
Yancheng Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Hall "Living Exhibition" makes the intangible cultural heritage "alive"

On January 8th, the Yancheng Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Hall located on the first floor of Yancheng Yancube was officially opened to the public! Yancheng Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Hall is the first immersive urban intangible cultural heritage experience space in Yancheng area, which integrates works display, skill experience, cultural and creative sales, and is invested and built by Yannan High-tech Zone, where citizens and tourists can feel the "intangible cultural heritage" of Yancheng at their fingertips. Huai opera, Jianhu acrobatics, Dongtai hair embroidery, Dafeng porcelain carving... The wonderful display of intangible cultural heritage projects not only carries forward traditional culture, but also adds modern elements, presenting a visual feast of intangible cultural heritage. On the day of the open day, the concert of "Seven Sages on the Desecration" of the Salt Seal Theater was brilliantly staged in the museum, attracting many tourists to visit and play. "In the Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum, we can fully feel the charm of Yancheng's intangible cultural heritage, which makes us deeply feel the historical accumulation and strong cultural connotation of Yancheng for thousands of years!" Mr. Zhang, a citizen, said with emotion.

Yancheng Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Hall "Living Exhibition" makes the intangible cultural heritage "alive"

Tourists get a closer look at Dongtai hair embroidery

Yancheng Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Hall "Living Exhibition" makes the intangible cultural heritage "alive"

The disciples of Chen Yinfu, the inheritor of the "Dafeng Porcelain Carving", are engraving

People-oriented to promote the inheritance and development of intangible cultural heritage projects

As an important part of cultural heritage, intangible cultural heritage is closely related to the lives of the masses, is the back of national memory, and is the "living fossil" of history and culture, reflecting the wisdom and spiritual pursuit of a nation.

Yancheng, based on salt, thrives on salt. The specific geographical orientation has created a multicultural ecology of Yancheng that embraces hundreds of rivers and rivers, and in addition to the World Natural Heritage site of China's Huang (Bohai) Sea Migratory Bird Habitat (Phase I), it has also bred many intangible cultural heritages. Up to now, Yancheng has a total of 163 intangible cultural heritage projects at or above the municipal level, including 5 national intangible cultural heritage projects such as DongYong Legend, Huai Opera, Jianhu Acrobatics, Dongtai Hair Embroidery, and Dafeng Porcelain Carving, and 29 provincial intangible cultural heritage projects such as Heshouwu Powder Making Technology, Funing Cake Making Technology, Dafeng Wheat Straw Cutting and Pasting, Yancheng Tiger Shoes, and Dongtai Fish Noodle Making Technology.

In order to better tell the story of Yancheng and show the beauty of Yancheng, Yannan High-tech Zone has created a collection of works display, skill experience, cultural and creative sales in one of the Yancheng Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Hall, is the first immersive urban intangible cultural heritage experience space in Yancheng area, Yancheng Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Hall with a total construction area of 1600 square meters, the overall architectural style is classical and elegant, following the "people-oriented, living protection" exhibition concept, with intangible cultural heritage living exhibition to achieve the path, through sound and photoelectric and other cutting-edge scientific and technological means with physical decoration and decoration design, An intangible cultural heritage experience pavilion dedicated to Yancheng was constructed.

"The display of Yancheng's intangible cultural heritage projects has enabled the dissemination and inheritance of excellent traditional culture in the forms that the people like to hear, and has been full of vitality, which has promoted the continuation, development and revitalization of intangible cultural heritage in modern life." The relevant person in charge of Yannan High-tech Zone said that the display of intangible cultural heritage projects not only enriched the connotation of traditional spiritual culture, but also strengthened the organic integration of intangible cultural heritage and daily life.

Living Conservation creates an immersive intangible cultural heritage experience

Stepping into the Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum, the first thing that catches your eye is the China Huang (Bohai) Sea Migratory Bird Habitat (Phase I) World Natural Heritage, which was successfully listed as a World Natural Heritage site on July 5, 2019, which is the first coastal wetland type natural heritage in China and the first world natural heritage in Jiangsu, with a magnificent spectacle of rising tide into the sea and tide falling into the tidal flats.

The Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum has exhibitions and introductions of Yancheng's famous scenic spots, including Yancheng Big Copper Horse, Red-crowned Crane National Nature Reserve, Dafeng Elk National Nature Reserve, etc.

Yancheng Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Hall "Living Exhibition" makes the intangible cultural heritage "alive"

Chen Cheng demonstrates the art of wood carving

Walking into the exhibition area, there are Master Chen Boyu's Dongtai hair embroidery, Master Chen Yinfu's Dafeng porcelain carving, Master Wu Yonglong's wheat straw paintings "Nanpu Bei" and "Deyu Tu", there are Zheng Rongjun's paper-cut works "Four Spirits of Heaven", "Nian Nian Youyu", "Jiqing Youyu", and there are Master Chen Cheng's wood carving works "All the Way Lianke" and "Ruyi". Dongtai hair embroidery is a national intangible cultural heritage project, Master Chen Boyu is a leading figure in the hair embroidery industry, engaged in hair embroidery design and craft production for more than 40 years, innovative development of color hair embroidery, double-sided hair embroidery, double-sided heterochrome embroidery, micro-hair embroidery, fetal hair embroidery, etc., to fill a number of gaps in the history of hair embroidery; Dafeng porcelain carving is also a national intangible cultural heritage project, Chen Yinfu is the leader of contemporary porcelain carving, porcelain carving has both the charm of free calligraphy and painting pen and ink, and the interest of strong gold and stone carving.

The Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum has opened up special exhibition halls such as Dongtai hair embroidery, Dafeng porcelain carving, wood carving, paper-cutting, wheat straw painting, tiger shoes, etc., and broadcasts the introduction of intangible cultural heritage in the form of documentaries through television, and visitors can also watch the production screen of various skills while appreciating the works, and more intuitively understand the production process of intangible culture, the picture is full of fun, edutainment. In the exhibition hall of Yancheng tiger shoes, a video of Zhang Hongnu making tiger shoes is played, tiger shoes are provincial intangible cultural heritage projects, Zhang Hongnu self-taught to cut and embroider tiger shoes for more than 40 years without interruption, each pair of tiger shoes are artificially embroidered, handmade color thread nails.

Yancheng Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Hall "Living Exhibition" makes the intangible cultural heritage "alive"

Yancheng tiger shoes making

There is a row of intangible cultural heritage project walls in the intangible cultural heritage museum, and the intangible cultural heritage items displayed on the wall can realize the electronic book reading on the scroll electronic flip book, with the help of modern photoelectric and display technology, flip through the ancient scrolls, across time to understand the past and present lives of the intangible cultural heritage, and a volume of all things for thousands of years.

The Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum also has a Huai opera and acrobatic display area and local food tasting points, Funing cakes, He Shou Wu, lotus flour balls, crisp sugar and sugar paintings, which are made on the spot for tourists to taste, and tourists can enjoy Huai opera and acrobatics while eating food.

There are also salt carvings, postcards and puzzles printed with Yancheng scenic spots, and other cultural and creative products with Yancheng characteristics, including Wuyou mud snails, coastal sausages, coastal bundles, He Shou Wu powder, drunken crabs and other Local Specialties of Yancheng. A postcard wall is set up in the museum, and a postbox is placed next to it, where visitors can mail postcards to friends and family.

Yancheng Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Hall "Living Exhibition" makes the intangible cultural heritage "alive"

The Concert of "The Seven Sages of The Desecration" of the Salt Seal Theater was staged in the museum

The integration of intangible cultural heritage and science and technology, the integration of intangible cultural heritage and fashion, the integration of intangible cultural heritage and life... In the Yancheng Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Hall, traditional culture and modern civilization shine together! "The intangible cultural heritage and good things from all over Yancheng are gathered here, and the craftsmanship can be exhausted here, which is worth seeing." Tourist Ms. Chen said.

Zhang Hui, general manager of Yannan Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd., said, "With the completion and opening of the Yancheng Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Hall, Yancheng has the first immersive urban intangible cultural heritage experience space. In the future, we will also strengthen the living inheritance, expand social communication, optimize the function of the exhibition hall, so that more citizens and tourists can feel the charm of Yancheng's traditional culture and show the beauty of Yancheng through immersive in-depth experience activities! (Heng Dongmei Zhu Zhen Wang Fanping/Wen Yang Yi/Photo)

Source: Yangtze Evening News Network

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