
Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

On October 25, 1950, the first battle of the Volunteer Army's entry into Korea was launched.

The Volunteer Army launched an attack on the "United Nations Army" led by the United States, annihilating fifteen thousand enemy troops in the first battle, and severely defeating the arrogant And arrogant American Army.

This made the war maniacs who had experienced two world wars and never tasted defeat, the five-star general of the United States Army, MacArthur lose face.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever


In the face of such impressive achievements, Chairman Mao changed the war report to "annihilate 6,000 enemy troops" and asked the Xinhua News Agency to quickly send it out.

This puzzled all the soldiers.

It is reasonable to say that the more enemies are annihilated, the more they can boost people's hearts and boost morale, so why did Chairman Mao change the number of annihilated enemies to less? What is this intended?

Why did Chairman Mao revise the true number of annihilated enemies? What's the mystery of this move?

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

Chairman Mao

Sun Tzu's Art of War: Soldiers, devious ways also. Since ancient times, Chairman Mao's practice of fighting against the enemy cannot but be said to be very clever! Later, after the victory at the Battle of Chosin Lake, the warriors learned why.

The first battle was successful, and the Ace Division of the US Army was completely annihilated

The first battle of the Korean War was the 39th Volunteer Army under the command of Peng Dehuai against the 1st Cavalry Division under the united Nations commander-in-chief MacArthur. These two armies are the elite of their respective armies.

The 39th Army of the Volunteer Army, formerly known as the Fifteenth Army of the Red Army. During the Long March period, the 39th Army was the vanguard unit, which experienced the Chinese Civil War, the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the War of Liberation, and experienced hundreds of battles.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

A certain unit of the 39th Army of the Volunteer Army

The U.S. cavalry in the 1st Division, which is also the winning unit of the United States, is the founding father division of the U.S. Army. From World War I to World War II, the 1st Cavalry Division has never been defeated, and it is also not to be underestimated.

Before entering the Korean War, Peng Dehuai analyzed MacArthur's personality and knew that MacArthur's biggest weakness was arrogance and self-sufficiency.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

MacArthur was a five-star American general who had distinguished himself in his lifetime.

In 1899, MacArthur entered West Point. Promoted to colonel during World War I, he went to France to fight in the war, and won the first battle. In 1919, MacArthur was appointed president of the West Point Military Academy.

On September 2, 1945, MacArthur was invited to the Japanese surrender ceremony as Supreme Allied Commander. After World War II, he served as the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Japan and the Commander of the Far East. In MacArthur's military career, there were very few defeats.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

MacArthur accepted the surrender of the Japanese

So before the war, MacArthur did not pay attention to the Chinese army. The arrogant MacArthur even made a bold statement: end the war before Christmas, and let the soldiers go home to reunite with their families. At this time, Christmas is less than 3 months away.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

On October 25, 1950, the Volunteer Army dispatched a division of troops to launch a surprise attack on the 1st Cavalry Division of the United States, annihilating more than 15,000 enemy troops, destroying 28 enemy tanks, capturing more than 100 artillery pieces, and forcing the American army to retreat south of the Qingjiang River.

Pretend to be invincible and lure the enemy deeper

The commander of the U.S. army on the battlefield was Wu Xinquan, commander of the 39th Army of the Volunteer Army. Wu Xinquan was an old revolutionary who had participated in many battles, and he made meticulous and comprehensive arrangements for the terrain of the operation.

When Wu Xinquan told Peng Dehuai about his strategic deployment, Peng Dehuai raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and gave Wu Xinquan a thumbs up.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

Founding Lieutenant General Wu Xinquan

At this time, Chairman Mao, who was far away in Beijing,

After receiving Peng Dehuai's report on the annihilation of the enemy by 15,000, Chairman Mao was greatly pleased and changed the phrase "annihilate 15,000 enemy" to "annihilate 6,000 enemy."

Let Xinhua News Agency send it out immediately. At the same time, Chairman Mao agreed to the plan proposed by Peng Dehuai in the war report.

Just when the volunteer army won a complete victory and was ready to take advantage of the situation to attack the US army, at this time Peng Dehuai unexpectedly issued an order to withdraw.

And let all the fighters throw away all unnecessary weights and release the "UN Army" prisoners.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

Peng Dehuai and Chairman Mao

This made the soldiers on the front line feel incredible, and they were confused for a while. He could not understand why he had to retreat at this time, but he still carried out the order of Mr. Peng to retreat.

When the prisoners of war were released, Peng Dehuai deliberately let the English-speaking volunteers reveal to them the news that the volunteers were not willing to fight now and were preparing to return home.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

Captured U.S. troops

MacArthur saw that the Chinese army was in a good situation, but chose to retreat, believing that the volunteer army must have been shocked by the powerful military strength of the American army and did not dare to confront the American army. In addition, MacArthur saw that the Chinese army had even thrown away the equipment, materials, and packages on its body, and thought that the Chinese army must have fled into the wilderness.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

However, the Allies did not think so, believing that this was likely a deception by the Chinese army, and said to MacArthur: "The main Chinese army may not have appeared yet." But MacArthur at this time, he had long been blinded, how could he listen to the Allies.

MacArthur's intelligence chief, Willoughby, also believed that the Allies were too worried, and said: "The reason why we failed last time was because we were not prepared, and the enemy took advantage of the night raid and won by chance." ”

When the released American troops returned to the American camp and relayed to MacArthur the news that the Chinese army planned to return home, MacArthur was even more convinced of his own view, believing that the volunteer army was no more than that.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

U.S. prisoners

In addition, when MacArthur saw the Xinhua News Agency newspaper, the number of volunteers who had annihilated the enemy announced by China,

He was even more convinced that the Chinese army was only symbolically sending troops and did not dare to engage the United States, and believed that the Number of Chinese troops must not be in the majority.

At this time, MacArthur was greatly excited, and wanted to use this to fight a shame and take a bad breath. MacArthur began to adjust his strategic deployment, dividing his forces into east and west lines, and advancing northward, directly to Jiangjie, the seat of The Provisional Government of North Korea at the time. MacArthur's lonely and adventurous approach can be described as bold and sword-to-side.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

Map of the situation of the second campaign

Battle of Chosin Lake

In order to advance the volunteer army's war, Chairman Mao decided to launch a campaign on the Eastern Front to crush the enemy army, and the location of this battle was set near Chosin Lake.

The Battle of Chosin Lake was a battle between the 3 corps of the 9th Corps of the Chinese Volunteer Army and the outstanding 10th Army of the US Army, and the two sides fought a decisive battle from November 27 to December 24, 1950. At that time, Chairman Mao sent the 9th Corps of song shilun to fight in Korea and assumed the task of fighting on the Eastern Front.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

Song Wheel of Time

In order to surprise and inflict heavy damage on the US army, Song Shilun adopted the tactic of "detouring and cutting off, encircling and annihilating", leading more than 150,000 volunteer troops to cross the mountains and mountains and quietly approach the US army.

At this time, North Korea was in the middle of winter, with heavy snow and temperatures as low as minus 20 or 30 degrees Celsius. The thinly dressed volunteers, not afraid of the cold, endured hunger, overcame many difficulties, and successfully cut the AMERICAN army into 5 sections.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

North Korea winter

At this time, the American troops did not realize the danger, and were surrounding the campfire, eating barbecue, and the patrol team was also walking slowly on the mountain path. At this moment, the US army has been surrounded by volunteers, but it is completely unknown.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

American soldiers grilling meat

Signal flares for attack rose in the air that day, and Chosin Lake suddenly shouted killing. What made Song Shilun very angry was that there was a company that was indifferent.

When Song Shilun went over to prepare to shout a loud rebuke, he found that they had long been frozen into ice sculptures, but they still maintained the posture of holding guns and fighting, which was the famous "Ice Sculpture Company".

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

A volunteer army frozen into ice sculptures

It turned out that Zhang Dongsun, who was then the Ninth Corps of the Volunteer Army, defected and revealed to the US army the news that the Volunteer Army was about to fight on the Eastern Front. In order not to affect the battle plan, these volunteers went to The DPRK in advance, and many of them did not have time to put on cotton clothes, and they encountered heavy snow, and they could only fight against the enemy in temperatures of minus twenty or thirty degrees Celsius.

At that time, the non-combat damage caused by the temperature reached tens of thousands of people. Faced with an enemy with advanced equipment and a steady stream of supplies, the volunteers did not defeat them, but were frozen to death in the cold weather.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

U.S. warships on the Korean battlefield

Divide and encircle, annihilate in one fell swoop

After the battle began, the US army was quickly divided and surrounded by the volunteer army, and under the strong superiority of the US military, the enemy and us fell into a stalemate, and it was difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat. At this time, the US military realized that the volunteer army was not as vulnerable as they imagined, but was fighting with them.

The volunteer army, which was inferior to the enemy in terms of equipment and logistics, did not flinch in the face of the most powerful American army in the world at that time, and played the style of Chinese soldiers.

The volunteer army went forward and followed, not afraid of life and death, and made the enemy army afraid! Its spirit has impressed the enemy army!

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

Volunteers fighting in the snow

From November 27 to December 24, 1950, two ace armies of China and the United States engaged in fierce confrontation. More than 100,000 people from the U.S. 1st Marine Division and the South Korean 1st Army Corps, together with nearly 150,000 men from the 3rd Corps of the 9th Corps of the Volunteer Army, fought a life-and-death battle in the Chosin Lake area.

On November 30, Zhan Danan, deputy commander of the 27th Army of the Volunteer Army, led 2 divisions and 5 regiments to besiege the "Polar Bear Regiment", the most powerful fighting force in the US Army.

At the cost of huge casualties, the volunteers successfully annihilated the American army and captured the Flag of the American Legion, setting a brilliant record.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

The American Legion regimental flag captured by the Volunteers

On 1 December, the U.S. 1st Marine Division broke through the blockade of the Volunteer 20th Army. The Volunteer 20th Army received orders to hold the US 1st Marine Division and create conditions for the 26th Army to completely annihilate the 1st Marine Division.

In an unusually harsh environment, the volunteers leaned on their legs and chased after the American cars.

However, no matter how strong the will of the volunteer army, it will eventually be one step behind, and the US First Marine Division has escaped, which is deplorable.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

The volunteers marched through the snow

On December 5, Almond, commander of the U.S. 10th Army, ordered a retreat to Hamheung. In order to cut off the Retreat route for the Americans, the Volunteers had to blow up the Watergate Bridge to the Hamhung area. Once this bridge is bombed, the US military will have no way to the sky and no door to the ground.

The volunteers blew up the bridge twice, but both were repaired by the U.S. army. The volunteers simply decided to blow up the bridge foundation directly,

But what was surprising was that the US military actually relied on its strong military strength to build a bridge weighing 50 tons in less than two days for the LARGE US military to accompany.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

Strong U.S. military support

On December 12, the Volunteers pursued the Americans, but they retreated to the North Korean city of Hamheung, and the 26th Army was never able to enter the battle.

After more than 20 days of arduous struggle by the volunteer army,

On December 24, the U.S. 10th Army, under the cover of the carrier fleet, quickly withdrew

Xingnan, at this point the Battle of Chosin Lake came to an end.

In the midst of strategizing, it is decisive to win thousands of miles away

Only then did the soldiers understand why Peng Dehuai ordered a retreat in the event of a major defeat of the American army by the volunteer army. It turned out that Peng Dehuai and Chairman Mao were playing a big game of chess, first luring the enemy to go deeper, and then exhausting them all.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

Peng Dehuai and Mao Zedong

Peng Dehuai adopted the strategy of pretending to be invincible, fighting while retreating, and luring the enemy to go deeper, step by step, to introduce MacArthur's army into the encirclement circle of our army, to invite the king into the urn, and to catch the turtle in the urn.

But by the time MacArthur reacted, it was too late. After successive defeats, MacArthur was considered ineffective and was removed from Truman's post.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

MacArthur and Truman

With their flesh and blood, the volunteer army kept the enemy out of the country and played the dignity of Chinese.

Chinese soldiers, with their tenacious and amazing perseverance, crossed many obstacles under extremely bad weather, and defeated the United States, the world's number one power, under the condition of a huge disparity in strength.

The Battle of Chosin Lake also became an inflection point in turning the tide of the war and played a crucial role in the victory of the Korean War.

Fifteen thousand enemies were annihilated, and Chairman Mao personally changed his war report: Annihilate the enemy 6,000! It was only after the Battle of Chosin Lake that it was too clever

Volunteers marching in the snow

Peng Dehuai's plan of "enticing the enemy to go deep and annihilating it in one fell swoop" is all admirable. Chairman Mao's strategy of changing the number of annihilated enemies, paralyzing them, and adjusting the line of operation can also be said to be clever, and in the midst of strategizing, the decisive victory is thousands of miles away.

The victory in the Battle of Chosin Lake fully confirmed that the proud soldiers would be defeated. No difficulty can defeat the heroic Chinese people!

Today's Chinese mountains and rivers are unharmed, and the people will always remember all the heroes and martyrs who gave their lives for New China! We pay them our highest respect! Heroes are immortal!

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