
Contradictions intensify! Wang Lihong led people to break into the house and was refused, and Li Lianglei posted that she was threatened

Contradictions intensify! Wang Lihong led people to break into the house and was refused, and Li Lianglei posted that she was threatened

Wang Li's war has entered a white-hot situation, and after three weeks, Li Lianglei, who has been silent for a long time, spoke up, saying that Wang Lihong and three people wanted to break in to see the children.

Contradictions intensify! Wang Lihong led people to break into the house and was refused, and Li Lianglei posted that she was threatened

Li Lianglei was worried about the safety of the children, and only let Wang Lihong come in alone to see the children, but Wang Lihong wanted to bring strangers in.

Wang Lihong also tried to open the door with the key, which scared the child into crying, and Li Lianglei also accused Wang Lihong of exposing the children's appearance without authorization.

Wang Lihong asked Li Lianglei to turn off the surveillance, and Li Lianglei refused to allow Wang Lihong to bring people into the house, so she dispersed unhappily.

Li Lianglei seemed to be angry with Sun Yu, saying that she had not received private messages.

Contradictions intensify! Wang Lihong led people to break into the house and was refused, and Li Lianglei posted that she was threatened

After Li Lianglei sent a long article, Wang Lihongfang responded that everything was Li Lianglei's imagination was rich, he brought the staff who had followed him for many years, next to the home was the police station, she could call the police.

Contradictions intensify! Wang Lihong led people to break into the house and was refused, and Li Lianglei posted that she was threatened

Sun Yu quickly posted a video screen saying that she lied, on January 12, Li Lianglei's housekeeper went to report the case, which is right or wrong, let the police deal with it!

Wang Li's divorce war turned into a three-person melee, and Sun Yu posted a private message to record the screen accusing Li Lianglei of lying again.

The tearing of ordinary people and stars is to fight with the capital behind them, and the difficulty coefficient is too large.

Li Lianglei also said that she is physically and mentally healthy, it is impossible to take the child to find short-sightedness, if she has any three long and two short, it is absolutely impossible to commit suicide.

Contradictions intensify! Wang Lihong led people to break into the house and was refused, and Li Lianglei posted that she was threatened

Wang Li's war for so many days has become more and more intense, and Wang Lihong's various relatives have also spoken out for him, and it seems that he really wants to make a comeback.

Wang Lihong was also very strange, why didn't he dare to go home alone? Even if you are worried about your own safety, is it not good for you to bring someone who is familiar to both husband and wife?

Chen Jianzhou helped drive and did not accompany him home, if Chen Jianzhou accompanied Wang Lihong home alone, the bodyguard he brought with him was waiting outside, and the contradiction would not be intensified.

So what is Wang Lihong's purpose in bringing three people home? Protect him or help him record videos and establish a good dad image?

Contradictions intensify! Wang Lihong led people to break into the house and was refused, and Li Lianglei posted that she was threatened

In the end, they still didn't trust each other, he was afraid that she was hiding the killing machine, she was afraid that he would bring someone in and threaten safety.

Li Lianglei said that the children did not know what happened, and had been counting down the days when their father came home, and did not expect to wait for this situation.

Contradictions intensify! Wang Lihong led people to break into the house and was refused, and Li Lianglei posted that she was threatened

Li Lianglei still has a very legal concept, without Wang Lihong's permission, she can not leak Wang Lihong's personal privacy on the Internet, which is why she is afraid to hammer it.

Because if you are not careful, Li Lianglei may break the law, then she will lose the custody of her children, and she will lose her freedom, and there will be no harm.

Li Lianglei must protect herself to be able to protect the children, in contrast, Wang Lihong has no taboos, smearing Li Lianglei and the opposite sex photo is too intimate.

Contradictions intensify! Wang Lihong led people to break into the house and was refused, and Li Lianglei posted that she was threatened

Li Lianglei can only blame herself, she did not open her eyes before marriage, and after marriage, she took a wrong step and a wrong step, knowing that she was not welcomed by her in-laws, and she had to give birth to one after another.

Children are the crystallization of love, which can add icing on the cake to a good marriage and make a bad marriage worse.

Husband and wife are emotionally unstable, do not have children randomly, once you see that the other party is not your dish, the child can not keep his steps away.

If you put on a husband who cuts the door, he will have to fight a lifelong lawsuit without giving maintenance, and everyone knows how tired it is to take the children, and three children are three years old.

Li Lianglei said that these days she is like living in purgatory, she is alone and helpless, only a pair of hands and keyboard, to fight against powerful capital.

Contradictions intensify! Wang Lihong led people to break into the house and was refused, and Li Lianglei posted that she was threatened

The two of them have occupied public resources for too long, many netizens have developed aesthetic fatigue, divorced for a long time to the Internet, those netizens who are uneven for Li Lianglei, also no longer care.

It is recommended to learn the big S and Wang Xiaofei, low-key to deal with the gathering and dispersion, Wang Xiaofei was photographed to have a new relationship, and the attitude of the big S is blessed.

I am not partial to Wang Lihong, but I am sorry for Li Lianglei, learning a big S love mistake to let go, pulling the child's father to the abyss, it is not good for the child's growth.

Li Lianglei's weapon is network public opinion, and gradually public opinion cannot help her, and she will be very passive.

Take a step back from the sea and the sky, if people owe you the sky will pay you back, the bad guys have their own harvest, really don't worry.

If the contradiction is really irreconcilable, I hope that they will use legal means to solve it, and there will always be a result!

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