
Lol old version of the hero skill is outrageous the first can second their own creeps

Captain: Seconds own creep

Lol old version of the hero skill is outrageous the first can second their own creeps

Many people say that the old version of the hero is very outrageous, in fact, this statement is absolutely correct, because I have played a lot of old versions of the hero myself, know a lot of skills, and now I will not design it at all, such as the hero of the captain, you can give your own creeps a second, is it too outrageous? The key is that after the second of the creep, you can also increase the attack power of yourself, what does this mean? By the way, in fact, the reason why the fist deletes this skill is not because of the increase in attack power, but because it can make the other party's person very uncomfortable, after all, when you suppress the other party at the level, make up for the creeps, the other party's economy and gold coins will be reduced, and it is even more impossible to fight with you.

Ice Shooter: E skill enhancement

Lol old version of the hero skill is outrageous the first can second their own creeps

Ice Shooter, what do you think of the current skills? It should be considered decent, do you know how laipi the e-skill of the original Han Bing was? Theoretically, in 20 minutes, if you can make good use of the passivity of this E skill, there is a chance to suppress the opponent's small equipment, do not underestimate a small equipment, in the original suppression of a small equipment, perhaps directly let the other party collapse, after all, the original a dc even if the output of the ice shooter is very high. In addition, once this hero has the advantage of level and equipment, it is not only a big move in the later stage, but other skills are also very scary.

Noh: The big move is really outrageous

Lol old version of the hero skill is outrageous the first can second their own creeps

The hero's big move is indeed a bit outrageous, why do you say so? Because after the original big move seconds the other party, the CD will be refreshed immediately, unlike now after the full level. In fact, for most players, this skill is actually very useful when it comes to the line. After all, there is no delay in the q skill at the beginning, it is very easy to give the other party a second on the line, and once the second is the other party once, it is immediately a full skill, and the other party wants to card skill CD and play a wave with you.

Gravedigger: 4 summoning skills

Lol old version of the hero skill is outrageous the first can second their own creeps

Gravedigger this hero in the beginning, the four skills are all summoning skills, this is really too skinny, there is blood, there is deceleration, there is a tank ability to add, you say this four summoning skills of the hero, if put it now, I believe, in the professional game should also be a very hot hero, but it is a pity, the original player level is limited, for such a hero, is not particularly like, but feel that this hero model is ugly, gave up this hero, it is a pity.

Nurse: Add blood and blue

Lol old version of the hero skill is outrageous the first can second their own creeps

The original Solacard in addition to an AP routine is more disgusting people, even if you play a regular auxiliary routine, it is also very disgusting, after all, you can add blue, and you can add blood, maybe many people feel that it doesn't matter if you can add blue to your teammates, because everyone is not short of blue, I can only say that a master, you can definitely control your own blue amount, but for players with low segments, it is definitely not good to control this thing, so in the beginning, a lot of a dc will buy blue medicine, fight with each other's people online, After you bring a Soraka, you basically don't have to buy blue medicine, is it not like you are suppressing the person who suppressed the other party in an instant?

EZ: Reduces the opponent's attack speed

Lol old version of the hero skill is outrageous the first can second their own creeps

Speaking of the wet nurse, I want to talk about the original hero of Izzeril, I believe that the old players should all know, commonly known as the male and female combination of the next dog. After the original Izzeril cooperated with Solaraka, he could consume the opponent's health indefinitely with the skill, and the key was that the w skill could also reduce the opponent's attack speed in the team battle, making the opponent more uncomfortable. This hero was almost the same at the beginning, but also an invincible shooter, the key is that there are still many routines.

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