
Jackie Chan posted a message to celebrate his 70th birthday! Li Chen, Wu Jing, Jay Chou, and Wang Leehom sent blessings to the heat

author:The rich get rich first

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Jackie Chan posted a message to celebrate his 70th birthday! Li Chen, Wu Jing, Jay Chou, and Wang Leehom sent blessings to the heat

Jackie Chan celebrates his 70th birthday: a milestone in the showbiz legend

Jackie Chan posted a message to celebrate his 70th birthday! Li Chen, Wu Jing, Jay Chou, and Wang Leehom sent blessings to the heat

Jackie Chan, this name is not only a name for fans in China and even around the world, but also a symbol and a legend. Recently, Jackie Chan ushered in an important moment in his life - his 70th birthday. This news has caused heated discussions and blessings in the entertainment industry, and people from all walks of life have sent blessings, and Jackie Chan's birthday has become a hot topic in the entertainment industry for a while.

Jackie Chan posted a message to celebrate his 70th birthday! Li Chen, Wu Jing, Jay Chou, and Wang Leehom sent blessings to the heat

As a representative figure in the Chinese film industry, Jackie Chan has become a legend in the global film industry with his unique humorous style and excellent acting skills. Each of his works is a classic in the hearts of the audience, and every role is impressive. His success lies not only in his acting skills, but also in his persistence and hard work in the film industry. As an excellent action actor, Jackie Chan presented us with countless wonderful fight scenes on the screen, and his spirit of daring to fight and break through deeply infected the audience.

Jackie Chan posted a message to celebrate his 70th birthday! Li Chen, Wu Jing, Jay Chou, and Wang Leehom sent blessings to the heat

A 70th birthday is a major milestone for anyone, and even more so for a superstar like Jackie Chan. His upbringing almost mirrors the development of Chinese cinema, and he has gone through a long road from nothing to nothing, from obscurity to becoming a world-class superstar. On this special day, countless people sent him their most sincere blessings and respect, which is not only a kind of respect for him personally, but also an affirmation of his outstanding contributions to his acting career.

Jackie Chan posted a message to celebrate his 70th birthday! Li Chen, Wu Jing, Jay Chou, and Wang Leehom sent blessings to the heat

In addition to ordinary fans, many celebrities have also expressed their blessings to Jackie Chan through social media. Li Chen, Wu Jing, Jay Chou, Wang Leehom and other well-known artists have posted blessings on their social accounts, expressing their respect and wishes for Jackie Chan. Their blessing is not only an encouragement and support for Jackie Chan himself, but also an affirmation and blessing for the entire Chinese film industry.

Jackie Chan posted a message to celebrate his 70th birthday! Li Chen, Wu Jing, Jay Chou, and Wang Leehom sent blessings to the heat

Jackie Chan's influence is not limited to the entertainment industry, he is also a philanthropist and an active promoter of public welfare. Over the years, he has been actively involved in charity, donating money and materials to children in poor areas, and sending warmth and hope to the people in the disaster area. His public welfare actions have been well received and supported by all walks of life, and have become a banner of social welfare undertakings.

Jackie Chan posted a message to celebrate his 70th birthday! Li Chen, Wu Jing, Jay Chou, and Wang Leehom sent blessings to the heat

Jackie Chan's 70th birthday is an important moment in his long life, and it is also a tribute to his hard work and outstanding achievements. Let's wish this legendary superstar a happy birthday, may he continue to enjoy life healthy and happy, and bring us more wonderful works and touches!

Jackie Chan posted a message to celebrate his 70th birthday! Li Chen, Wu Jing, Jay Chou, and Wang Leehom sent blessings to the heat

Comments from netizens:

Jackie Chan posted a message to celebrate his 70th birthday! Li Chen, Wu Jing, Jay Chou, and Wang Leehom sent blessings to the heat

Netizen 1: Jackie Chan's 70th birthday, I wish him a long and healthy life, and continue to create more classic works!

Jackie Chan posted a message to celebrate his 70th birthday! Li Chen, Wu Jing, Jay Chou, and Wang Leehom sent blessings to the heat

Netizen 2: Jackie Chan's movies accompanied me in my childhood, and I am really grateful for his dedication and efforts.

Jackie Chan posted a message to celebrate his 70th birthday! Li Chen, Wu Jing, Jay Chou, and Wang Leehom sent blessings to the heat

Netizen 3: Jackie Chan is one of the stars I admire the most, and his wonderful performance and personality are worth learning from.

Jackie Chan posted a message to celebrate his 70th birthday! Li Chen, Wu Jing, Jay Chou, and Wang Leehom sent blessings to the heat

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Jackie Chan posted a message to celebrate his 70th birthday! Li Chen, Wu Jing, Jay Chou, and Wang Leehom sent blessings to the heat
Jackie Chan posted a message to celebrate his 70th birthday! Li Chen, Wu Jing, Jay Chou, and Wang Leehom sent blessings to the heat

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