
What kind of people are healthier than people who take a bath once a day and people who take a bath once a week? Check it out

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health

We are sweating every day, and studies have found that at night, we can secrete 15 to 20 grams of sweat, and the sweat on the surface of the skin cannot be cleaned up in time, and there will be an unpleasant smell.

At this time, bathing is very important, bathing is what everyone needs to do every day, bathing can remove the dirt of the body, help relieve fatigue, and have a certain help to the body.

Now into the winter, the weather is very cold, many people insist on taking a bath once a day, but some people because of the fear of cold become a week or half a month to take a bath, a bath a day and a week to wash a bath, which is healthier?

What kind of people are healthier than people who take a bath once a day and people who take a bath once a week? Check it out

01What is the difference between a person who bathes once a day and a person who bathes once a week?

【Take a bath once a day】

Regarding the frequency of bathing, everyone is different, and according to the different regions and seasons, everyone will also make different judgments, such as a little activity in the hot weather is easy to sweat, if not cleaned in time, you will feel the slimy smell on the body, this situation whether it is a southerner or a northerner, may be washed several times a day.

But now the weather is gradually getting colder, especially at night the temperature is very low, taking a bath requires courage, for northerners, in the autumn and winter will gradually reduce the frequency of bathing, some people will wash once every three days or once a week, or even longer.

Cleaning once a day can remove stains and sweat from the body and ensure the freshness of the body, which is a good practice for people who love cleanliness, such people may be perfumed because they often apply shower gel, and it is not easy for bacteria to accumulate.

What kind of people are healthier than people who take a bath once a day and people who take a bath once a week? Check it out

【Bath once a week】

In the autumn and winter, the body's metabolism will gradually change according to the temperature, the body will not breed a large number of bacteria, cold weather, if there is no air conditioning and heating will make the body cold, itself has a clean habit of the crowd, in order to be able to ensure good health, a week to clean a bath, will make the body surface tissue appear a large number of secretions and oil, resulting in an unpleasant taste.

Everyone usually can't stand the dust on their bodies, choose 2 days or 4 days to clean once, a short period of time will not bring harm to the body, mainly because the temperature in autumn and winter is cold, the body's blood circulation and metabolism and sweat gradually decrease, it is not easy to appear too much secretion and bacteria.

When the weather is hot, because the temperature is high, it will make secretions and sweat accumulate, and cleaning once a week has an adverse impact on the body, which is easy to make bacteria and viruses stay in the body and have chronic problems.

What kind of people are healthier than people who take a bath once a day and people who take a bath once a week? Check it out

02What else do I need to pay attention to when taking a bath?

1. Water temperature

Many people prefer to take a hot bath, if the water temperature is too hot, it will irritate the skin, the bathroom environment is too closed, prone to hypoxia.

Too cold water temperature will cause blood vessels to constrict, resulting in increased blood pressure, so set the mildest water temperature, close to the body temperature, it is recommended to be around 37 degrees.

What kind of people are healthier than people who take a bath once a day and people who take a bath once a week? Check it out

2, fasting or too full do not take a bath

There is an old saying that goes, "Run and wash your hair, don't take a bath when you are hungry", whether it is too full or hungry, you should not take a bath, and when you take a bath, the blood circulation of the body will flow to the skin, so that the blood in the stomach will gradually decrease.

If you take a bath after eating a full meal, so that food digestion has adverse reactions, taking a bath on an empty stomach is easy to cause discomfort, you need to consume more calories when bathing, taking a bath on an empty stomach is easy to make blood sugar too low, hypoglycemia occurs, many elderly people have hypoglycemia problems because of fasting bathing, fainting in the bathroom, if you can not treat it in time, serious consequences will occur.

What kind of people are healthier than people who take a bath once a day and people who take a bath once a week? Check it out

3. Do not exercise before bathing

First of all, when exercising, the body organs are in a feverish situation, if you take a bath at this time, it will make the hot organs come to a "sharp brake", this situation is very dangerous to the organs, and organic diseases will occur if they do not get it right, in addition, after the body exercises, the blood vessels are in a diastolic state, stimulated by hot water, and the vasodilation is greater, aggravating the risk of syncope.

To sum up: once a day after a bath once a week to take a bath, the two are not a healthier situation, everyone's physique and environment are different, are all healthy ways, the purpose is to remove the dirt in the body, everyone's needs are different, so it will also lead to the difference between the two.

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