
Coconut oil plate | cute love | soft sweet | heart-shaped coconut bun

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Coconut oil plate | cute love | soft sweet | heart-shaped coconut bun

Every time I make this coconut bag ~ there is a coconut smell floating all over the house ~ ~ I used coconut oil to mix the coconut minced filling, butter was also replaced by coconut oil, so a coconut bread with a strong coconut aroma ~ very fluffy and sweet ~ The following square I made nine May have been eaten, right? Hahaha The operation method is also very simple, like the coconut paste do not miss Oh ~

By Peter Pan 53


High gluten flour : 250 g

One egg + milk : 170 g

White sugar: 30

Salt : three grams

Resistant to high sugar yeast : three grams

Coconut oil : 25 g

One one

❤️ Coconut filling

Minced coconut : 40 g

Coconut oil : 65 g

Eggs: 1 pc

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Coconut oil plate | cute love | soft sweet | heart-shaped coconut bun

1. Sweet and fluffy

Coconut oil plate | cute love | soft sweet | heart-shaped coconut bun

2: ➡️ Mix the eggs, sugar and coconut oil well, add the coconut and stir well

Coconut oil plate | cute love | soft sweet | heart-shaped coconut bun

3, 1⃣ in addition to coconut oil, salt, put other materials into the cooking machine to knead into a coarse film, and then ➕ coconut oil, salt kneading out of the film 2⃣ divided into nine parts of the circle, cover the film 3⃣ will be a dough rolled into a beef tongue shape, evenly smeared with coconut paste filling, both sides folded to the middle, and then the two sides close together and pinched tightly, after slightly rolling out, and then the two sides of the tight, long strip, and then up and down folded tightly, in the middle, cut a knife to break open into a heart shape (see the picture is clearer Ha)

Coconut oil plate | cute love | soft sweet | heart-shaped coconut bun

4, look at the picture is better than looking at the word, hahahahaha

Coconut oil plate | cute love | soft sweet | heart-shaped coconut bun

5. 4⃣ Double the size of a fermentation, (put warm hot water on the bottom of the oven) 5⃣ and smear with egg liquid

Coconut oil plate | cute love | soft sweet | heart-shaped coconut bun

6、 6⃣ Heat the lower and middle layers of the oven for 170°C/15 minutes (pay attention to whether to cover with tin foil, do not bake paste)


Tips: 1, bread shape can be done according to their own like Ha 2, I use Hai's c40 oven for baking, electronic precision temperature control, can be easily baked, color is very even 3, before I used other ovens is 180 degrees baked for 18 minutes The temperature of each oven has a difference, according to their own oven habits ➡️ to master the temperature and time ( ❗️ very important Oh)

<h2>Nutritional benefits of high gluten flour</h2>

Nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, remove heat, quench thirst, treat irritability, irritability, thirst, diarrhea, carbuncle, trauma bleeding and burns.

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