
How does hepatitis B evolve into liver cancer? Simply put, if you don't pay attention to 3 reasons, the liver will suffer

There are nearly 150 million people living with hepatitis B in China, and that number is growing.

After suffering from hepatitis B, people will have symptoms such as decreased appetite, dislike oiliness, yellow urine, epigastric discomfort, etc. Most patients can maintain stability after cooperating with the doctor's treatment, and some patients have aggravated their condition and then go to the hospital to check that their condition has deteriorated to liver cancer.

Many people can't understand, how does hepatitis B evolve into liver cancer?

How does hepatitis B evolve into liver cancer? Simply put, if you don't pay attention to 3 reasons, the liver will suffer

There are three causes of liver cancer caused by hepatitis B.

The first: bad habits.

1. Excessive mood swings. Everyone usually develops the habit of not being angry, not depressed, not anxious, to know that "anger hurts the liver", when people are angry, they will lead to the secretion of "catecholamines", which will violate the central nervous system, accelerate the decomposition of people's fatty acids, and the toxins in the body will become more, so that the liver will be damaged.

Therefore, anyone should try to keep their emotions stable at any time, and do not make the mood fluctuations too large, so as not to aggravate the condition of hepatitis B.

How does hepatitis B evolve into liver cancer? Simply put, if you don't pay attention to 3 reasons, the liver will suffer

2, often stay up late.

Hepatitis B patients should usually develop the habit of sleeping on time, so that the body can get enough rest time.

Especially between 11 p.m. and 1 p.m., the time of bile meridians and qi and blood running belonging to the human body, if there is still no rest during this period of time, the habit of staying up late will lead to the metabolic function in the body becoming disordered, so that the liver cells are further damaged, which is more unfavorable to the control of hepatitis B disease.

How does hepatitis B evolve into liver cancer? Simply put, if you don't pay attention to 3 reasons, the liver will suffer

3, do not like activities.

"Life lies in exercise", if people want to keep their bodies healthy, they must exercise regularly, such as walking, running, cycling, swimming, doing exercises, etc., which can not only make the muscles, ligaments and bones of the body get effective exercise, but also help improve the ability to resist diseases.

However, hepatitis B patients can not usually participate in strenuous exercise to overwork the body, so as not to lead to aggravation of the disease.

How does hepatitis B evolve into liver cancer? Simply put, if you don't pay attention to 3 reasons, the liver will suffer

Second, there is no emphasis on antiviral treatment.

Hepatitis B patients should consider whether they need to take drugs to treat diseases according to the specific condition, such as mild hepatitis B is found in time, the body's transaminases are not obvious, you can temporarily do not use drug treatment, usually strengthen life, diet, eat more food that is conducive to liver cell repair to keep the condition stable.

If it is found that the body has obvious symptoms of discomfort, the creatinine value is significantly increased, and the antiviral drugs should be taken according to the doctor's instructions for treatment, and only by strengthening antiviral therapy can the aggravation of the disease be avoided and the damage to the body be reduced.

How does hepatitis B evolve into liver cancer? Simply put, if you don't pay attention to 3 reasons, the liver will suffer

3. Regular review.

Hepatitis B patients should develop the habit of regular physical examination in the hospital, only through the examination can understand the specific situation of the liver, once the liver is found to have liver fibrosis or sclerosis, timely intervention and treatment should be carried out to keep the condition in a stable state.

Patients themselves should also maintain enough patience to face the disease, only from these aspects of attention can prevent the disease from developing into liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, liver cancer.

How does hepatitis B evolve into liver cancer? Simply put, if you don't pay attention to 3 reasons, the liver will suffer

Hepatitis B is an incurable disease, patients must be vigilant in peacetime, do not think that their body does not appear obvious symptoms of discomfort after not paying attention to the disease. Patients also do not become depressed because the hepatitis B virus has a certain degree of contagiousness, introverted personality, do not like to communicate with others, contact, but also pay attention to avoid using toothbrushes, towels, razors and other supplies with others, if the female hepatitis B patients want to get pregnant, they should also go to the hospital in advance to check, so that the condition can be stable for a long time before they can prepare for pregnancy, if it is a smooth pregnancy, regular pregnancy tests, liver function and liver ultrasound, in childbirth to do a good job of maternal and infant blocking treatment, timely injection of hepatitis B vaccine to the baby.

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