
From the reputation of the female owner of Wuling Star, Ling OS Lingxi SUV, what does it feel to control?

Sincerely congratulations to Wuling Star less than 4 months after the listing of more than 50,000 units, as the new female owner of Wuling Star and a fan of the Wuling brand, I am proud and proud, and a little moved! For the new achievements achieved by People's Wuling, I sincerely praise!

My purchase of Wuling Stars is actually both a coincidence and a fate. Coincidence level, some time ago there was an impulse to buy an SUV, after all, the driver's license has been taken for a year, it is time to mention a car, on the Internet it is very coincidental to see the video of Wuling Star, the more you watch the more you like, really moved. Speaking of fate, there is a 4s shop in Wuling near my home, which is very convenient to the store, so I visited the store on the weekend.

From the reputation of the female owner of Wuling Star, Ling OS Lingxi SUV, what does it feel to control?

Sincerely, not to deceive, the Wuling Star real car is even better than in the video, bigger than I thought. Appearance, Wuling Stars continues the wing movement aesthetic elements of the silver label model, the perfect combination of international avant-garde design and Oriental traditional aesthetics, even the car paint is the use of 6 layers of nano-level high-quality colored car paint process, although the overall temperament of Wuling Stars is fierce and moving, but also with gentle and full, personally feel very suitable for our girls, sales sister also said that Wuling Stars has 30% female users, no wonder, this appearance temperament, we Wuling girls must love.

From the reputation of the female owner of Wuling Star, Ling OS Lingxi SUV, what does it feel to control?

That said, before I also saw the film queen Zhou Xun in the Wuling Star conference, and Wuling's Ling OS Lingxi ecosystem interaction, feel quite cool, I brought the Wuling Star home, personally felt, found that this system is very intelligent and humane, responsive and accurate, really did the intelligent interaction between the car machine and the user, but more comfortable than the car machine system I have experienced!

From the reputation of the female owner of Wuling Star, Ling OS Lingxi SUV, what does it feel to control?

Wuling Star interior, I am super like, 10.25 inch ultra-thin suspension central control screen, sense of science and technology pull full, hidden central air outlet is very compelling, the car 256 colors to switch the atmosphere lights with panoramic sunroof, do not be too romantic good!

Not long ago, Wuling Xingchen also won the honor of "China's Top Ten Car Bodies", I heard that Wuling Xingchen cage + mesh passenger car bearing structure in the BIQ-4 highest level of manufacturing process under the blessing of the body strength is very high, really let me feel more secure, Wuling Silver Standard pursuit of global quality, I can see again on the Wuling Star SUV, Wuling Silver Label family yyds!

From the reputation of the female owner of Wuling Star, Ling OS Lingxi SUV, what does it feel to control?

When my girlfriend asked me the price of Wuling Star, I answered that it was the top match of 9.98w, and the girlfriend did not believe it, when she went to the official website to see the price, she was surprised to say that this car is too cost-effective, I raised my hands in approval, I would like to call it the most capable SUV within 100,000 yuan! In fact, I think there are not many SUVs suitable for girls, and obviously Wuling Stars is our gospel.

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