
The full name of China is "The People's Republic of China", what is the full name of Japan? You may not believe it when you say it

There are many countries around the world, each with its own name. There are some countries whose names have historical reasons. In ordinary exchanges, we often replace it with the abbreviation of a country. In addition to understanding the abbreviations of some countries in some cases where writing is required, many times we use abbreviations. The full name of China is "The People's Republic of China", what is the full name of Japan?

The full name of China is "The People's Republic of China", what is the full name of Japan? You may not believe it when you say it

In general, there are considerable differences between the abbreviation and full name of a country. The abbreviation is generally, from the long length of the full name, extract a few word combinations, convenient for people to remember and call. Japan, on the other hand, is not so troublesome, and the full name of Japan is it


, just added a national character to the back.

The full name of China is "The People's Republic of China", what is the full name of Japan? You may not believe it when you say it

The name of the Japanese state has a lot to do with our country, and Japan gradually formed an agricultural society in the Yayoi period (300 BC to 250 AD) because of the migration of the Watanabe people, and at that time China had a lot of influence in the world. So At that time, Japan, which had not yet formed a country, sent emissaries to China, and Liu Xiu, the Guangwu Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was the first emperor in China's history to receive Japanese emissaries, and the emissaries expressed their willingness to be Han Chenfan and asked the Han Emperor to give them a name, so there was a "Uighur", because the Japanese at that time were short.

The full name of China is "The People's Republic of China", what is the full name of Japan? You may not believe it when you say it

However, since the New Book of Tang is unreliable, the record of "Japan" in the Tang Dynasty Zhang Shoujie's "History of Justice" written in 736 AD can ensure a certain authenticity. It is recorded in the book that the Takego changed the kingdom of Japan. Wu Zetian died in 705, according to the "History of Justice" is only 31 years old, Zhang Shouli lived in the era of Coinciding with the era of Wu Zetian, and it is almost the same as the time when the Japanese national name officially appeared, which can be described as the best evidence.

The full name of China is "The People's Republic of China", what is the full name of Japan? You may not believe it when you say it

Presumably, seeing this, many people will take out the phrase "Sunrise at the Son of Heaven to the Book of Heaven in the Book of Sui" recorded in the Book of Sui to prove that "Sunrise" is the former self-proclaimed name of Japan and the source of the word "Japan". However, the "sunrise" here is used in correspondence with the "sun is not there", just to illustrate the relative position relationship between the two countries, and there is absolutely no reason to call itself the East alone, let alone as the official name of the country.

The full name of China is "The People's Republic of China", what is the full name of Japan? You may not believe it when you say it

With the gradual deepening of cultural exchanges, the Japanese became more and more aware of the pejorative color of the name "Uighur", so during the Tang Dynasty, they directly changed their name to "Japan", which means that their country is close to the sun. However, as a vassal state of the Tang Dynasty, the name "Japan" did not receive the title of emperor of the suzerainty after all, and was not recognized. It was not until the Wu Zetian period that the word "Japan" was officially given to Japan as the name of the country, and it has been used to this day, which is also the origin of the two characters of Japan today. After the Meiji Restoration, Japan's national strength gradually increased, and it began to call itself a "greatEr Japan Country", and even called itself "Japan Country".

The full name of China is "The People's Republic of China", what is the full name of Japan? You may not believe it when you say it!

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