
A healthy delicacy on the tip of the tongue of love coconut bread

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
A healthy delicacy on the tip of the tongue of love coconut bread

By a salted fish that wants to turn over


High gluten flour 95 g

Yeast 2 g

Salt 1 g

Milk powder 3 g

Sugar 18 g

Egg mixture 18 g

Water 23 g

Milk 18 g

Butter 10 g

The following are the filling materials

Butter 25 g

Powdered sugar 20 g

Egg mixture 15 g

30 g minced coconut

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

A healthy delicacy on the tip of the tongue of love coconut bread

1, 1, warm water to open yeast (about 30 degrees can not use ⚠️ boiling water!) 2, high gluten flour ➕ salt ➕ milk powder ➕ sugar ➕ egg liquid ➕ milk, then add yeast water, use chopsticks to stir into a flocculent, knead into a ball. (If you are new to it, it is recommended to add water little by little.) Because the humidity is different in each place, the water absorption of each flour is also different) 3, then put it on the board for kneading operation. Repeatedly push the dough forward with the palm of your hand, knead until the fascia is easily punctured, add softened butter, and knead until the glove film comes out! Seal the enlarged bowl with plastic wrap and place in a warm place for fermentation

A healthy delicacy on the tip of the tongue of love coconut bread

2, 4, make the filling. To the butter that softens to the point where your fingers can easily press, sift in the powdered sugar, stir well with a spatula, add the egg mixture and stir again, then add the coconut and stir well! 5: The dough is twice as large as one shot

A healthy delicacy on the tip of the tongue of love coconut bread

3, 5, the dough once to twice the size, pat the air shaping into 3 parts, relax for 20 minutes, use the bun technique to wrap in 30g filling. Relax for another 20 minutes and roll it out into the shape of a cow's tongue. Folded in folding like the picture 5⃣️, the bread in the shape of a heart is cut open! 6: Put in a baking dish covered with oil paper, and make it 1.5 times larger. Brush the surface with egg mixture in the oven on 170 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes

A healthy delicacy on the tip of the tongue of love coconut bread

4, dangdang! Baked

<h2>Nutritional benefits of high gluten flour</h2>

Nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, remove heat, quench thirst, treat irritability, irritability, thirst, diarrhea, carbuncle, trauma bleeding and burns.

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