
Psychology: When people reach middle age, they learn to throw away these things in order to get more and more smooth

People who can really "throw away" these 3 things will live as much as possible in the second half of their lives


Each of us has an old day, and when we reach middle age, we have to start looking at our lives again.

We must also take our lives seriously, only in this way can we have a high quality of life.

Life is not lost forever, nor is it gained forever.

Life is a process of continuous transformation and growth,

We gain little by little, and we lose little by little to succeed little by little.

Zhou Guoping once said: "The so-called maturity of many people is only the edge and corner erased by customs.

It is not maturity, but the premature aging of the spirit and the death of personality. ”

A person's true maturity must first learn to throw away the following three things in order to get more and more smooth.

Psychology: When people reach middle age, they learn to throw away these things in order to get more and more smooth

Too many feelings in the world are always illusory, and many times they can't be touched or not.

In a flash, after middle age, it will make us more and more confused.

Therefore, people must learn to have roommates after middle age, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve results in life.

Many times the most difficult time for a person is the greatest opportunity to turn.

Whoever can accumulate energy will be rewarded.

If you can throw away the following three things in life, you can reduce a lot of troubles in the inner world to get peace.

Psychology: When people reach middle age, they learn to throw away these things in order to get more and more smooth

1. Throw away meaningless gatherings

We all know that people should try to minimize social interaction after middle age.

Instead, you should spend your time on something meaningful.

If we always spend a lot of time participating in meaningless socializing,

It will only plunge us into more wandering and helplessness.

Those meaningless meals will only make us more and more depressed,

So when you reach middle age, stay away from meaningless socializing and gatherings.

We don't need to get mixed up in meaningless meals and devote our limited time to meaningful things.

Psychology: When people reach middle age, they learn to throw away these things in order to get more and more smooth

2. Throw away your dependence on others

Once a person has dependence, it is like losing his armor and will inevitably expose his weakest place.

Such people are often very naïve and simple at the same time very fragile, they lack initiative and faith in life.

So in life, no matter what relationship, we should not easily rely on others.

Always relying on others makes us feel at ease for a short time, but after a long time, there is no way to grow.

A mature person can go alone instead of seeking help from others.

When we are in danger, but find that there is no life-saving straw around us, we will understand that we are our strong backing.

The so-called sense of security also needs to be given to yourself.

"Don't rely on someone easily, he will become your habit.

When separation comes, you lose not someone, but the pillar of your spirit.

Learn to walk independently whenever and wherever you are, it will make you walk more calmly. "---- Miyazaki

Therefore, losing the dependence of others, we can let go of our hands to walk more firmly, and only then can we have our own confidence in life.

This represents a person's true maturity.

Psychology: When people reach middle age, they learn to throw away these things in order to get more and more smooth

3. Throw away vanity

In fact, each of us has a vain side,

We don't always compare and compare with the people around us. Let's see how much you've done.

Newton once said, "If you want to gain knowledge, you should work hard."

If you want food, you should work hard. If you want to be happy, you should also work hard.

Because hard work is the law of getting everything. ”

So if we always have a vain side in life, we will find ourselves living more and more tired.

Desperately comparing with people will only end up putting me in trouble and affecting the pace of life.

After reaching middle age, people should not excessively love vanity, but also stay away from those who are anmu Xirong.

In this way, you can make yourself too calm and enjoy the moment.

Psychology: When people reach middle age, they learn to throw away these things in order to get more and more smooth

In fact, people have nothing to show off in this life, and when we are young, we can be more high-profile.

But after middle age, if you are high-profile, others will feel that you are very immature.

Therefore, when people reach middle age, they must be low-key and do things in a low-key manner, which is a kind of wisdom and a way of doing things.

Only then can we stand out in a day-to-day environment.

Middle age is a dividing line of life, and at this stage we face society with a low-key mentality.

If you're still showing off these three things, it's often going to make others feel like you're incompetent.

When people reach middle age, they must remember that they should be low-key, and throwing away their vanity will become more and more smooth.

Psychology: When people reach middle age, they learn to throw away these things in order to get more and more smooth


On the way forward, hopefully we can put it away, without the need for arrogance to complain incompetently.

Spend all our energy on running our own lives, only in this way can we live more and more smoothly.


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How many things can people throw away in middle age to get more and more smooth?

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References | Journal of abnormal psychology

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