
Popular science | how to heat breast milk correctly, do you understand?

Breast milk is rich in high-quality protein, essential fatty acids, lactose and immunoactive substances, supplement nutrition while regulating immunity, helping infants fight infection, while breast milk is easier to digest than formula milk, is the most ideal food for babies after birth, is the key to promoting the healthy growth and development of babies.

However, in life, there are still some small babies because their mothers go to work, or some special circumstances, they cannot get breast milk directly from their mothers, and they need to be squeezed out by their mothers before feeding.

Popular science | how to heat breast milk correctly, do you understand?

Whether it is refrigerated or frozen breast milk,

It needs to be heated before it can be given to the baby.

So how to save breast milk,

Guarantee that it neither reduces the loss of nutrients,

And reduce pollution?

Popular science | how to heat breast milk correctly, do you understand?

Refrigerated breast milk

Refrigerated breast milk can be poured into a bottle and then soaked in hot water.

Warm the milk with hot water of about 70 degrees, and the warm milk can initially shake the bottle every one or two minutes to heat the milk evenly, and drop a drop of milk to the back of the hand to feel the milk temperature. When the back of the hand feels that the milk is not cold, shorten the warm milk time, such as shaking it for half a minute and dripping a drop of milk to the back of the hand to try the milk temperature. If the back of the hand feels warm, the milk will be warm.

If conditions permit, you can buy a milk warmer. The use of the milk warmer is as follows:

Refrigerate breast milk and turn the warmer on to 70 degrees. After the water temperature reaches 70 degrees, put the milk in and heat it, and then adjust the water temperature to 40 degrees. Shake it after a minute, if the milk is warm, if not, heat it up.

Popular science | how to heat breast milk correctly, do you understand?

Frozen breast milk

Frozen breast milk should first be thawed, and if time permits, it can be placed in the refrigerator and refrigerated one night in advance to thaw. (Note that it needs to be separated from other foods to prevent breast milk from being contaminated.)

If the time is more tight, you can use about 40 degrees of warm water to thaw, and then refer to the previous section of the method of heating and refrigerating breast milk to warm the milk.

Popular science | how to heat breast milk correctly, do you understand?
Popular science | how to heat breast milk correctly, do you understand?

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Organizer: Zhang Feng (Child Care Clinic)

Edit: Suzy

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