
At this age, you must quit the bottle, otherwise it will make the baby's mouth protrude outward, and it will be difficult to correct the appearance

At this age, you must quit the bottle, otherwise it will make the baby's mouth protrude outward, and it will be difficult to correct the appearance

A mother in the background said: "My daughter was very good-looking when she was a child, but when she grew up, everything else was fine, but her mouth was always bulging upwards, and she didn't have buckteeth after checking?"

In fact, many babies grow up with such a problem, the mouth is bulging, as if there is something in the mouth, what is going on? Can it be corrected?

At this age, you must quit the bottle, otherwise it will make the baby's mouth protrude outward, and it will be difficult to correct the appearance

1. What are the causes of the protruding mouth?

Protruding mouth is one of the most common deformities in Asian populations, which is manifested by the protruding teeth, upper and lower jaws, resulting in the lips curling, somewhat similar to the mouth shape of the ape-man in the past.

The reasons for this condition may be related to genetic factors, poor lifestyle habits, and some diseases.

First, genetic factors.

The most common cause of the protruding mouth is heredity, and this inheritance is still degenerate.

The so-called degenerative inheritance, that is, the child's protruding mouth is usually the disadvantage of the inherited parents, as long as one of the parents is protruding, the child born is likely to protrude, and the protrusion is more obvious.

Second, bad habits

Prolonged use of pacifiers, finger sucking, frequent pursing of lips, biting of lips, etc., may cause changes in the shape of the baby's jaw and the position of the teeth, causing the mouth to protrude outward.

At this age, you must quit the bottle, otherwise it will make the baby's mouth protrude outward, and it will be difficult to correct the appearance

Third, the labial frenulum is broken

After the baby's lips are scratched, impacted, and squeezed by objects, the lip frenulum may break, and when the lip frenulum is broken, the lips may be uncontrolled and the upper lip is more prominent than the lower lip.

Fourth, the teeth are crowded or too far apart

When there are too many teeth in the mouth or the spacing between the teeth is too large, the teeth will crowd each other, which will cause the teeth to protrude outward, causing the mouth to protrude.

Fifth, the influence of tongue thrust

Poor swallowing habits, allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, enlarged tonsils or adenoidal hypertrophy, etc., babies are prone to tongue too far forward or mouth open for a long time to breathe. As a result, the tongue will often press against the teeth, increasing the risk of protruding teeth or biting, which can lead to a protruding mouth.

At this age, you must quit the bottle, otherwise it will make the baby's mouth protrude outward, and it will be difficult to correct the appearance

Sixth, caused by certain rare diseases

Common genetic disorders such as Crouzon syndrome (hereditary familial craniofacial hypoplasia) and Down syndrome can cause the upper jaw to protrude and the upper lip to turn up.

In addition, acromegaly, basal cell syndrome, acromegaly, etc., can lead to protruding jaw or facial abnormalities. In reality, this kind of condition is relatively rare, and this kind of disease is generally accompanied by symptoms such as spinal dislocation and cleft palate.

2. What are the effects of the protruding mouth on the baby?

Protruding mouth is not a serious problem, but it can still have some effects on children, such as:

1. Affects facial contours

The profile of a normal person is smooth and three-dimensional. However, people with protruding mouths break this balance, and the originally adducted mouth becomes the focus of vision, while the normal chin becomes "smaller", which obviously destroys the due beauty.

2. Affect chewing function

Some people with protruding mouths will have poor tooth bite, chew with one tooth unconsciously when eating, or wear and trauma of local teeth, or even chew immovable, which is easy to cause malnutrition in the long run.

At this age, you must quit the bottle, otherwise it will make the baby's mouth protrude outward, and it will be difficult to correct the appearance

3. Affect oral health

People with protruding mouths have a harder time closing their mouths, so it's easier for them to breathe through their mouths. Children who breathe through their mouths for a long time are prone to tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontal disease, mouth ulcers and other diseases, and the decrease in saliva can also cause bad breath.

In addition, the protrusion of the mouth can also cause tooth wear, and even cause problems with the temporomandibular joint, such as joint snapping and pain when opening the mouth, and even problems such as speech leakage and slurred pronunciation.

4. Affect character development

Once the protruding mouth affects the child's appearance, it is easy to attract ridicule and isolation from classmates, and in the long run, the child's personality is easy to become withdrawn and unsociable, which will have an impact on future life, employment and mate selection.

3. Can the child's protruding mouth be corrected?

This depends on the cause of the child's protruding mouth. Parents can take their children to the hospital for examination to determine the main cause of the protruding mouth, and then carry out professional treatment and recovery under the guidance of the doctor.

If it is caused by bad habits, such as breathing through the mouth, snoring, etc., it needs to be corrected in time.

Second, quit bottles and pacifiers as early as possible. Long-term use of the bottle is easy to cause the upper and lower teeth to be closed and the teeth to protrude. It is recommended that babies quit feeding bottles before 18 months, and at the same time correct their children's habit of eating pacifiers as soon as possible.

The next step is to adjust your sleeping position. Occasional mouth breathing or snoring is likely to be related to their sleeping position, such as sleeping on their stomach or with a pillow that is too high.

At this age, you must quit the bottle, otherwise it will make the baby's mouth protrude outward, and it will be difficult to correct the appearance

Also, consciously train the closed-mouth breathing technique. Consciously train yourself to breathe through your nose every day. At the same time, strengthen lip training, you can blow more bubbles and blowing instruments for children to strengthen the strength of lip muscles.

If there are many dental factors, it can be treated with orthodontics. Orthodontics, commonly known as "braces", is a treatment that uses appliances to move the teeth to bring about changes in the alveolar bone.

If there are many bony factors, orthognathic surgery is preferred after orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic-orthognathic combined treatment requires a high level of professionalism from the hospital and doctors, and the surgery has certain risks and high costs.

It is worth noting that children aged 3~12 years old, if they have a protruding mouth, they can take early correction, usually through a variety of measures to block the more obvious malocclusion problem that has appeared, intervention and correction in time. For example, in the case of a "small chin" in the protruding mouth, it can be changed through early correction during the child's teeth replacement to make the chin grow.

At this age, you must quit the bottle, otherwise it will make the baby's mouth protrude outward, and it will be difficult to correct the appearance

In short, the protruding mouth is not only related to appearance, but also related to physical health, mental health and many other aspects, and parents must pay attention to it.

It is recommended that parents take their children for a dental check-up every three months or six months to detect problems in time and intervene as soon as possible.

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