repeatedly struck by lightning, but experts say that there are tombs underground and "inexplicable" artifacts have been found

Not only that, there is another tiger swooping on the tail of the (big bull), four claws tightly pedaling the cow's body to bite the tail of the cow, "tiger looking at the surface" on the surface of the case; there is also a leisurely calf under the belly of the big bull, the head and tail are slightly exposed outside the belly of the big cow, and its overall shape means that the big bull sacrifices itself to protect the calf.

This case is the largest piece of "Ancient Dian" bronze, and its special shape makes the center of gravity of the entire copper case stable and harmonious in size; also because of its peculiar shape and novel conception, it has both the characteristics of the Central Plains, and the strong local characteristics and national style, which is a masterpiece of China's bronze artwork and a rare treasure in China's ancient culture.

The town has been repeatedly struck by lightning, but experts say that there are tombs underground and "inexplicable" artifacts have been found

After that, this "Niuhu Copper Case" represented China's overseas tour for many times; leaving aside the value of the "Niuhu Copper Case", its insurance premium alone was as high as 100 million. From 1991 to 1997, "Lijiashan" carried out the second archaeological excavation, this time cleaning out 58 ancient tombs, and more cultural relics were unearthed; in summary, there were not only more than 3,000 pieces of various ancient Dian bronzes unearthed this time, but also 6,600 pieces of various types of gold and silver utensils, such as gold judium, gold belts, gold buckles, etc., all of which are exquisite.

The town has been repeatedly struck by lightning, but experts say that there are tombs underground and "inexplicable" artifacts have been found

Of course, in addition to gold and silverware, there are also many gemstones such as agate and turquoise in the ancient tomb group; surprisingly, more than 340 pieces of iron, copper and iron alloys have appeared in this excavation.

The reason for the "accident" mainly refers to the identification of archaeologists as the product of the Warring States to the Eastern Han Dynasty, which has a history of more than 2,000 years; friends who have studied history may know that in the Warring States Period more than 2,000 years ago, even the Central Plains did not have iron (or alloy).

The town has been repeatedly struck by lightning, but experts say that there are tombs underground and "inexplicable" artifacts have been found

"Iron tools" were not officially used in warfare until the time of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, although "iron tools" have long appeared, they are still mainly used in war, and the people are still rare; and it is not too much to say that the "ancient Dian" in Yunnan at that time is "border barbaric", and even the Central Plains people at that time may not know the existence of "Gu Dian".

The town has been repeatedly struck by lightning, but experts say that there are tombs underground and "inexplicable" artifacts have been found

According to today's historical data, experts analyze that farming techniques, including "bronze casting", have been transmitted from the Central Plains to various places, including naturally "Ancient Dian"; but now all kinds of excavated iron, alloy and other cultural relics are in front of them, is it as early as 2,000 years ago, "Ancient Dian people" already had bronze casting technology? Techniques such as iron and alloys, is it difficult to predate the Central Plains?

The town has been repeatedly struck by lightning, but experts say that there are tombs underground and "inexplicable" artifacts have been found

Of course, these are the problems that experts need to consider, as far as "Lijiashan" alone, perhaps as early as 2,000 years ago, this is a "big city" with a developed economy and rich people.

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