
What did Loulan in history do wrong, and why did ancient times always like to say that it was attacked by Loulan?

Loulan is a small country in the western region, with a population of about 14,000 people, of which the army is about 2,000 people, in the eyes of my Heavenly Dynasty, it is just an insignificant small country, and the population of a county may far exceed the population of their country. So, it is such a small country, why from the Han Dynasty to the later Tang Dynasty and other dynasties, will inspire generations of generals and people to "do not break Loulan and eventually do not return", Loulan did what wrong?

Speaking of Lou Lan, I have to mention the King of Lou Lan at that time, to be honest, this brother is really crazy.

In the Han Dynasty, the Silk Road was an important initiative to link China and the West, dating back to the land passage that Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty sent Zhang Qian to the Western Regions, starting from the capital Chang'an (present-day Xi'an), passing through Gansu and Xinjiang, to Central Asia and West Asia, and connecting the Mediterranean countries.

What did Loulan in history do wrong, and why did ancient times always like to say that it was attacked by Loulan?

The opening of this important road is of great significance, politically, it has promoted the connection and exchange between the East and the West (of course, mainly to win over the forces of the West and resist the Xiongnu together); economically, the Silk Road has broadened the scope of commerce, realized the growth of trade between China and the West and the exchange of technology; culturally, it has to be said that Buddhism, which has been developed in China for thousands of years, was first introduced to China through the Silk Road, and at the same time it also has a certain role in promoting the development of Lile culture.

The overland Silk Road was a narrow corridor, and the first country to enter the western region was Loulan. The countries in the western region were all frightened by the Xiongnu, and they were subject to the Xiongnu, and the location of Loulan was very special, with the Xiongnu in the north, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and other places in the south, the Han Dynasty in the southeast, and the countries in the western region to the west, it can be said that Loulan was strangling the throat of the Silk Road.

King Loulan had previously submitted to the Xiongnu, unaware of the greatness of the Han Dynasty, and as ignorant as the Yelang Kingdom. At the behest of the Xiongnu, they repeatedly plundered China's merchants doing business on the Silk Road, and even plundered and killed our Han envoys. The emperor at that time was the majestic Emperor Wu of Han, who was so humiliated that he was immediately furious, and for the implementation of the state's policies and tactics, he decided to educate this little brother well.

What did Loulan in history do wrong, and why did ancient times always like to say that it was attacked by Loulan?

In the third year of the Yuan Dynasty, the Han Dynasty sent Wang Hui to lead 700 iron horses to attack the state of Loulan and capture the king of Loulan alive. Wang Hui brought King Loulan to the capital of the Han Dynasty, and after seeing the majesty of the Han Dynasty, Loulan decided to submit to the Han Dynasty. A handful of snot and a handful of tears complained to Emperor Wu of Han, he did not intend to oppose the Han Dynasty, there was really no way, the country was too small, the position was too prominent, sandwiched between the two countries to survive, had no choice but to rely on the Xiongnu to survive. Emperor Wudi of Han was also a man of understanding, after all, it was the first time they met, and they forgave him.

In the decades since then, Loulan has sent protons to the Xiongnu as well as protons to the Han Dynasty.

The turning point of events occurred when king Loulan died, the Han Dynasty wanted to make the proton in his hand a new generation of King Loulan, and the Xiongnu also wanted to make the proton in their hand the new king of Loulan. However, the Han Dynasty was one step too late, and as a result, the proton angelica in the hands of the Xiongnu became the king of Loulan.

I need to add this point, the reason why the proton in the hands of the Han Dynasty did not become the king of Loulan, a large part of the reason is that the Han Dynasty was discussing whether to send the proton back, because the proton was repeatedly violated in the Han Dynasty, it has been "palace", and finally missed the opportunity, so that the proton in the hands of the Xiongnu is called Angelica to become the new generation of Loulan King.

After Angelica succeeded to the throne, it was toward the Xiongnu at that time, so it continued to do things that hurt the Han Dynasty. It gradually became a major problem for the Han Dynasty.

What did Loulan in history do wrong, and why did ancient times always like to say that it was attacked by Loulan?

Tu Qi, a proton lieutenant who had been in the hands of the Han Dynasty, surrendered to the Han Dynasty and reported the situation to the Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty was very angry, and lost patience with Lou Lan, who was so repeated, at this time Fu Jiezi took the initiative to ask for help, only took dozens of people on a mission to the Western Regions, and through a plot led to Angelica, killed Angelica in the middle of drinking, Li Wei Tuqi became the new king, Lou Lan Guo also changed its name to Yan ShanGuo, and moved the capital to Nicheng (near present-day Ruoqiang, Xinjiang). In order to protect the country, the Han Dynasty also sent people to Tuntian, the ancient city of Loulan.

Later, loulan city, a famous place in history, gradually lost its water source due to the diversion of the zhubin river in the middle reaches of the Tarim River, and many times to save the river took time and effort and did not play a good effect, and finally disappeared into history.

After more than 600 years of existence, the State of Shanshan was destroyed by the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the history of Loulan was finalized.

The location of Loulan and the location of Yumen Pass are not far away, Yumen Pass is a famous border defense pass, which has played a famous defense line against barbarian invasion in the north, and has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The reason why Loulan offended the People of The Country was mainly because its behavior at both ends of the snake and rat gave the country hatred at that time, and the behavior of plundering China's merchants and Han also stimulated the soldiers on the frontier, and they were eager to destroy Loulan.

Later, the broken Loulan gradually became the determination and ambition of the soldiers to resist foreign invasions in the eyes of the literati, and Loulan became a metaphor. Of course, the most famous is the border poet Wang Changling's "Seven Songs from the Army":

Qinghai Changyun Dark Snow Mountain, isolated city looking at Yumen Pass.

Huangsha wears golden armor in hundreds of battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it.

In fact, when Wang Changling wrote his poems, the Shanshan Kingdom had already perished, and these were just metaphors.

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