
When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a secret telegram: Don't get off the ship! It was 50 years before I learned that the whistleblower was well-intentioned

In modern times, due to the impact of war, many Chinese scientists have been exiled abroad, when New China was just founded, there were more than 5,000 Chinese scientists living in various countries in the world, these people have a superior material life abroad, have a certain social status, many people have lived abroad for more than ten years, or even longer.

After the founding of New China, a large number of overseas scientists returned to China

However, after the founding of New China, a large number of scientists began to return to China, according to the statistics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, by 1956, more than 2,000 scientists had returned to the motherland and invested in the production and construction of New China. Many of these scientists are world-renowned scientists. The return of these overseas scientists laid the foundation for the development of Science in China and made the scientific undertakings of New China shine brightly.

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a secret telegram: Don't get off the ship! It was 50 years before I learned that the whistleblower was well-intentioned

Among these scientists, too many excellent figures have emerged, such as Deng Jiaxian, in 1948,

Deng Jia first crossed the ocean and entered the Department of Physics of Purdue University in the United States. When he first arrived abroad, Deng Jiaxian's life was very difficult, and he did not dare to eat according to the amount of food, but could only eat according to money. Sometimes, the students who studied with him really couldn't stand it anymore, so they gave him a portion of their meals.

After arriving in the United States, Deng Jiaxian obtained a doctorate in only one year. Such excellent talents were quickly noticed by the US government, many government research institutions and universities, enterprises have thrown olive branches to him, the highest offer of 100,000 US dollars a monthly salary, want to keep Deng Jia first, but when Deng Jia first heard the news of the establishment of New China, he still did not hesitate to decide to return to China. At that time, his mentor was very confused, asking him to study so hard, was not it to enjoy the superior material life in the United States? Deng Jiaxian only smiled and did not speak.

At that time, Guo Yonghuai's status in the United States was higher, and he was

Disciple of the world's master of mechanics von Carmen. Before returning home, he was already

A professor at Cornell University and one of the three core leaders of the Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, he has a car and a house in the United States and can live a very comfortable life.

When he put forward the idea of returning to China, a friend asked him at that time: You have everything here, and your children will receive a better education here in the future, so why do you have to return to that poor and backward country?

Guo Yonghuai replied:

The poor family and the poor country can only explain the incompetence of being a son. I consider myself a Chinese and have the responsibility to go back and build the motherland with everyone.

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a secret telegram: Don't get off the ship! It was 50 years before I learned that the whistleblower was well-intentioned

Among the overseas scientists who returned to China at that time, the most influential and well-known, of course, the most difficult to return to China, is Qian Xuesen.

Young to fame

Qian Xuesen was born in Shanghai and his ancestral home was Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and was the 33rd grandson of Qian Wei, the King of Wuyue. Due to his family's superior family, Qian Xuesen was able to receive a good education from an early age, and in 1934, Qian Xuesen graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University and soon after


Tsinghua University

The 7th class of Students Studying in the United States.

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a secret telegram: Don't get off the ship! It was 50 years before I learned that the whistleblower was well-intentioned

In September 1936, Qian Xuesen

Awarded Aeronautical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Degree, later transferred

California Institute of Technology

Study in the Department of Aeronautics. After transferring to the Department of Aeronautics, Qian Xuesen's mentor was the world-famous aerospace engineer Von Kármán.

Under the guidance of Professor Von Carmen, Qian Xuesen soon received his doctorate. In his work, Professor Von Kamen found that this Chinese youth had an amazing talent in mathematics, he not only had a genius imagination, but also the keen vision of an artist, and some of Qian Xuesen's ideas and views could often inject fresh blood into Von Kamen's thought, so that some complex physics problems were well solved.

At caltech, Von Carmen often introduced his beloved disciples to others, and Qian Xuesen's talent was also surprised by other physics professors. One day walking on campus, Professor Paul Epstein, the famous professor in the Department of Physics, said to Von Carmen:

"Sir, your student Qian Xuesen sometimes comes to my class, and he is truly talented and amazing." Von Carmen was proud and said, "Of course, he is very good. ”

After obtaining his doctorate, Qian Xuesen engaged in research in the fields of aerodynamics, solid mechanics, rockets and missiles in the United States, and worked with his supervisor to complete the research project of high-speed aerodynamic problems and establish the "Carmen-Qian Xuesen" formula, and became a world-renowned aerodynamicist at the age of twenty-eight.

In 1941, Guo Yonghuai, Fu Chengyi, and Lin Jiaqiao, who were qualified to study abroad at public expense, transferred from Canada to the United States to study, and the next year, Qian Weichang also came to the United States to study. The arrival of these people has brought great joy to Qian Xuesen's life, among these people, Guo Yonghuai and Qian Xuesen have the best relationship, Guo Yonghuai's mentor is also Feng Kamen, Qian Xuesen often drives this disciple around, discusses various issues with him, and provides him with various learning resources.

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a secret telegram: Don't get off the ship! It was 50 years before I learned that the whistleblower was well-intentioned

In 1942, when the U.S. military commissioned the California Institute of Technology to hold a training course on jet technology, Qian Xuesen's reputation in the American physics community was already great. Because the United States was in a state of war at that time, restrictions on foreigners were relaxed, and Qian Xuesen participated in a series of classified work, and then Qian Xuesen recommended Qian Weichang and Lin Jiaqiao. After the establishment of the training class, Qian Xuesen began to have contact with US military personnel, and many officers engaged in rocket and missile work in the US military were former students of Qian Xuesen.

In 1945, Professor Von Kármán was hired as the head of the U.S. Air Force Advisory Group, and Von Kármán brought Qian Xuesen into it, which exposed Qian Xuesen to many core technologies in the U.S. military. Von Kamen also admired Qian Xuesen's talent, and he thought that the young man's talent and perseverance would surpass him sooner or later.

In May 1945, germany was defeated, and Henry Arnold, U.S. Secretary of the Air Force and head of the airline, was a visionary officer who graduated from West Point and had a deep accumulation of knowledge. Before Germany's defeat, he realized that he would grab Germany's advanced missile technology and technology experts as soon as possible, which was a shortcut for the United States to develop sophisticated weapons.

After the surrender of Germany,

Professor Von Kamen was awarded the rank of major general by the U.S. military and led a group of top scientists, including Qian Xuesen, to Germany in a C54 aircraft. During this inspection, Qian Xuesen was awarded the rank of colonel in the US army.

Von Carmen, Qian Xuesen and other members of the delegation inspected a lot of equipment in Germany and analyzed the relevant technological achievements, and he and his mentor Von Carmen could not help but marvel at the German equipment, technology, and achievements that are world-class.

Qian Xuesen was keenly aware from various data that Germany's rocket missile technology was already ahead of the United States at that time.

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a secret telegram: Don't get off the ship! It was 50 years before I learned that the whistleblower was well-intentioned

After returning to the California Institute of Technology, he carefully sorted out his inspection records and wrote a very wonderful report, which won the general order of the US Secretary of the Air Force Arnold.

Tough way home

After the founding of New China in 1949, Qian Xuesen moved the idea of returning to China, when it was in the Cold War, the Americans were very strict against Soviet spies, Qian Xuesen and several of his friends in the rocket group were constantly investigated and persecuted, and many people lost their scientific research work and began to devote themselves to the business world.

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a secret telegram: Don't get off the ship! It was 50 years before I learned that the whistleblower was well-intentioned

In July 1950, the military department abruptly revoked Qian Xuesen's certificate of participation in secret agencies, and he could no longer continue his jet propulsion research. The dean of Caltech reassured him to stay calm, but there was nothing they could do about it. Qian Xuesen's mentor, Von Kamen, wrote to him: I was shocked to hear this news, and I will do everything I can for you.

Qian Xuesen felt that he could not stay any longer, and immediately packed his bags and prepared to return to China, and after the news that Qian Xuesen was going to return to China,

U.S. Navy Deputy Secretary Danny Jimble dialed the USCIS and said:

"Qian Xuesen knows too many things, and no matter where Qian Xuesen goes, he is worthy of the strength of 5 divisions." I would rather shoot him than allow him to leave the United States.

On the night of August 23, 1950, when Qian Xuesen flew back to China, an immigration official immediately walked up, handed him a document, and said to him: "According to the laws of the United States, sir, you cannot leave the United States." ”

After Qian Xuesen returned home, he pretended that nothing had happened and continued to work at the California Institute of Technology. But FBI agents have targeted him, and his home and family are under close surveillance. He then quietly packed more than 800 kilograms of books and notes into wooden boxes and tried to get them to customs, but was seized by U.S. customs.

The Americans claimed that this was highly classified material, but in fact, it was not, when Qian Xuesen was preparing to go back, he had already returned some materials related to US state secrets to the US Government, and he only brought back some textbooks, lecture notes, and a scientific and technological literature, as well as his own published works.

On September 9, 1950, Qian Xuesen was suddenly arrested by the FBI and sent to the detention center of the US IMMIGRATION Bureau. The cell was dark and damp, cramped and suffocated, and the guards treated Qian Xuesen as a prisoner, not giving him normal food and water, nor letting him talk to any of him. Every ten minutes, a guard would come in, turn on the lights, check what Qian Xuesen was doing, and not let him sleep. In 14 days, Qian Xuesen lost 30 pounds.

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a secret telegram: Don't get off the ship! It was 50 years before I learned that the whistleblower was well-intentioned

In the process of Qian Xuesen's imprisonment,

His students Luo Shijun, scientists Zhao Zhongyao, and Shen Shanjiong quietly returned to China by boat, but when the ship passed through Yokohama, Japan, the U.S. military in Japan boarded the ship, arrested the three of them, and sent them to a prison in Yokohama.

Luo Shijun learned by chance that his teacher Qian Xuesen was also imprisoned, and he couldn't help but burst into tears.

The news of Qian Xuesen's arrest soon caused a sensation, his mentor Von Kamen, as well as teachers and students of the California Institute of Technology, protested to the US authorities, and the dean of the California Institute of Technology, Du Burich, flew to Washington to persuade the US attorney general to release Qian Xuesen, and he and several teachers and students paid bail. But the court added a condition, but Qian Xuesen could only stay in Los Angeles, and Qian Xuesen had no choice but to agree.

After Qian Xuesen's release, Caltech Dean DuBridge resumed his work, and for the next five years, the FBI worked closely on him, and some friends and colleagues who looked for him occasionally called him and were questioned by the FBI. In order not to cause trouble for his friends, Qian Xuesen has been living in seclusion for five years.

In the summer of 1955, Qian Xuesen stumbled upon a Chinese pictorial newspaper that reported on the May Day labor day, and one of the photos caught Qian Xuesen's attention, and among the state leaders in Tiananmen, he saw an acquaintance.

This person is Chen Shutong, the teacher of Qian Xuesen's father. At this time, Chen Shutong was already the vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and Qian Xuesen was very happy when he saw it, and immediately wrote to Chen Shutong to explain his situation at that time and hoped that the Chinese government could come forward to rescue him.

After writing the letter, Qian Xuesen's wife, Jiang Ying, wrote the address of Jiang Ying's sister who had lived in Belgium for a long time, and sent the letter to Belgium first. When sending the letter, Jiang Ying went to the black supermarket far from home to buy vegetables, and conveniently put the letter into the supermarket mailbox, hiding from the eyes of the agent. After the letter was sent to Belgium, Jiang Ying's sister immediately sent the letter to Qian Xuesen's father.

After Qian Xuesen's father received the letter, he immediately sent it to Chen Shutong. Chen Shutong received the distress letter and immediately sent it to Premier Zhou's office. Premier Zhou asked Wang Bingnan to show the letter to the Americans at the right time.

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a secret telegram: Don't get off the ship! It was 50 years before I learned that the whistleblower was well-intentioned

Beginning in 1954,

Under the impetus of the Soviet initiative in


Five foreign ministers' meetings, with the participation of China, were held to discuss the settlement of the North Korean issue and the Dprk issue


issue. At that time, Wang Bingnan, secretary general of the Chinese delegation, and Johnson, the US delegation, were present on behalf of the Chinese and American governments respectively

Geneva negotiations. After receiving the letter, Wang Bingnan immediately accused the United States of obstructing Chinese living in the United States from returning to their homeland, including the famous scientist Qian Xuesen.

As a condition for Qian Xuesen's return to China, China released 11 American pilots captured during the Korean War. On September 10, 1955, at the 14th meeting in Geneva, the two countries finally reached an agreement, and the United States promised to release Qian Xuesen and other detained scientists. Premier Zhou said after the talks: "

To come back to a Qian Xuesen, it is this one thing, the talks are also worthwhile, and the talks are also valuable. ”

Secret Telegram

On September 17, 1955, Qian Xuesen and his family finally embarked on the road back to China, and when he received the notice that the United States allowed him to leave the country, he immediately went to the steamship company to order ferry tickets. The staff told him that there were only third-class tickets left on this class, and Qian Xuesen did not hesitate to take out the money, handed it over, and said that he wanted the third-class ticket.

When Qian Xuesen returned to China, he received a secret telegram: Don't get off the ship! It was 50 years before I learned that the whistleblower was well-intentioned

Before boarding the cruise ship back to China, Qian Xuesen received a telegram signed by his father, Qian Junfu, reminding him

On the way back home, do not disembark from the coast.

Although on the way, Qian Xuesen has not disembarked, but behind his back is still full of danger, Qian Xuesen's wife Jiang Ying told him,

When a bullet comes, she will immediately rush up to block the bullet for Qian Xuesen, and ensure that he returns home safely.

On October 8, 1955, Qian Xuesen finally returned to his long-lost motherland and returned to his haunted hometown. For the telegram that year, Qian Xuesen always thought that his father sent it. It was not until later that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs declassified some of the files and learned that it was Premier Zhou who specifically told the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to send a telegram in the name of his father.

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Qian Xuesen biography



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