
Why Guan Yu became a folk belief

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Why Guan Yu became a folk belief

There are statues of Guan Yu in many places in China, and the Guan Yu Temple has gone from China to the world early, and Guan Yu has long become a folk belief. There is also a statue of Guan Yu on the west side of the Ancestral Hall of the Chinese surname in Longyou Mahogany Town, whose image is mighty and domineering, and there is also a small bronze statue of Guan Yu in the Hall of the Sages in the Ancestral Hall.

Guan Yu is a real historical figure, is a symbol of loyalty and steadfastness, he and Wensheng Confucius are equally famous, revered as a martial saint, and even worshipped as a god, in history, whether it is personal strength or merit, there are too many people who are stronger than Guan Yu, but no martial general can be canonized like Guan Yu.

Why Guan Yu became a folk belief

The real Guan Yu in history

Heroes have emerged since ancient chaos, and the Three Kingdoms period is the era of heroes, and Guan Yu is one of the most shining stars of that era.

The historical Guan Yu gave the impression of being brave and invincible during the Three Kingdoms period. Cao Cao's advisers Cheng Yu and Guo Jia had commented on Guan Yu, calling him and Zhang Fei "enemies of all men."

In addition to his bravery, Guan Yu's most praiseworthy thing is his loyalty and the style of a national soldier. He was able to give up the wealth and status given by Cao Cao and return to Liu Bei's side.

Still, at the time, he didn't get a lot of praise. The most important reason was his defeat in Jingzhou, which caused irreparable losses to Liu Bei's cause. Moreover, Guan Yu's personality is also greatly missing. Chen Shou praised Zhang Guan and the two men first and then depreciated them in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms:

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei both called themselves enemies of ten thousand people, and they were tiger ministers. Yu repays Cao Gong, Fei Yi interprets Yan Yan, and has the style of a national soldier. Ran Yu is rigid and self-effacing, violent and unkind, defeated by short, and the number of reasons is often also. ”

At the same time, the Shu Han's nickname for Guan Yu was "Marquis zhuangmiao", what is "zhuangmiao", according to the Zhou Dynasty's interpretation of the title, "zhuang" contains the meaning of dying in the wilderness, defeating the enemy and overcoming chaos, being brave and courageous, repeatedly marching, wu but not succeeding, and wu de fortitude. This is an affirmation of Guan Yu's bravery and military strength and a regret for the outcome. And the word "Miao" contains the meaning of name and real shuang, that is to say, Guan Yu is worthy of the name. Compared with Ma Chao and others who chased after them together at the same time, even if they were slightly better than Ping Yu, the others were all praised, which shows that Liu Chan and others were blamed for the defeat of Guan Yu's army.

And until the Song Dynasty, the mainstream evaluation of Guan Yu was the same. For example, Zhu Xi praised Guan Yu's bravery on the one hand, and on the other hand, said that Guan Yu was arrogant and self-defeated.

Why Guan Yu became a folk belief

The change in Guan Yu's status

From the Song Dynasty onwards, Guan Yu's status began to change. Especially during the Southern Song Dynasty, the main reasons for this situation are as follows:

1. Strengthening of zhongjun thought:

Before the Song Dynasty, it was a chaotic world, known as the "Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms". During this period, the change of state power was frequent, and the usurpation of the throne by powerful ministers was not uncommon, and in order to prevent similar things from happening later, the rulers of the Song Dynasty vigorously promoted the idea of loyalty and patriotism.

Therefore, in the atmosphere of the Song Dynasty's zhongjun ideology, Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms period was characterized as a Han thief and became a representative of the traitors, which greatly affected the later dynasties, so in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Luo Guanzhong's idea of "pro-Liu and degrading Cao" was very obvious.

2. The orthodoxy of the Three Kingdoms period changed from the original Cao Wei to the Shu Han

During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Wei and Shu Han who was orthodox was an eternal topic. The Western Jin Dynasty inherited Cao Wei, so Chen Shou's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" must have been written with Cao Wei as the orthodox. By the time Sima Guang wrote the Zizhi Tongjian, he cleverly avoided the topic of orthodoxy, but still used Cao Wei's era name.

During the Southern Song Dynasty, the southern Song court was driven to the south by the Jin Dynasty, and had to live in a quiet corner. Therefore, in the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhu Xi and other representatives of science at that time believed that the Three Kingdoms period should be orthodox with Shu Han, and Zhu Xi once said: "Scholars know that Cao Shi is a Han thief, but does not know that Sun Quan is a Han thief." Then Cao Wei was naturally completely denied, and at the same time denied Sun Wu.

Among the Shu Han characters, those who can be compared with Guan Yu are Zhuge Liang, Zhang Fei and others. During Zhuge Liang's reign, it was inevitable that he would be suspected of being a powerful subject, which was very taboo in the Song Dynasty, and Zhang Fei was slightly reckless, so Guan Yu became the most suitable figure for commendation. As a result, Guan Yu's status rose. In the first year of the Northern Song Dynasty,Emperor Huizong Chongning was given the title of Duke hui of Zhong, and in the second year of Daguan, he was made the Prince of Wu'an. By the time of Emperor Xiaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty, Guan Yu had been given the title of "King of Yongwu'an Yingji".

The people have already honored Guan Yu at this time as "Guan Gong".

Why Guan Yu became a folk belief

In the Yuan Dynasty, the story of the Three Kingdoms was applied to opera. During the Ming Dynasty, the classic work "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" came into being. In it, Guan Yu's image is shaped into the embodiment of loyalty, righteousness, benevolence, and courage. The external image of Guan Yu in the novel also borrows from the image of Guan Gong in the opera, and at the same time affects the shaping of the image of Guan Gong in later opera.

At the same time, at the level of rulers, Guan Yu was no longer just Guan Gong, but was constantly deified, and his title was constantly being raised, from king to emperor. In the forty-second year of the Wanli calendar year at the end of the Ming Dynasty, Guan Yu was named a single-sword Voldemort, and the Divine Emperor of Tianzun Guan in The Town of Shenweiyuan was honored.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Guan Yu's status was higher. In Luo Guanzhong's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the narrative is the most detailed and vivid.

In the Qing Dynasty, the rulers of the Qing Dynasty adopted the basic national policy of "using Han to control Han" for the stability of the regime, and they took the initiative to integrate into Han culture, and Guan Gong culture was naturally no exception.

In the ninth year of the reign of Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty, he was made the Duke of Guanguan the Emperor of Zhongyi, and Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty posthumously named him a duke for three generations. In the thirty-first year of Emperor Gaozong's Qianlong Dynasty, the word "Lingyou" was added to the title of Guan Gong, the word "Ren Yong" was added to the title of Guan Gong in the eighteenth year of Emperor Jiaqing of Qing Renzong, the eighth year of Emperor Daoguang of Qing Xuanzong was named "Zhongyi God WuLingYou Ren Yong Wei Xianguan Sheng Emperor", and finally in the fifth year of Qing De Zhong guangxu, he was named "Zhongyi God Wu LingYou Ren Yong Xianwei Defending the Country and Protecting the People Sincere appeasement Yi Zan Xuande Guan Sheng Emperor".

In addition, in the Qing Dynasty, the number of Guandi temples even exceeded that of Confucius Temples.

Some of the content comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted.

Why Guan Yu became a folk belief
Why Guan Yu became a folk belief

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