
Once these major constellations change their minds, they will not want to save it for the rest of their lives

This kind of thing of love, never break up mostly appears in fairy tales

But love in reality is always full of run-in repetition and pulling

And especially these big constellations

Once you change your mind, don't keep it

#狮子座 #

Once these major constellations change their minds, they will not want to save it for the rest of their lives

The lion's temper is that once the lion really feels that he does not love, it is impossible to pretend to be sweet, because then "cheating", he himself feels diaphragm. Because even if he does not say it to himself and his other half, he has a sense of responsibility in his heart.

Since the lion can't promise to be together for a lifetime, the stubborn and face-loving ta will definitely not choose to repeatedly entangle and break the connection. If the other party keeps holding back, he will even speed up the pace of disconnection.

#双子座 #

Once these major constellations change their minds, they will not want to save it for the rest of their lives

It is not easy for him to seriously fall in love and seriously love someone. And if you want to make the ta repeatedly entangled, the probability is 0. Gemini's love for someone is full of back and forth temptations and the courage to kick the door. If, after such a process, they still decide to separate, it proves that they are thoughtful and have a clear love and hate.

Ben is a character like a kaleidoscope of flowers, and the leaves do not stick to the body, since he has changed his heart, he really can't get it back.

#射手座 #

Once these major constellations change their minds, they will not want to save it for the rest of their lives

The freedom that Sagittarius wants is not only the freedom of shallow self-control over time, but also the freedom to decide the emotional decision of whether they love or not.

The shooter is a character who rarely discusses his heart with others, because any complexity will be simplified, so when the shooter decides to change his heart and no longer love, there will be no time to communicate with each other and give each other another chance. Notify directly and then never look back.

#水瓶座 #

Once these major constellations change their minds, they will not want to save it for the rest of their lives

If all the love in the world were a good ending, full of sweetness like a fairy tale, without quarrels and avoidance, then the water bottles would definitely be more willing to fall in love than they are now. After all, for these things that reduce patience and affection, he only wants to escape, and everyone is hoping that he can face it.

Therefore, he has never cowered and did not dare to speak up, even if he changed his mind, in order to escape the accusations and retention, he would resolutely notify, and then quickly let himself disappear into the other party's world.

Once these major constellations change their minds, they will not want to save it for the rest of their lives

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