
Tesla owners in Russia have called on Musk to open an official office in the country

Tesla owners in Russia are calling on Musk to open an official Tesla representative office in Russia, saying the move could boost Tesla sales in Russia, as many potential consumers in Russia are less likely to buy Teslas without seeing Tesla's charging network and service center.

Tesla owners in Russia have called on Musk to open an official office in the country

Owning a Tesla car in Russia will encounter a lot of difficulties. First of all, there are no charging piles, so there are some difficulties in charging electric vehicles; secondly, the country does not have a service center that can support cars and provide the required parts and carry out repairs when needed, some Russian car owners say that if their car breaks down, they will only be able to order parts from abroad and must wait for months to be delivered, so they are now sharing tips and knowledge with each other to avoid the serious consequences of the condition of the vehicle And the emergence of Tesla stores in Russia may also prompt the country's residents to be more willing to buy Tesla cars.

Tesla owners in Russia have called on Musk to open an official office in the country

Despite these difficulties, all owners are very happy to have Tesla and say that they will not consider fuel cars in the future, but they still turn to Musk and hope that Tesla can officially bring the company into the Russian market.

Tesla owners in Russia have called on Musk to open an official office in the country

"Mr. Musk, this is our message to you on behalf of Tesla owners across Russia.

This is just a small part of Russia's huge @Tesla fan base. All of us are true fans who strive to bring our cars here from, and although there are no charging piles, Tesla services or dealers, we are happy to drive our Teslas every day; we order spare parts for our cars and wait for months, and we share tips and knowledge to overcome problems. Even so, we still love our Tesla, and for us, we wouldn't opt for a gasoline car with no going back.

Elon, we are very much looking forward to @Tesla official presence in our country, we will do our best to give you the warmest welcome, we need you very much! ”

Tesla owners in Russia have called on Musk to open an official office in the country

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