
Cao Cao's hero I also had the five people he feared the most and the five people he hated the most, who were they?

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao was a powerful adulterer, and the famous critic Xu Shao at that time commented that Cao Cao was: a capable minister who ruled the world and a traitor to a chaotic world. Cao Cao grew rapidly in the Three Kingdoms with great personal ability, becoming the largest prince in the world who dominated the Central Plains and Hebei.

Cao Cao is very powerful, but after all, he is a person, since he is a person, he has normal seven passions and six desires, and there will also be people who are afraid and resentful, in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms,

The five people Cao Cao was most afraid of were:

Yan Liang, Sun Ce, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Ma Chao.

At the same time, Cao Cao had the most hated people, namely: Tao Qian, Chen Gong, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, and Zhou Yu.

Fear and hate are not the same concept, fear indicates that Cao Cao is afraid of these people, there will be actions or verbal performances, indicating that these people have places that make Cao Cao feel afraid, it may be force, it may be brave.

Cao Cao's hero I also had the five people he feared the most and the five people he hated the most, who were they?

Cao Cao

Hate is different, hate only means that Cao Cao has a grudge against these people, or there is hatred, or there is a grudge, but it is not necessarily afraid.

One of cao cao's most feared people: Yan Liang

Why Yan Liang? Because the Romance of the Three Kingdoms clearly states that during the Battle of the White Horse, Yan Liang, as Yuan Shao's vanguard general, led a 100,000-strong army to meet the Cao army, and set up troops in the open space, when Cao Cao took 50,000 pioneers to meet the battle, camped in Tushan, and when Cao Cao watched the army of Yan Liang's army, he showed a very scared look, and the description of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms was: Cao was shocked.

Shock is the meaning of fear, surprise, can also be understood as fear, Cao Cao is a commander who has experienced hundreds of battles, what kind of position has not been seen, especially for the marching formation is commonplace, but Cao Cao watched yan liang's army after the army was afraid, indicating that Yan Liang's platoon deployment has superiority, or the color of the array Cao Cao can not see the flaws, so he is afraid.

Cao Cao's hero I also had the five people he feared the most and the five people he hated the most, who were they?

Yan Liang

Cao Cao's fear of Yan Liang was not over, when the two armies were opposed, Yan Liang beheaded Song Xian in three rounds, and Wei Continued in one round, Cao Cao immediately praised Yan Liang as a brave general, and did not feel any pain for the two generals who had just died, when Yan Liang defeated Xu Huang in twenty rounds, the entire Cao camp generals felt trembling and frightened, including Of course, Cao Cao himself.

Judging from these relevant sentences and descriptions of Cao Cao, Cao Cao was very afraid of Yan Liang.

The second person Cao Cao feared the most: Sun Ce

Although Cao Cao never fought with Sun Ce in his life, he had heard of what Sun Ce, the little bully king of Jiangdong, had heard of, and the fundamental reason why Sun Ce could be called the little bully king of Jiangdong was that the force was amazing, just like the reincarnation of Xiang Yu, the king of Chu, Cao Cao once commented on Sun Ce's words: Little mad dog, it is difficult to fight with the front!

Cao Cao's hero I also had the five people he feared the most and the five people he hated the most, who were they?

Sun Ce

Cao Cao meant that it was difficult for him and Sun Ce to compete, and that cao Cao could say such a thing, and there were no more than five people in the whole world, indicating that Cao Cao was afraid of Sun Ce.

Cao Cao's third most feared person: Guan Yu

When Guan Yu surrendered to Cao Cao, Cao Cao was a small feast for three days, a big feast for five days to entertain Guan Yu, while constantly sending money and beautiful women, in addition, he also gave Guan Yu the world's first horse Chitu Horse, which shows that Cao Cao attaches great importance to Guan Yu.

When Cao Cao was caught off guard against Yan Liang at the Battle of White Horse, Cao Cao followed Cheng Yu's advice and invited Guan Yu to fight Yan Liang, Cao Cao was already afraid of Yan Liang, and as a result, after Guan Yu came up, he beheaded Yan Liang's head with a knife, and Cao Cao praised Guan Yu as a god and was even more afraid of Guan Yu.

Cao Cao's hero I also had the five people he feared the most and the five people he hated the most, who were they?

Guan yu

When Guan Yu left for Cao Cao's meritorious service, Cao Cao not only did not obstruct, but gave Guan Yu a green light, and also ordered his men not to chase, because Cao Cao knew that his men could not stop Guan Yu, and it was better not to stop whoever stopped him.

When Guan Yu showed his might at the Battle of Xiangfan, with the strength of a single army, Cao Cao's entire Xiangfan garrison had no strength to resist, captured Yu Ban, killed Pound, Wei Zhen huaxia, Cao Cao, because he was afraid of Guan Yu's troops, was ready to move the capital to avoid Guan Yu's front, if it were not for fear that Guan Yu could make such a move?

Cao Cao's fourth most feared person: Zhang Fei

Cao Cao was really afraid of Zhang Fei, Cao Cao first heard Zhang Fei's name after Guan Yu killed Yan Liang, when Cao Cao also praised Guan Yu as a god, and as a result Guan Yu came to say: My third brother Yide in the million army to take the first rank of general as easy as probing the bag, which can scare Cao Cao, so immediately wrote Zhang Yide's name under the golden robe, so that when encountered in the future, you can avoid.

Later, Cao Cao did encounter Zhang Yide after the Battle of Changsaka, when Zhang Fei broke the bridge by a water source, blocking Cao Cao's million-strong army from pursuing Liu Bei, when the Cao camp generals Wen Ping, Cao Ren, Li Dian, Xiahou Huan, Xiahou Yuan, Le Jin, Zhang Liao, Zhang Gao, and Xu Chu were all present, facing Zhang Fei alone to defend the bridge, and no one dared to come forward to challenge Zhang Fei.

Cao Cao's hero I also had the five people he feared the most and the five people he hated the most, who were they?

Zhang Fei

Later, cao Cao arrived, and after knowing that it was Zhang Fei, he said to the generals around him: "I once heard Commander Yun say that his third brother Yi De took the first rank of general in a million troops as easy as probing for things, and everyone should not take the enemy lightly and deal with it carefully."

The result was Cao Cao's words, which frightened the generals of Cao Ying's camp and did not dare to move, after all, no one wanted to be taken by Zhang Yide, when Zhang Fei roared three times, he scared the general Xiahou Jie around Cao Cao to death, and as a result, Cao Cao was also scared half to death, taking the lead in escaping, even the crown of fixed hair fell, Cao Cao fled in a shawl, which shows how afraid Cao Cao is of Zhang Fei, Zhang Fei can be regarded as the person Cao Cao is most afraid of.

Cao Cao's fifth most feared person: Ma Chao

Ma Chao was a fierce general of Western Liang, who fought with Cao Cao at Tongguan, Ma Chao first faced Yu Ban, defeated Yu Ban in eight or nine rounds, followed by Zhang Gao, Ma Chao defeated Zhang Gao in twenty rounds, and then stabbed Li Tong to death in one round, and Cao Jun was also defeated by Ma Chao's Western Liang army.

Cao Cao's hero I also had the five people he feared the most and the five people he hated the most, who were they?

Ma Chao

Cao Cao fled after the defeat, the Western Liang army chased after him, some people said that the person wearing the red robe was Cao Cao, so Cao Cao quickly took off the red robe to escape, some people said that the long beard was Cao Cao, in order to avoid pursuit, so Cao Cao used a knife to cut off the beard and fled, which is the origin of the beard abandonment.

Then some people said that the short-bearded person was Cao Cao, so Cao Cao wrapped his neck with a flag horn and continued to flee, and his wolf appearance showed how afraid Cao Cao was of Ma Chao.

One of cao cao's most hated people: Tao Qian

Tao Qian is the assassin of Xuzhou, is Cao Cao's father-killing enemy, the two Han ruled the country with filial piety, filial piety was the first morality of the society at that time, Tao Qian's men killed Cao Cao's father Cao Song, so Tao Qian is Cao Cao's father-killing enemy, the revenge of killing his father is not the same as the heavens, Cao Cao of course hates Tao Qian the most.

Cao Cao's hero I also had the five people he feared the most and the five people he hated the most, who were they?

Tao Qian

How much did Cao Cao hate? To the point of losing your mind. When Cao Cao learned that his father had died at the hands of Tao Qian, he immediately launched an attack on Tao Qian, and every time he attacked a city of Tao Qian, he would take revenge on Tao Qian by slaughtering the city, killing all the men, women, and children of a city, which was a cruel means, which showed how much Cao Cao hated Tao Qian.

The second person Cao Cao hated the most: Chen Gong

Chen Gong was originally a benefactor who saved Cao Cao, but when he saw that Cao Cao had killed Lü Bohao's family, he felt that Cao Cao was too vicious, so he left Cao Cao, and when Cao Cao attacked Tao Qian in Xuzhou to avenge his father, Chen Gong joined forces with Zhang Mi to welcome Lü Bu to fight against Cao Cao, and at once occupied Cao Cao's base area of Yanzhou, and only three cities were loyal to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was angry at that time and wanted to avenge his father, as a result, the backyard caught fire, Cao Cao was very angry, so he returned to attack Lü Bu and Chen Gong, Cao Cao fought with Lü Bu and Chen Gong in Yanzhou for several years, and defeated Lü Bu and Chen Gong very hard, Cao Cao not only almost lost his base area, but also almost lost his life several times, fortunately Dianwei saved Cao Cao.

Cao Cao's hero I also had the five people he feared the most and the five people he hated the most, who were they?

Chen Palace

And all this was led out by Chen Gong, if it were not for Chen Gong, how could Lü Bu come, how could Cao Cao have fought with Lü Bu in Yanzhou for several years, Cao Cao of course hated Chen Gong the most, and finally after capturing Chen Gong, he pretended to persuade and then killed Chen Gong.

The third person Cao Cao hated the most: Liu Bei

The heroes of the world are only kings and. This is what Cao Cao said to Liu Bei when Cao Cao and Liu Bei Were cooking wine, Cao Cao regarded Liu Bei as a hero like himself, and he looked up to Liu Bei quite a bit, and when Cao Cao said this, he had the meaning of wooing and testing Liu Bei.

However, Liu Bei was very cunning, pretending to be afraid of thunder to cover up the past, and not long after this incident, Liu Bei found an excuse to borrow Cao Cao's tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to leave, and betrayed Cao Cao and captured Xuzhou occupied by Cao Cao, cao Cao later led an army to attack Liu Bei, defeated Liu Bei, and captured Guan Yu.

Cao Cao's hero I also had the five people he feared the most and the five people he hated the most, who were they?

Liu Bei

After this, Liu Bei began to single-mindedly oppose Cao Cao, Liu Bei was everywhere against Cao Cao, after being defeated by Cao Cao, Liu Bei defected to Yuan Shao and continued to operate against Cao Cao, after Yuan Shao failed, Liu Bei turned to Liu Biao to continue to operate against Cao Cao, and after Liu Biao's death, Liu Bei joined forces with Sun Quan to fight against Cao Cao.

Liu Bei, a small strong who claimed to be invincible, spent most of his life as an enemy of Cao Cao, although Liu Bei was beaten by Cao Cao all over the world for most of his life, but Liu Bei also defeated Cao Cao in the Battle of Hanzhong, Liu Bei was such a person who operated against Cao Cao everywhere, Cao Cao had no choice, of course, he could only hate Liu Bei.

Cao Cao hated the fourth person the most: Sun Quan

Cao Cao once said: If you have a son, you should be like Sun Zhongmou. The meaning is that the birth of a son is like Sun Quan, this word Cao Cao is not scolding Sun Quan, but praising Sun Quan, Sun Quan in the Battle of Chibi as a young lord to resist Cao Cao, Cao Cao originally expected Sun Quan to immediately feel his strong strength and surrender, the result of Sun Quan and Liu Bei defeated Cao Cao in the Battle of Chibi, which was the worst defeat in Cao Cao's life.

Cao Cao's hero I also had the five people he feared the most and the five people he hated the most, who were they?

Sun quan

It was precisely because of this war that Cao Cao lost the opportunity to unify the world, and Cao Cao of course hated Sun Quan, without Sun Quan, Cao Cao would have unified the world long ago.

Cao Cao's fifth most hated person: Zhou Yu

Zhou Yu was the commander of Sun Liu's allied forces in the Battle of Chibi, and in the Battle of Chibi, Zhou Yu used a series of tricks such as deception, bitter meat, radical generals, serial, and fire attack, which not only caused Cao Cao to accidentally kill his own water army generals Cai Mao and Zhang Yun, but also let the million army burn in a fire.

Cao Cao's hero I also had the five people he feared the most and the five people he hated the most, who were they?

Dou Zhi, obviously Cao Cao is still inferior to Zhou Yu, Dou Yong, and can not beat Zhou Yu, Cao Cao of course hates Zhou Yu, just as Zhou Yu hates Zhuge Liang: both ShengYu and He Shengliang, Cao Cao may look up to the sky and sigh: Both Sheng Cao, He Shengyu!

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