
How hateful is Loulan? So much so that our ancestors have to "cut Loulan" and "break Loulan"

author:Morimori Samurai

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How hateful is Loulan? So much so that our ancestors have to "cut Loulan" and "break Loulan"?

At the western end of the ancient Silk Road, there used to be a small country called Loulan. Although it is small, it has prospered for a while because of its unique geographical location, and it has become a necessary route for merchants from the East and the West. However, with the passage of time, what Loulan did caused extreme dissatisfaction in neighboring countries, and even made our ancestors decide to "cut Loulan" and "break Loulan".

Kun Mo, the king of Loulan, was an ambitious and extremely ambitious man. After he came to power, he was not only not satisfied with being a transit point on the Silk Road, but also wanted to seek huge wealth by controlling and monopolizing trade. To achieve this, Kunmo began to impose high tariffs on passing caravans, even looting and slaughtering those that could not pay the high tariffs. Merchants were so miserable that they took detours, and the prosperity of the Silk Road was greatly reduced.

What's worse is that Kunmo also colluded with the Xiongnu and other foreign tribes to jointly harass the border of the Han Dynasty. Not only did they plunder the wealth and territory of the Han Dynasty, but they also killed the people and soldiers of the Han Dynasty. The border areas of the Han Dynasty were plunged into chaos and turmoil, and the common people lived in dire straits.

How hateful is Loulan? So much so that our ancestors have to "cut Loulan" and "break Loulan"

When Emperor Wu of Han learned of this, he was furious. He knew that what Loulan had done had seriously threatened the interests and dignity of the Han Dynasty, so he decided to take military action to eradicate this scourge once and for all. He sent the famous general Li Guangli to lead a large army on the expedition, aiming directly at the country of Loulan.

Li Guangli's army swept like an autumn wind sweeping away leaves, and soon reached the capital of Loulan Kingdom. Seeing that the situation was not good, Kunmo hurriedly sent an envoy to Li Guangli to sue for peace, expressing his willingness to submit to the Han Dynasty, and promising not to collude with the Xiongnu again, and not to rob and massacre the caravans. However, Li Guangli was well aware of Kunmo's cunning and greed, and he understood that such a promise was nothing more than a stopgap measure, and once the Han army withdrew, Kunmo would definitely betray again.

So, Li Guangli decided not to give Kunmo any chance. He ordered the army to continue the attack, and soon broke through the capital of the Loulan Kingdom. Kun Mo saw that the general trend was gone, so he had to tie his hands and arrest him. The nobles and soldiers of the Loulan Kingdom surrendered one after another, and the whole country fell into chaos.

After conquering the Loulan Kingdom, Li Guangli severely punished the nobles and soldiers of the Loulan Kingdom. They were deprived of their wealth and power and exiled to the frontier areas for forced labor. Those who had participated in the robbery and massacre were executed to death as an example.

How hateful is Loulan? So much so that our ancestors have to "cut Loulan" and "break Loulan"

The fall of the Loulan Kingdom brought great convenience and tranquility to the caravans on the Silk Road. Merchants no longer had to worry about the risk of being robbed and slaughtered, and they were free to trade and exchange cultures along the Silk Roads. At the same time, the demise of the Loulan Kingdom also taught the surrounding countries a profound lesson: treachery and greed will only lead to ruin in the end.

However, the fall of the Loulan Kingdom did not completely end the legend of the story. In later history, the kingdom of Loulan was gradually swallowed by the desert and became a mysterious legend. One can only trace the traces of this once-prosperous country through history books and ruins.

What Loulan has done makes us ask: how hateful is it? So much so that our ancestors wanted to "cut Loulan" and "break Loulan"? From the history of Loulan Kingdom, we can see that its treachery, greed, collusion with foreign enemies and other behaviors have caused great damage and losses to neighboring countries and the Silk Road. These actions not only prevented the merchants from freely engaging in trade and cultural exchanges, but also seriously undermined the national interests and dignity of the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, we can draw the following takeaways:

How hateful is Loulan? So much so that our ancestors have to "cut Loulan" and "break Loulan"

Honesty is the foundation of the country. If a country wants to prosper for a long time, it must adhere to the principle of integrity. Only in this way can we win the respect and trust of other countries and be invincible in the international arena.

Honesty is the foundation of the country. If a country wants to prosper for a long time, it must adhere to the principle of integrity. Only in this way can we win the respect and trust of other countries and be invincible in the international arena.

Greed is the source of destruction. The Loulan Kingdom embarked on the path of treachery because of its excessive greed, which eventually led to the demise of the country. This tells us that greed will only make people lose their sanity and moral bottom line, and eventually lead to destruction.

Greed is the source of destruction. The Loulan Kingdom embarked on the path of treachery because of its excessive greed, which eventually led to the demise of the country. This tells us that greed will only make people lose their sanity and moral bottom line, and eventually lead to destruction.

How hateful is Loulan? So much so that our ancestors have to "cut Loulan" and "break Loulan"

Collusion with foreign enemies is a move that brings calamity to the country and the people. The Loulan Kingdom colluded with the Xiongnu and other foreign tribes to invade the border of the Han Dynasty, bringing great losses and suffering to the Han Dynasty. This tells us that if a country wants to be prosperous and stable, it must adhere to an independent foreign policy and must not collude with foreign enemies to harm its national interests.

Collusion with foreign enemies is a move that brings calamity to the country and the people. The Loulan Kingdom colluded with the Xiongnu and other foreign tribes to invade the border of the Han Dynasty, bringing great losses and suffering to the Han Dynasty. This tells us that if a country wants to be prosperous and stable, it must adhere to an independent foreign policy and must not collude with foreign enemies to harm its national interests.

Finally, let us ponder: in today's complex and ever-changing world, how can we uphold integrity, avoid greed, and safeguard national independence and dignity? This is a question that deserves in-depth consideration and discussion by each of us.

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