
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity

author:Youth Nanyang

#少先队工作专栏# 为认真贯彻国家提出的“双减”政策,落实教育部《关于加强义务教育学校考试管理的通知》,小学一二年级不进行纸笔考试的具体要求,建立促进学生全面发展的评价体系,严格规范学校教育教学行为,聚焦学科核心素养和关键能力,促进学生全面发展和健康成长。




"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity


"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity





活动亮点 NO.1



活动亮点 NO.2


"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity




"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity



"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity


精彩生成 赋能未来



"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity

第一站 | 懂农耕 知五谷



"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity

第二站 | 劳动最光荣


"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity

第三站 | “语”众不同




"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity




"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity

第四站 | “数”我最棒




"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity


二年级“测量小达人”,孩子们运用自己最擅长的方法,又快又准地测出了图片中土地的长度,可以看出孩子们平时听课认真,数学方法掌握得好;“口算小达人” 环节,答案都能脱口而出,可以看出小朋友们的口算能力超强。


"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity

第五站 | 妙笔生“画”


"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity

第六站 | “唱”响未来



"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity

第七站 | 强健“体”魄



"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity

第八站 | 彬彬有礼


"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity

完美通关 满载而归


"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity
"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity





"Double Reduction" Landed and Drew a Blueprint "Five Educations" and Building Dreams - Liuquan Primary School First and Second Grade Comprehensive Assessment and "Red Scarf Competition" Activity








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