
China's toughest emperor, because he was not accustomed to the arrogance of the enemy country, ordered that the family should be destroyed

Our country has a history and culture of five thousand years, experienced twenty-four dynasties, more than four hundred emperors, among these emperors, there are shrewd and capable, some faint and cruel, and some do nothing, but when it comes to the hardest emperor in Chinese history, I believe many people do not know, in fact, he is Ming Chengzu Zhu Di.

China's toughest emperor, because he was not accustomed to the arrogance of the enemy country, ordered that the family should be destroyed

Zhu Di's throne did not come to be so glorious, he was originally the son of Zhu Yuanzhang, when the crown prince Zhu Biao died suddenly, Zhu Di became the best candidate to succeed the throne, but Zhu Yuanzhang still did not return the throne to him, but gave it to his grandson Emperor Jianwen, Zhu Di was angry, he began to lead the Northern Expedition, and finally defeated Emperor Jianwen and ascended to the throne.

China's toughest emperor, because he was not accustomed to the arrogance of the enemy country, ordered that the family should be destroyed

Although Zhu Di's throne was stolen, it did not affect him as a good emperor, and he was called the most bloody emperor in Chinese history. At that time, the small vietnamese state began to be dissatisfied with the control of the Ming Dynasty, and began to send troops to invade the territory, arrogant and invincible, Zhu Di was very angry after knowing it, so he ordered the use of troops against Vietnam, and in less than a year, Vietnam was beaten to the point of urine.

China's toughest emperor, because he was not accustomed to the arrogance of the enemy country, ordered that the family should be destroyed

Later, it joined the Timur Empire, another great power in Asia, and because the two sides were equal in strength, the battle lasted for a long time and the national strength was seriously depleted. At this time, Zhu Di said: "I will accompany the Ming Dynasty to the end, either you die or I die." Later, the Timurid Empire finally could not hold on, and retreated hundreds of miles in gray.

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