
After Qin destroyed the Six Kingdoms, how did Qin Shi Huang dispose of the monarchs of the Six Kingdoms? Expert: The ending is good and bad!

Anyone who understands history knows that there is a law in history and sociology that the progress of the times does not mean that all people will benefit.

Because while the times are progressing, many people who go against the trend of the times will be beaten and destroyed under the general trend of the times.

For example, for Qin's annihilation of the Six Kingdoms, for Qin Shi Huang, this was a major peak of his career; but for the monarchs of the destroyed Six Kingdoms, the annihilation of the Six Kingdoms by Qin was undoubtedly their great misfortune.

After Qin destroyed the Six Kingdoms, how did Qin Shi Huang dispose of the monarchs of the Six Kingdoms? Expert: The ending is good and bad!

The two major backgrounds of the Qin Dynasty and the Destruction of the Six Kingdoms

In fact, from the perspective of historical inevitability, even if there is no such figure as Qin Shi Huang in Chinese history, it is inevitable that Qin will unify the six kingdoms.

The reason is that when Qin Qin Shi Huang was still the "king", Qin already had the capital to overthrow the other six kingdoms.

And this cost comes from two sources.

1. The accumulation of six generations of Qin kings

After all, "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty" is not talking about playing.

Just like the modern network said: people have worked hard for generations, why did they lose to you for ten years, Qin Shi Huang's highlight moment, in fact, need to thank the six generations of ancestors of Qin Shi Huang.

In the late Spring and Autumn Period, Qin had already degenerated into a small border country.

After Qin destroyed the Six Kingdoms, how did Qin Shi Huang dispose of the monarchs of the Six Kingdoms? Expert: The ending is good and bad!

After the death of Qin Mugong, Qin's national strength can be described as worse than a day. In the Warring States period, Qin, like Han and Yan, was once a country that did not enter the stream. Its status was only a little stronger than that of the daiguo and zhongshan countries, and it was bullied by the Wei state in the east all day.

It was not until Qin Xiaogong came to power that he deeply felt that if the Qin state continued to go on like this, sooner or later it would have to destroy the country. Therefore, Qin Xiaogong was poor and thought about change, and used the Shang Martingale transformation method. Stimulated by the Shang Martingale Transformation Method, Qin's national strength jumped up.

However, at this time, Qin was only a strong country.

After the death of Duke Xiao of Qin, Qin experienced two Qin queens, and King Zhaoxiang of Qin came to power. During the reign of King Zhaoxiang, a large-scale war broke out between Qin and Zhao, and Qin slaughtered more than 400,000 of Zhao's soldiers. This battle led to the six kingdoms having no military strength to continue to confront Qin.

However, at this time, Qin still did not have the strength to sweep the world.

Because war also requires logistical supplies, logistics is the size of the economy.

After Qin destroyed the Six Kingdoms, how did Qin Shi Huang dispose of the monarchs of the Six Kingdoms? Expert: The ending is good and bad!

2. The power of Zheng Guoqu

At the beginning of Qin Shi Huang's ascension to the throne of Qin, Qin raised the strength of the whole country to build the ZhengGuo Canal.

After this Zheng Guoqu became effective, Qin's agricultural product production soared. This meant that Qin relied on grain production in Guanzhong and Bashu, which was enough to support Qin and the other six kingdoms in waging perennial wars.

In this way, with the accumulation of the six generations of Qin kings and the help of Zheng Guoqu, Qin Shi Huang had the capital to sweep the world.

The tragedy of the monarchs of the Six Kingdoms

After Qin Shi Huang swept through the Six Kingdoms, the monarchs of the Six Kingdoms all became qin shi huang's subordinate prisoners. The monarchs of the six countries also suffered differently.

1. Before the fall of the Six Kingdoms, the countries reflected

Before Qin destroyed the Six Kingdoms, the Six Kingdoms were also aware of Qin's strength.

However, countries have adopted different attitudes.

Han was the smallest and weakest of the Six Kingdoms.

Unfortunately, South Korea is actually close to Qin. As long as Qin expanded, the first to perish was Han.

After Qin destroyed the Six Kingdoms, how did Qin Shi Huang dispose of the monarchs of the Six Kingdoms? Expert: The ending is good and bad!

Han then came up with a way to do a very bad job of harming others and not benefiting himself.

That is to send Zheng Guoqu to Qin Guo and coax Qin to pay for the construction of the Zheng Guo Canal mentioned above.

Objectively speaking, this Zheng Guoqu did drag down Qin's finances and gave Han a chance to breathe for several years, but the consequence was that after Qin repaired this Zheng Guoqu, he had the capital to destroy the other five countries besides Han.

The four states of Chu, Yan, Zhao, and Wei were also wary of Qin, but their monarchs did not realize the extent to which Qin's strength had swelled.

The most stupid is the State of Qi.

Qi Wang Tian Jian also went to Xianyang many times to drink with Qin Shi Huang, and Qin Shi Huang also said that he and Tian Jian were good friends. Therefore, when Qin destroyed the rest of the countries, the State of Qi applauded from the sidelines.

This is the reflection of the monarchs of various countries before the fall of the Six Kingdoms.

2. The encounter with the monarchs of the Six Kingdoms

As mentioned earlier, the first step in Qin's foreign expansion was to annex Korea. Han's monarch, Han An, knew that Han could not resist the Qin state, so he took the initiative to surrender when he saw the Qin army entering. Qin Shi Huang gave Han An a place to live.

However, Han An did not live for a few years, and the Restoration Movement broke out in Han's homeland. The movement was quickly quelled by Qin. Qin Shi Huang was angry with Han An, so he executed Han An.

After Qin destroyed the Six Kingdoms, how did Qin Shi Huang dispose of the monarchs of the Six Kingdoms? Expert: The ending is good and bad!

After the fall of Han, Qin destroyed the State of Zhao again.

When Qin Shi Huang was a teenager, he was a hostage in Handan. Zhao's clan disciples did not bully Qin Shi Huang. Therefore, after the Qin army destroyed Zhao, the Qin soldiers slaughtered Handan. After King Qian of Zhao was captured, Qin Shi Huang had a bad idea: send King Qian of Zhao to a ravine and let him fend for himself.

King Qian of Zhao did not understand Jia Ling, and of course he was starved to death.

After that, it was the State of Wei that perished.

When Qin attacked Wei's capital, Daliang, it encountered strong resistance. Qin paid a huge price and captured the girder by flooding the girder. After that, Qin slaughtered the city in Da liang.

Judging from Qin Tucheng's point of view, Qin should have hated Wei Fei, the King of Wei. Therefore, some scholars have analyzed that Wei Fei was likely executed by Qin Shi Huang after Wei's demise.

After The fall of Wei, Qin attacked Chu.

Chu was a country that could be consumed by Qin for a long time among the Six Kingdoms. Because Chu's territory was very large, Qin attacked Chu and was likely to be dragged by Chu's huge territory. In fact, the Chu army did defeat the Qin army many times.

However, Qin's absolute strength could crush the Chu state. Therefore, after some twists and turns, Qin destroyed Chu and captured the Chu king. The whereabouts of the King of Chu are unknown.

After Qin destroyed the Six Kingdoms, how did Qin Shi Huang dispose of the monarchs of the Six Kingdoms? Expert: The ending is good and bad!

However, Qin Chu had a deep relationship, and the King of Chu was mostly imprisoned until death.

This was followed by the Yan Kingdom.

In fact, after Qin destroyed Zhao, it occupied the territory of the Yan state, and King Xi of Yan fled to Liaodong to hide.

After Qin destroyed Chu, he remembered King Xi of Yan, so the Qin army invaded Liaodong and captured King Xi of Yan alive. Yan

Wang Xi's son, Prince Dan, sent someone to assassinate Qin Shi Huang, so Qin Shi Huang directly executed Yan Wang Xi.

Finally, there was Tian Jian, an old friend of Qin Shi Huang.

After Qin destroyed the remaining five kingdoms, large armies poured into the State of Qi. The State of Qi was unable to resist and had no choice but to announce its surrender. Subsequently, Qin Shi Huang exiled Tian Jian, and Tian Jian, like Zhao Qian, was starved to death.

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