
Workers over fifty years old should not have these kinds of behaviors in the workplace, which is very cheap


Don't "touch the fish".

Karma is good at being diligent and absurd, and doing is destroyed by thinking and destroying.

This sentence is also very appropriate in the workplace.

Kazuo Inamori, who is known as the saint of management, has a hard time getting a job after graduating from college, but the company is on the verge of bankruptcy, and several other classmates who are applying for him at the same time are busy with other highs all day long, and they always have to get by with their work, and Inamori Kazuo is also itchy and ready to "jump jobs" with them.

When the family learned the news, they denounced Kazuo Inamori's absent-mindedness and "touching the fish" behavior, and taught him that no matter where he worked, he should do a line of work and love a line. Kazuo Inamori was relieved to focus on his work and take on the task of developing new products, which was a great success, not only saving the company, but also making him famous.

Workers over the age of fifty have more or less "burnout": the work has become familiar to the chest, the promotion channel is extremely narrow, and no matter how dedicated it is, it seems that it cannot break through the bottleneck.

As a result, some people began to "rely on the old and sell the old", treat the work, be light and afraid of the heavy, push and push, and slip and slip. Or constantly shouting in front of the leader, shouting that they want to improve their treatment.

It is true that the workers in their fifties, there is no shortage of technical backbones, are the mainstay of a unit or company, if they can actively work and play the role of "passing on the help", it is a valuable intellectual wealth.

However, if the character is inferior, only for the sake of fame and profit, once the purpose is not achieved, it will pick a pick, not only colleagues are not accustomed to it, but the leader will also have ideas. Instead of looking at the faces of subordinates, it is better to recruit a few more young people, train for a period of time, and replace them.

Therefore, workers over the age of fifty, no matter how much merit and hard work they have had, should not be proud of their achievements, often shout bitterness, and even more can not change the method of muddy waters to touch the fish. Once you start "mixing" days, you're not far from being swept out of the house.

Workers over fifty years old should not have these kinds of behaviors in the workplace, which is very cheap


Don't covet small profits.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Meng Tianjun, who was known as one of the "Four Princes", once sent an envoy to the Qin Kingdom in distress: King Qin Zhao, who wanted to leave him as a xiangguo without success, listened to the advice of his ministers and wanted to kill Meng Tianjun. After being placed under house arrest, Meng's disciples began to find ways to rescue them.

After learning that King Qin Zhao's obedience to a concubine, Meng Tianjun asked her for help. The concubine agreed to help, but only if she got a matchless fox coat. In order to retrieve the fox white fur that had been given to King Qin Zhao, two people among the doormen brought their "chicken singing dog thieves" skills to the extreme, and successfully retrieved the fox white fur.

And the concubine, because of the covetousness of the small profit of fox white qiu, persuaded King Qin Zhao to let go of a potential fierce enemy, which can not be said to be "because of small losses".

Workers over fifty years old have already regarded the unit or company as their "own home", although from time to time they complain about how bad the work unit is, while trying to take advantage of the small advantage. For example, rubbing nets, rubbing air conditioners, rubbing water and electricity, this is all very common.

Of course, as long as it is not too much, everyone will turn a blind eye.

But if there is no one around, it will cause "public anger" and cause complaints.

For example, someone packs a canteen meal home and always pays for one meal and hits two meals. In order to be able to take advantage of the situation, he often left work before the arrival of the hour, waiting early to pack meals to go home, seemingly taking advantage, but was labeled "greedy".

Confucius's disciple Zi Xia became the governor of Jufu's locality and asked how to govern government affairs. Confucius said, "Don't rush to success, don't covet small profits." If you are eager to achieve success, you will not be able to achieve your goal, and if you covet small profits, you will not be able to achieve great things. It can be seen that from ancient times to the present, this is an untainable "price drop" behavior in the workplace.

Workers over fifty years old should not have these kinds of behaviors in the workplace, which is very cheap


Don't "three minutes of heat".

Dripping stones are worn, rope sawn timber is broken. If you want to become a job expert, you must have the strength of "tenacity".

No one can succeed casually, many things, all originate from "nothing", need to do a lot of pioneering work, no experience to follow, no reference, all rely on their own strong perseverance, smooth the ups and downs.

Edison invented the electric light and returned after more than a thousand failures; Goethe spent more than sixty years creating Faust, exhausting his life's work.

They use success to tell the world: There is nothing difficult in the world, but I am afraid of those who have a heart.

It is true that as an ordinary worker, we can only do ordinary things and achieve "ordinary" performance, and if we want to do this, we must also go all out.

In the face of new problems and new challenges in the work, jump out of the inherent thinking, with an open attitude to accept, learn, to apply, may be very clumsy at the beginning, always can not find the trick, but must not give up lightly.

Practice deliberately, repeat it precisely, and experience it with your heart, and over time, you will be successful.

Workers over fifty years old should not have these kinds of behaviors in the workplace, which is very cheap



If you are over fifty years old, you can still have a stable job, so cherish it.

Don't complain, don't slacken off, don't get lost, and insist on doing what you should do, in order to win the initiative and stand firm.

Author: Like the wind is light as a cloud.

Your happiness, my blessings.

Images are from the web.

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