
The 12-year-old prodigy was named prime minister by Qin Shi Huang, and then mysteriously disappeared in the long river of history!

The term "prodigy" is usually used to refer to children who have shown great skills at a young age, and everyone should have heard some prodigy stories. In fact, not only modern prodigies, but also many gifted children in ancient China.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there was a prodigy named Yuan Jia, who could "use one heart and six uses". It was not difficult for him to draw circles with his right hand and squares with his left hand, and he could even recite history books while counting sheep.

There is also the great poet Wang Bo, who is familiar to us, who has also been able to recite poems since he was six years old.

But the prodigy I want to introduce to you today can be described as a prodigy who has never been seen before or since in history, and he became the prime minister at the age of twelve, do you know who he is?

The 12-year-old prodigy was named prime minister by Qin Shi Huang, and then mysteriously disappeared in the long river of history!

Image: Stills of gifted children from ancient times

He was Ganluo in the Warring States period, the grandson of Ganmao, a famous general of the Qin State and the chancellor. We all know that in the political system of feudal society, the status of the prime minister is above ten thousand people under one person, and ordinary people want to survive to this position, either to accompany the emperor to lay the favor of the country, or to have experienced vicissitudes and are dying of old age, and the reason why Ganluo has achieved this is inseparable from his family lineage.

Ganluo's grandfather Gan Mao was a powerful general in the Qin State at that time, and he was not only brave and good at war, but also had a lot of strategy when fighting. Therefore, in addition to his status as a general, he also served as a left minister for a period of time, so that the whole court was jealous of him and squeezed him.

In order to avoid his enemies, Gan Mao fled all the way from the Qin State to the Wei State, and Gan luo also learned a lot of things around his grandfather. Later Gan Mao died in the State of Wei,

Ganluo's father decided to turn to Lü Buwei to revive the family business. It was during this time that Ganluo made a lot of contributions to the Qin state and successfully became the prime minister.

The 12-year-old prodigy was named prime minister by Qin Shi Huang, and then mysteriously disappeared in the long river of history!

Photo: Stills of Ganluo, the grandson of Ganmao

At that time, Lü Buwei single-handedly covered the sky in the Qin state and wanted to unite with the Yan state to attack the Zhao state. His original plan was to send Zhang Tang to send an envoy to the State of Yan to be the prime minister, first to win the hearts and minds of the people, and then to persuade the King of Yan. However, Zhang Tang formed a vendetta with the King of Zhao because he had attacked the State of Zhao, and the King of Zhao issued a reward, and whoever could capture Zhang Tang could obtain nearly a hundred miles of land in the State of Zhao.

If you want to go from the Qin State to the Yan Kingdom, the Zhao State is the only way. Even though Lü Buwei repeatedly promised to protect him, Zhang Tang was still unwilling to take this risk. At this time, the State of Yan had already sent Prince Dan as a hostage, and if the State of Qin did not make a statement, it would be dishonesty.

Lü Buwei really didn't know what to do, and the counselors around him couldn't think of a better way, and no one called him back for a few days.

At this moment, the twelve-year-old Ganluo took the initiative to find Lü Buwei and said that he had a way, and also took the example that Xiang Qiao could become a Confucius teacher at the age of seven to persuade him.

The 12-year-old prodigy was named prime minister by Qin Shi Huang, and then mysteriously disappeared in the long river of history!

Image: Stills of Lü Buwei who don't know what to do

Lü Buwei was eventually impressed by Ganluo's self-confidence and took xinjian to Zhang Tang's mansion.

Ganluo did not show any timidity in front of Zhang Tang, and asked him who was more powerful than Bai Qi. Bai Qi was a famous god of war, and Zhang Tang didn't even think about it and said that he couldn't compare with him.

Ganluo then asked who was more powerful, Lü Buwei, who was now in power, and Fan Ju, who was in power at that time. Zhang Tang thought for a moment and said, "Lü Buwei is extremely powerful, and even the King of Qin wants him to score three points, of course, it is much greater than Fan Ju's power." ”

After listening to Zhang Tang's answer, Ganluo said solemnly: "When the King of Qin asked Bai Qi to go out of the mountains to attack the Zhao Kingdom, Bai Qi was killed if he did not follow. Now that Lü Buwei's power is so great, do you want the same consequences as Bai Qi? ”

Zhang Tang panicked after hearing this, and hurriedly said goodbye to Ganluo and packed up his bags and set off. This was ganluo's first great gift to the Qin state.

The 12-year-old prodigy was named prime minister by Qin Shi Huang, and then mysteriously disappeared in the long river of history!

Image: Ganluo is not shy at all

Zhang Tang went to the Yan kingdom smoothly as planned to become the prime minister, and Lü Buwei also looked at Ganluo with admiration.

One day, Ganluo proposed to Lü Buwei that he wanted to send an envoy to the State of Zhao, and promised to let King Zhao take the initiative to send him to the city in the area around the river.

Since ancient times, the area around Hejian has been a territory that countries have been scrambling for, and Lü Buwei's alliance with the Yan state this time is to take this place, so how could King Zhao take the initiative to offer it with both hands. In order not to discourage the youth's self-confidence, Lü Buwei still went to Yingzheng to let him go on an envoy to Zhao Guo.

Although King Zhao did not understand why the emissary of the Qin State was a teenager, in order to show the style of a great power, he personally greeted him with the etiquette of receiving distinguished guests. Ganluo saw that King Zhao was not afraid, but instead walked towards him with his head held high.

Before King Zhao could speak, Ganluo said, "If the State of Yan and the State of Qin join hands, destroying the State of Zhao is only a matter of minutes." ”

The 12-year-old prodigy was named prime minister by Qin Shi Huang, and then mysteriously disappeared in the long river of history!

Image: Slightly puzzled stills of King Zhao

King Zhao had already anticipated that the emissaries sent by the Qin State this time would be related to the relationship between the two countries, but he did not expect that this little child had torn his face at the beginning, and simply did not care about any false etiquette.

King Zhao responded, "We are ready, even if everyone dies in battle, we will never be soft." At this time, King Zhao was already very impatient with Ganluo, and the ministers were very frightened when they saw such a scene. After all, the State of Qin was already in the sky, and if it allied with the State of Yan, the State of Zhao would not be slaughtered.

Ganluo said that there was a way to avoid war, in order to appease the group of subjects, king Zhao asked him to speak quickly, Ganluo said: "The state of Qin wants to fight the state of Zhao, but it is just staring at the city in the area between the rivers, if the king of Zhao is willing to take the initiative to offer the five cities near the river, the state of Qin promises to immediately break diplomatic relations with the state of Yan, and is willing to attack the state of Yan with the state of Zhao." When the time comes to take the Yan Kingdom, the Zhao State will be able to get at least ten cities. ”

The ministers were very happy to hear this, and together they persuaded King Zhao, and King Zhao also felt that what he said was reasonable and agreed.

Ganluo returned to China with five cities without spending a single soldier, and when Yingzheng saw that he had made a great contribution, he immediately ordered him to be made prime minister.

However, the record of Ganluo in the history books has basically ended here, and experts have found through research that Ganluo may have two endings.

The 12-year-old prodigy was named prime minister by Qin Shi Huang, and then mysteriously disappeared in the long river of history!

Picture: Stills of Ganluo tearing his face as soon as he opens his mouth

The first was that Qin Shi Huang killed Ganluo. In fact, this statement is easy to understand, after all, since ancient times, it has been a companion like a companion tiger, and Ganluo is bent on supporting Qin Shi Huang and making him a Mingjun with both moral integrity and ability.

However, Qin Shi Huang's own political views were relatively violent, Ganluo was not accustomed to it but could not manage it, and many persuasions provoked Qin Shi Huang's dissatisfaction, and Ganluo had the idea of retreating to the mountains and forests. And Qin Shi Huang felt that he still had use value, so he resolutely refused to let people go.

Ganluo decided to try to get Qin Shi Huang to take the initiative to drive him away, and actually lightly touched the princess in front of Qin Shi Huang when he was playing chess. Unexpectedly, he was clever and mistaken for cleverness, and Qin Shi Huang ordered someone to behead him in anger, and a generation of prodigies were folded in their hands.

The 12-year-old prodigy was named prime minister by Qin Shi Huang, and then mysteriously disappeared in the long river of history!

Image: Stills of Qin Shi Huang under a rage

The second theory is that Ganluo eventually died of illness. Soon after he became chancellor, he became seriously ill, and although Qin Shi Huang and Lü Buwei searched for famous doctors in the world, they were unable to save him. After Ganluo's death, his father transported his body back to his hometown of Henan and buried it in Zhangwan Village, Yanling County.

It is recorded in the history books that after Ganluo was buried in Zhangwan Village, the local villagers renamed the place Ganluo Village in honor of him. The "Yanling Gazetteer" says that the coffin of Ganluo was washed from the upper reaches of the river to Zhangwan Village, and then the villagers built a cemetery for him here, repaired the temple, and changed its name to Ganluo Village.

The 12-year-old prodigy was named prime minister by Qin Shi Huang, and then mysteriously disappeared in the long river of history!

Image from the Internet: Ganluo Gubai

In this statement, Ganluo's ending is decent. If you go to his tomb now, you can still see a five-foot-tall hember tree, which is said to be more than 700 years old.

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