
Ma Huateng: Tencent is just an ordinary company, it can be replaced at any time, is it really low-key or Versailles?

Text: Xiao Yu

Speaking of the giants of the domestic Internet industry, Alibaba and Tencent undoubtedly dominate. However, this status also causes its long-term monopoly, so that it hinders the development of fair competition among other enterprises, and also harms the rights and interests of consumers. In this regard, since 2020, the state's supervision of head Internet enterprises has become more and more stringent.

Ma Huateng: Tencent is just an ordinary company, it can be replaced at any time, is it really low-key or Versailles?

Among them, in April 2021, Ali was fined 18.228 billion yuan for "choosing one of the two". Subsequently, the state has once again increased the supervision of Internet companies. As a giant, Ali has also been on the cusp of the storm since this year. Of course, in addition to Ali, other Internet giants are not immune.

On January 5, the state issued the first batch of anti-monopoly fines for the new year, of which Tencent involved 9, Alibaba involved 2, Bilibili and involved 1. It can be seen that in this batch of fines, Tencent accounted for the highest proportion, taking away 9 of them. However, compared with Ali, Tencent's impact on the large-scale rectification of the Internet is still small. The issues involved in this fine are not serious.

Ma Huateng: Tencent is just an ordinary company, it can be replaced at any time, is it really low-key or Versailles?

Although Tencent is even worse than Ali in most people's impression, compared with Tencent's style, it is very good in Internet companies. Under the rainstorm in Henan last year, Tencent was the fastest responding enterprise, directly announcing a donation of 100 million yuan in the early morning for emergency assistance to Henan. Ali and other companies have followed behind, although Ali has donated the most, but it cannot catch up with Tencent's time. On September 2 last year, Alibaba launched the "Alibaba Top Ten Actions to Help Common Prosperity", and it is expected that the company will invest a total of 100 billion yuan by 2025 to help common prosperity.

Ma Huateng: Tencent is just an ordinary company, it can be replaced at any time, is it really low-key or Versailles?

As everyone knows, as early as August 18, Tencent released that it will continue to invest 50 billion yuan to launch the "sustainable social value innovation" strategy to promote common prosperity. And within four months, Tencent has continuously planned to invest 100 billion yuan. In fact, many of the behaviors made by Tencent are still commendable, basically after the country makes decision-making regulations, it is also the first time to respond positively.

This is also very similar to Ma Huateng as the founder. As the founders of China's two major Internet giants, the styles of Ali Ma Yun and Tencent Ma Huateng are also very different. Unlike Ma Yun's high profile, Ma Huateng rarely appears in front of the media. The style of conduct is relatively low-key, and the rumors and remarks about Ma Huateng are very few on the Internet. However, just recently, the low-key former richest man Ma Huateng also had a remark, temporarily dominating the entire network.

On January 10, at the employee meeting at the end of last year, Ma Huateng expressed his thoughts on a series of changes that will occur in 2021. He said that Tencent is just an ordinary company during the period of national social development, a beneficiary under the wave of national development, not a basic service, which can be replaced at any time. And also said that in the future, when Tencent serves the country and society, it will be able to do not lack, do a good job, do not overstep, do a good job as an assistant, and do a good job as a connector.

As soon as this remark was circulated, it triggered discussions among major media and netizens. For a moment, I couldn't tell whether it was Versailles or really low-key? In this regard, many netizens joked: Wang Jianlin, who has nothing, repents of Ali Jack Ma, does not know his wife Liu Qiangdong, and the ordinary company of ordinary family Ma Huateng. Of course, some netizens said: Ma Huateng is indeed modest, highly conscious and low-key.

Ma Huateng: Tencent is just an ordinary company, it can be replaced at any time, is it really low-key or Versailles?

From the national level, Tencent is naturally an ordinary company, after all, China has many state-owned enterprises and central enterprises, which is also incomparable to many private enterprises. But as far as private enterprises and the Internet field are concerned, Tencent is definitely not ordinary. As far as the market is concerned, Tencent is undoubtedly a super giant. In the entire Internet market, Tencent is one of the two super giants of the Internet industry.

Tencent's influence in the entire Chinese Internet market is unquestionable, just like WeChat, as the largest social platform in China, has an absolute dominant position in the social market, and even shakes Alipay's position in mobile payment. In addition, in the entire private enterprise market, its influence on the market is beyond doubt.

Ma Huateng: Tencent is just an ordinary company, it can be replaced at any time, is it really low-key or Versailles?

As a company known for its investment, Tencent has already formed a huge investment territory. According to public information, Tencent has invested in more than 800 companies, of which more than 70 are listed companies, and the total market value of These enterprises indirectly controlled by Tencent has reached 5.7 trillion yuan. It is reported that among the top 20 Internet companies released by the Internet Society of China, Tencent has invested as many as 10.

In addition to several established companies such as Alibaba, Baidu, Toutiao, Sina, Sohu, 360, and Xiaomi, the remaining half have Tencent's participation. Including, Pinduoduo, Meituan, Didi, B station, Kuaishou and so on. It can be said that most of the apps used in our mobile phones today have Tencent figures, and Tencent often occupies a large share. Therefore, from a market point of view, if Tencent is an ordinary enterprise, most people are very skeptical.

Ma Huateng: Tencent is just an ordinary company, it can be replaced at any time, is it really low-key or Versailles?

But if you consider the current market environment and Tencent's style over the years, Ma Huateng's words are very normal. From the years of Tencent's behavior listed above, we can find that Ma Huateng is actually promoting Tencent to become an ordinary enterprise as much as possible, and the purpose is to keep a low profile. The existence of an ordinary enterprise is also very beneficial to the development of Tencent. Moreover, Ma Huateng, as a typical Chaoshan businessman, pays attention to making a lot of money in a muffled voice, and the wealth is not revealed, which obviously makes sense.

What is your opinion on Ma Huateng's remarks? Tencent's follow-up development, are you optimistic?

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