
How did Sun Dianying find the entrance to the Cixi Underground Palace? It turned out to be with the help of a stonemason

Since ancient times, the emperor's mausoleum is very strong, repaired to prevent theft, the entrance to the mausoleum is also very difficult to find, so how did Sun Dianying find the entrance to the Cixi Underground Palace? There is an unknown history here.

How did Sun Dianying find the entrance to the Cixi Underground Palace? It turned out to be with the help of a stonemason

In ancient times, the craftsmen who built the last project of the imperial tomb were generally executed, also to prevent outsiders from knowing the entrance to the underground palace. This rule was also continued during the construction of Empress Dowager Cixi's mausoleum, and when the underground palace was about to be completed, most of the craftsmen were dismissed, leaving only a stonemason surnamed Jiang and more than 80 other craftsmen to build the final tomb fortifications, and the overseers told them that after the last seal, they could go out from another tunnel that had been dug in advance, take the completion money and go home to enjoy the joys of the world.

How did Sun Dianying find the entrance to the Cixi Underground Palace? It turned out to be with the help of a stonemason

Everyone understands that this is a fool's word, as long as it is left, don't want to go out alive, at that time the Jiang stonemason was old, there was a small one, and a few days ago I heard the people in the township bring a letter saying that his wife gave birth to a son for him, he had mixed feelings in his heart, but unfortunately, when the son was born, he could not see it, thinking of this, the heart is not a taste, when carrying a large stone, a careless foot slipped, fell to the ground, and then the stone also fell on the body, on the spot pain fainted, the overseer thought he was dead, afraid that he defiled the dungeon, He threw him on a barren mountain outside.

How did Sun Dianying find the entrance to the Cixi Underground Palace? It turned out to be with the help of a stonemason

I don't know how long I slept in the wild, the ginger stonemason who had a big life actually did not die, after waking up, the ginger stonemason found himself sleeping in the wilderness, although he was in pain, fortunately there was no major obstacle, the ginger stonemason who inadvertently picked up a life limped home, after the death of the Great Qing, the ginger stonemason thought it was all right, and after drinking, he bragged to people about building the Cixi Mausoleum, which made people know, but did not expect to bring trouble to himself.

How did Sun Dianying find the entrance to the Cixi Underground Palace? It turned out to be with the help of a stonemason

20 years later, Sun Dianying's troops in the Qing Dynasty Tombs robbed tombs, the engineering battalion dug around the mausoleum for two days and two nights can not find the entrance to the underground palace, Sun Dianying was anxious, sent someone to find the local land security, the land security is a small landlord in his 40s, heard that he wanted to dig the imperial tomb, suddenly frightened face yellow, legs trembling, but also afraid of Sun Dianying, had to say, the cemetery is so big, I do not know the specific location of the entrance to the underground palace, but you can find a few nearby old flag people to ask, they may know. This reminded Sun Dianying, he immediately sent someone to find five or six old flag people, who knows, these old men also do not know the entrance to the underground palace, Sun Dianying thinks that they do not tell the truth, they are kind to them, they are willing to be glorious and rich, but they still can't ask the ugly Yin, Sun Dianying gradually lost patience, began to beat them with a whip, under Sun Dianying's severe torture, less than half a day of work died two, there was a flag man who really couldn't bear it, so he confessed to the Jiang stonemason, he told Sun Dianying that there was a ginger stonemason more than 10 kilometers away from here, He had participated in the construction of the mausoleum, and perhaps he still remembered the location of the underground palace.

How did Sun Dianying find the entrance to the Cixi Underground Palace? It turned out to be with the help of a stonemason

In the middle of the night, Jiang Mason was invited to the Qing Dongling Tomb by several soldiers, he was confused and did not know what happened, Sun Dianying said to him, please click to enter the entrance to the tomb passage of the Cixi Underground Palace, Jiang Mason understood what was going on, frightened and fell on the chair, Jiang Mason thought, I can't do this kind of thing that hurts nature and reason. Sun Dianying also said, if you can help me find the entrance to the Cixi Mausoleum, I will guarantee you a lifetime of glory and wealth, and then let people bring a plate of gold yuanbao, Jiang Stonemason still did not say a word, Sun Dianying came to the fire, he ordered his men to move the torture equipment, but thinking again, if Jiang Stonemason can not afford to die with torture, where to go to find the entrance to the tomb, so there is no punishment. Sun Dianying slapped the table and said to Jiang Mason: "His grandmother's, well, you don't say, Lao Tzu took your son and picked his skin." This move just poked at the soft underbelly of Jiang Mason, and before Sun Dianying's men could go far, Jiang Mason threw himself on his knees and promised to help them find the entrance to the underground palace.

How did Sun Dianying find the entrance to the Cixi Underground Palace? It turned out to be with the help of a stonemason

Under the leadership of Jiang Mason, the tomb entrance was finally found. In this way, the Qing Tombs were devastated, and all the treasures buried were looted.

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